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Soap Opera Cast Lists and Character Guides- Cancelled and Current

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Dr. Michael Shea     scheming doctor from an impoverished background, took over Doug Cassen's practice and romanced the older Claire, his widow. Also began an affair with Lisa. Eloped with Claire Aug 67,impreganted Lisa who gave birth to Chuckie (early 68)Manipulated himself to Chief of Staff. Walked out on operation on Mrs Steiner who died  Admitted paternity of Chuckie causing Claire to  divorce. Attempted a reconciliation by admitting to his shady past which was short lived when Claire discovered his true intentions -she stabbed him. Used that incident to retain his position at the hospital. Revealed to Dan that he was Ellen's true son.Mentor to John Dixon. Caught Tom Hughes stealing drugs.Used that to force Lisa into marriage to get close to Chuckie. Tried to paint Lisa as an unfit mother, whilst involved with Karen Adams.Shot and killed.(Feb 70)Killed by Hester  (Miss Thompson) Pearce, whose daughter had committed suicide after being rejected by Micheal.
                               John Lasell     1966
                                Jay Lanin     1966-67
                               Roy Shuman   1967-70
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Much appreciated. There are guess-timates and errors, but some of us <coughs> are not afraid to acknowledge errors, and don't get resentful (or lie and misrepresent ourselves.  It's always been my plan to share my cast information. When I joined this board, I decided there were enough real soap fans that would be interested. After meeting @depboy, @jam6242 and @Paul Raven and others who all share their knowledge and research makes this a great place to share. Between this thread and Hoppers. it's great. Of course I can't share my opinions in threads started by a certain member of the board per the moderator because I'm too vitriolic apparently.  So I can't discuss my soap here.  But I do add to its very large cast list quite often.

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As The World Turns

Jeff Baker   Mark Rydell   Dec  56- Aug 62  spoiled son of Dick and Grace Baker. Elopes with Penny .Chris and Nancy have the marriage annulled. Gets in a fight with al James who dies and Jeff is charged.Defended by Chris Jeff is cleared and joins the Army and Penny, alienated by Jeff's immaturity  dates Tom Pope. Jeff joins family business to prove himself to Penny who is engaged to Tom. Tom frees Penny who remarries Jeff (1959). Jeff has difficulties in the family business and discovers his mother's lack of faith in his abilities causing him to drink and eventually run off, leaving a pregnant Penny who miscarries. Under the name Jack Bailey, Jeff works as a piano player in aclub and Meg Blaine falls for him and discovers his true identity. Eventually returns to Oakdale and Penny ,more mature and settled and develops his interest in music rather than work in the family business. Killed in a car accident August 62

Nurse Laura March     Georgann Johnson  1960   Edith's replacement at Memorial. Claire was jealous of Laura, who worked closely with Doug.  

Edited by Paul Raven
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Sally Graham   ...    Kathleen Cody      67-68   Tom's girlfriend, babysitter for Chuckie
Mr. Brando  ?????    July 1968 Rose's husband, Bob's patient, received house calls after being in the hospital; Bob wanted to keep Rose occupied so she wouldn't give Mr. Brando stress.
Rose ____  Brando     Ethel Everett (Remey)    July 1968  wife of Mr. Brando. impressed that Bob was doing so well as a doctor without his eyesight (to Pa Hughes); It was Bob's opinion that Mr. Brando would recover fully if she were to spend less time with her husband, alleviating the stress on his system.
Dr. ___ Thompson  ?????     July 1968   Chuckie's pediatrician; contacted Bob re: a large abdomen obstruction.
@Paul Raven could Remey have played both characters? Or was someone else playing one of the roles?
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Seams to be two Ethel Everetts. One per NY Times died in 1973.

Ethel Everett, an actress who started in radio in 1931, the year she graduated from Hunter College, died Monday at her, home, 180 West 58th Street. She was 63 years old.....and “As the World Turns,” in which she played Mrs. Brando 

Ethel Remey. who played Alma until 78, died in 79, seems to have used Everett also at one point , hence the confusion.

Edited by Paul Raven
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@TEdgeofNight thank you. Glad to know  you enjoy the posts. 

