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Soap Opera Cast Lists and Character Guides- Cancelled and Current

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Attorney John Lindquist  Walter Matthews     1976

DeWitt Lovejoy    John S. Ragin    June - September 1971   Patient with a connection to Hollywood;  taken care of by Nurse Sharon McGillis Pinkham; Sharon had hopes for a future in Hollywood; Lovejoy broke the news that Henry, looking like Abraham Lincoln, had a better chance at success in Hollywood.


Jack Larsen       A young heart patient who develops a friendship with Audre.  Young Jack impresses Steve, and he helps choose a book for the boy.   Audrey and Steve reassure him about his heart murmur.  Jack is elated to learn that Steve and Audrey share a last name, hoping they will adopt him (or at least foster him).  Jack makes attempts to make inroads towards an adoption by contacting Steve through his answering service.  What Jack is unaware of is that while friends, the couple is divorced and aren't able to adopt him. By August, Steve has decided to tell Jack the truth, but Jack's heart experiences an arrhythmia.  Jack is devastated to learn the truth.  Steve tries to comfort him.  He invites him to a baseball game.  Jack is released.

                   Barry Williams      April -June 1969   

                   Rory O'Brien    June - September 1969


Dr. Damon "Monty"  Montague   Added     7/3/2023   Sasha has an appointment, Monty prescribes Benzos, calls Gladys to say their plan is on.

Kevin  7/3/2023   Door Bodyguard, Sonny

Gladys Corbin      Added     7/3/2023    "admits" that Cody was wrongly accused, gets a call from Monty that their plan to hook Sasha on pills is on.

Cyrus Renault  Added     7/3/2023   meets Drew gives him a bible with a shiv in it

Pentonville Guard    ???   7/3/2023

Pentonville Intake Guard     ???   7/3/2023     Drew enters Pentonville  

Nurse Clara      Added     7/5/2023 pleased to hear Willow will allow Nina into her 'bubble'

Dr. Terry Randolph   Added 7/6/2023  supported the (blecchh) relationship between Elizabeth and Finn

Ezekiel "Zeke" Robinson     Added      7/7/2023  meets up with Jordan and Anna at the MetroCourt; apologizes for telling Portia about Curtis and Jordan kissing.

Nurse    ????   7/7/2023   with Portia in the locker room.

N'Neeka    Added    7/6 &7/2023    bartending for Ladies Night

Mrs. Sophie __ Bailey    ???   9/28/1971 - ????  hired by Audrey to take care of little Stevie following Peggy Nelson' death in her home.;  November 1971 -- Sophie upsets Audrey by discussing the story about Peggy Nelson in the newspaper. Audrey reveals she can't spend much time with Stevie.   Sophie discovers Stevie's picture in the paper (because Audrey didn't get there in time to swipe it).  She calls the police to learn more.   Sophie then calls the police for the reward Steve put up for information on Baby Stevie.  She does this after Audrey brings him a Christmas gift!  (That traitor!!!)    To be Continued

Dr. __ Dunlap   ?????  7/13/1971 - ???  Pediatrician for "Baby Stevie"; recommends juice and aspirin; reports Stevie may have pneumonia; gives her instructions to take care of the baby; brings in Dr. Tom Baldwin on the boy's case.;   Later interviewed by Adams and suggests that they talk to Audrey and Tom about Peggy's ward, Stevie.

Andy       ???????        12/24/2023    Sick six year old boy.  Audrey asks Steve to read him the Christmas Story.  The staff gathers to listen.

Nurse Peggy ____Nelson...        ..Anne Morrison       2/18/1971-9/24/1971 

Aftermath begins...    October 1st, Steve suggests to Audrey that they go see Peggy and see if Baby Stevie is there Tom announces that Peggy's been Murdered!!!!!!!!   While Audrey remembers hiding the gun, Lieutenant Adams and District Attorney Chase Murdock discuss the case  Continued under Lieutenant Joe Adams.