Guiding Light

Cliff                              Richard Council    has a one night stand with Amanda Wexler Middleton April  1979

Mrs Aikens ???  Ed& Rita's housekeeper 79 quits after clashing with Rita over care of Christina

Dr Newman  ???  Nov 79 Rita's doctor in Bluefield who confirmed her   preganancy 


Dr Stearn ??? Dec 79  Rita's abortion doctor 

Dr Everhardt ???   May 75 Ken Norris' doctor in psych unit 

Spence Jeffers John Ramsey    April - July  1976

Gus Hildebrand    ????    Jan 77    foreman of the Granger ranch testified at Rita's trial that she had lied about events baclk in Texas

Charles Babcock ??? April 77 manager Rancero Motel manager testified that Roger/Rita stayed at motel

Dr. Peter Chapman    Curt Dawson   Oct 1977- June 80 son of Max Chapman  ran prison clinic; involved with Holly and Rita; thought he was responsible for Linette Waterman's death.


Elizabeth Granville Spaulding Marler

                   Lezlie Dalton   Nov 1977- Sept 80


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Dr Everhardt ???   May 75 Ken Norris' doctor in psych unit   =  Dr. Harold Eberhart     Jordan Charney    1974-75   Kit Vested's psychiatrist; Ken Norris's shrink
Kirk Winters       friend of T,J, Werner
  got him drunk and left him with Morgan
         James Horan   1980-81
             Peter Phillips   1981

Thanks @Paul Raven and @FrenchFan and @jam6242!


The Doctors

Dr. Darcy Collins...   + Alan, +Brad 

                 Nana Tucker(Visitor)...February 7, 1980-81

                  Lisabeth Shean      2/19/1980    Temporary

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As The World Turns

Bennett Hadley          Doug Higgins   May - Dec    1979   author, widower  was engaged to Lisa; The Willows

Dr Forest ???  April 78  surgeon who had a attack during surgery forcing Dan Stewart to take over. Patient died causing Dan to feel guilty.

Dr. Ben Forrest   ...   David Bailey    July - ? 1982   dated Ellen  

Dr. Marcia ___  Campbell  Cynthia Bostick-Sherber May  1979- Jan80    wanted Jeff Ward

Dr. Doug Campbell   Dennis Romer   Dec 1978 -Jan 80     liked Annie 


Jane__ Spencer     Adoptive mother of Beau; manipulated Beau with wealth; hospital board member; blackmailed by John Dixon over her secret about Beau
                         Georgann Johnson   Aug 77- July 79
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Dr. Bruce Baxter   Steve Harmon   Aug 72  -?  Ben Hayes  ?72-  March 73
Susan Stewart's boss whom she quickly married after divorcing Dan. Not not interested in being a stepfather to Emily or children in general. Susan secretly tried to get pregnant w/o success and wondered if the problem lay with Bruce. When Susan lied that she thought she might be pregnant, he revealed he had a vasectomy years earlier,due to a hereditery blood disease that his brother was suffering from.Bruce realized the marriage was a mistake,that Susan had lied about not wanting children, had the marriage annulled and left Oakdale for Boston.
Edited by Paul Raven
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Seth Kruger    Cooper Rivers    7/17/2023  Wanted Chase to arrest Eddie Maine for taking his "spot" in the park for busking.  Told by Tracy to "go somewhere else to embarrass your parents"  

Jackson Montgomery     Added   7/17/2023  Dinner with Lucy; told her he knew she ran Deception; divorced from Erica who is all done with Enchantment; realizes Felicia has broken into his office; calls Officer Ray to ...  7/18/2023  take Felicia into custody; a call from Anna Devane convinces him to let them off the hook; calls a mysterious person to let them know that someone was looking into her past with Martin Grey.

Betty Rutherford     Ella Lentini   ___ 2023  Nanny foisted upon Ava by Mason to take care of Avery and spy in Sonny's home 

Officer Ray  ????   7/17 & 18/2023   Pine Valley Police Officer called in by Jackson to arrest Lucy and Felicia; lets them off with a warning.

Waiter     ?????    7/17/2023    Pine Valley restaurant, waited on Jackson and Lucy  

Cyrus Renault    Added    7/19-21/2023   Apparition to Sasha over Cody in her drug induced haze -- she believed Cody was Cyrus; 7/20/2023  approached Escarole in the visiting room at Pentonville.

Marcus Taggert    Added    7/19/2023 ---lunch with Trina, sneaking booze in his coffee at Kelly's

Elise Taylor          ???????    7/19 & 20/2023    Reporter interviewing Sasha about the "mix-up" at Logan's Department Store. Witnessed Sasha have a breakdown and stab Cody. Defended Sasha's actions by telling Detective Bennett about the public breakdown over losing a child and husband.  

Gordon Stevens    Maurice Hall     7/20/2023   Austin's "Patient" that interrupted dinner with Austin, Ava, Nina and Sonny; actually an employee of Mason's that wasn't paid; shooed away by Sonny 

Heather Webber    Added      7/20/2023-- Escarole visits Mom, Heather threatens Cyrus for talking to Escarole; Swears she loved her Daughter!!!

Dr. ____   Barnstall    ????     7/11/23;    Unseen  (7/13 & 14)  Neurosurgeon, Curtis' surgery. Operated, brought Curtis to the ICU; 7/20 - 21/ 2023  tests Curtis's feeling and reveals it may not return.

Detective Bennett    Added          7/20/2023    interviewed Gladys, Elise, and Sasha after Cody's stabbing

Gladys Corbin  Added       7/19 - 21/2023  Sasha is interviewed and Gladys feels Cody nearby is a distraction.  As she argues with him, Sasha believes (due to the prescription from Dr. Montague) Sasha sees him as Cyrus and stabs Cody.  Gladys tells Det. Bennett about the mental issues, then shows her anger to Montague for the results of his plan.  He tells her to basically shut up and get on board!

Molly Lansing - Davis (Ashford) ..

                   Holiday Mia Kriegel  (temporary)May 25, 2023 - July 2023 ()Haley Pullos car accident/rehab

                 Brooke Anne Smith  July 19, 2023 - Present

Dr. Damon "Monty" Montague  Added    7/21/2023  Records a confession from Sasha during a session until Diane enters and puts the kibosh on recordings. Gets an earful from Gladys and lets her know to get on board!

Henry       ????    7/12/2023   MetroCourt Pool Server/Bartender    questioned by Chase   7/20/2023   interviewed after the stabbing

EMT    ????    7/20/2023    Cody Bell

EMT    ????    7/20/2023    Cody Bell

Nurse     ?????   7/20/2023    ICU Nurse with Curtis

Nurse ?????    7/20/2023    attending to Sasha

Pentonville Guard     ???????     7/21/2023   with Drew in the Visitor's room

Police Guard     ????   7/21/2023    with mentally weakened Sasha




Gladys Szabo    Never Seen    1985   Louie's Wife

Louie Szabo...Mike Vale    85   Ran the market that T.R. tried to shoplift from.  Ryder came to his rescue twice. 

Tony Burton...Dennis Romer...   1982 - 83..manager Liza   

The Doctors
Judge Daniel P.  Hollis       Addison Powell    1980  
Lester    Rony Clanton       1980  
Stuart Wilson   Rex Robbins     1980  
Nurse..  Andrea Moar    1980
Dr. Michael Powers          Scott Palmer   May 6, 1980   Temporary
Billy Allison Aldrich     ...Alec Baldwin...August 20, 1980-82 
Dr.___ Morton       Franc Luz    1998    Dinah's plastic surgeon
Kirk Winters         Peter Phillips     1981
????     Douglas Travis    pre - 1975



 Mrs. __ __ Dennis    woman in Ed

  Hall's office, worried about "Scotty"
    and the bomber at Lord-Manning
        ????   7/20/1980
Guess at the name^^^ 
Velma DeRotiere  Willard Morse's side
  piece, received a picture that could ruin
    Bo's masquerade as Bill Brady
           Kelly Wood     7/1984
Nelson Dubuque            bomb maker
        owned a doll shop; made a 
bomb for Scotty aka Mark Pemberton
         Graham Beckel    7/1984
Lenny the piano player
       ????   7/20/1984


Nurse's Aide         Judy Landers      one day   1975    

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Milton Biddlecombe (Nerd at Spring Fling Party. Witness at trial.)    Erik Jensen   1993

Claire Kolczewski (Head of the Special Victims Unit.)     Shona Tucker       1993

Lieutenant Matthews (Helped with evidence pertaining to Kevin.)  1993

Diane Rankin (ADA. Replacement for Kate Noonan, who was played by J. Smith-Cameron.)    1993

Carol Swift (Not finding this one floored me.)    Anney Giobbe    1993


Sorry I don't have names for the others --  yet. Page one has a list of casts that are up. I'm halfway through OLTL



Edited by slick jones
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