Lieutenant Joseph "Joe" Adams     Don Hanmer   9/30/1971 - 73  

       Investigates Peggy Nelson's murder; Joe discusses the case with Chase Murdock, District Attorney.  After questioning Dr.Dunlap, he sets out to find Stevie.  Dr. Tom Baldwin gives him a snapshot of Baby Stevie.  Adams turns over the photo to the District Attorney, and just like that, Nurse Audrey has become a suspect. After striking a nerve in Audrey by discussing her child by Tom that died, Steve tells Adams about the plans they started to make for Stevie's adoption.  Audrey faints when Steve tells her he told Adams.  The remarriage is postponed and Adams storms her hospital room.  She begs Steve to release her, but she doesn't mention it's to go steal the paper from Sophie Bailey's stoop .  Adams and Murdock are under pressure to solve the murder/ Adams is planning to take Audrey into custody on Monday, the day after Halloween!

          Adams can't understand why Audrey won't discuss the baby she lost.  Next on Adams' agenda: a discussion with Lucille.  District Attorney Murdock has added pressure for Adams to find out more about a ticket. Specifically, a ticket for a world cruise -- Peggy's ticket!  Murdock wants to know who bought said ticket.  Lucille finds the questions impertinent. She's annoyed by these questions. When it's revealed a blonde bought the ticket, Adams is sure it was Audrey.  Adams is curious why Audrey wanted that baby to adopt.  Tom Baldwin gives Adams a picture of Audrey (apparently there were none anywhere else).  The travel agent confirms it was Audrey that purchased the ticket. After Adams questioned her about the ticket, she tells Steve the truth, she bought the ticket for Peggy so she could care for Stevie while Peggy was away.  Adams questions Mr. Mallory, the landlord. Mallory can't confirm Audrey was there the day of the murder.  Audrey is beside herself when Steve tells her that the case is winding down.  Lt. Adams has trouble with Audrey not searching for the child's mother to gain consent for the adoption.  Audrey has had it with being tormented by the lieutenant.  When he learns Lucille loanesd Audrey money, he refuses to lay off  of her.

          December rolls in and Audrey is told not to leave town.. Steve has to cancel honeymoon plans at a conference in Japan.   Adams is surprised that Steve is offering a reward to find baby Stevie -- which horrifies Audrey.   Audrey steals Mrs. Bailey's paper before she can see it.  Mrs. Bailey contacts the police for the reward.  She tells Lt. Adams that she'll inform reporters that she had to work to convince the police that she has baby Stevie.     To be continued.


Tracy Taylor      Never Seen      Mentioned December 1971   Peter Taylor's late father.  Diana's baby is named after him.

Tracy Taylor.    December 71-72  son,   Diana and Phil Brewer  

Edited by slick jones
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Search for Tomorrow

Dr. Paul Jaeckel...Terry Logan..70 Psychologist who worked at the Rec House. Old friend of Marcy Vincente.

Henri Cartier...John LaGioia.. June - October 70...gigolo , con artist working in cahoots with Annabelle Shayne. Tried to con Andrea Reynolds and Ellie Harper into investing in a fictional boutique. Exposed, he and Annabelle fled to Paris.

Dr Halley...??? Patti's gynecologist 70

Dr Myer ??? Andrea Whiting's doctor at Riverview sanitorium 70

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Annabelle _____Shayne...Judith Searle...70...  con artist working in cahoots with Henri Cartier Tried to con Andrea Reynolds and Ellie Harper into investing in a fictional boutique. Exposed, she and Henri  fled to Paris.



Police Sergeant     Paul Vincent     1980
Lt.  ___ Burrows    Will Lyman     1980
Graham Elliott     Andrew MacMillan   1980




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You are such a wonderful person to share.

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  I have a few from SS to add. And @depboy is revealing so much GH I can hardly keep up. And even though we only get part of 1980, THE DOCTORS will reveal some more characters/actors.   

A big thank you to all that are not sharing misinformation! <coughs>. It is appreciated.

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Gwyneth Marshall Alden     Marianne Tatum   (temporary)   1989
                                             Leslie Denniston     2 weeks beginning Oct 10 1988 
                                              Elizabeth Savage     1989-91
                                             Christine Tudor   1984-89; 1991-95
Trucker Mackenzie         Robert Tyler    Oct 24  1988-95
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As The World Turns

Tracey___ Larimer  ????????     9/79       jet set friend of Ralph and Valerie- agreed to fake a fling with Ralph to fool his fiancee Mary so she would act on her feelings for Don.

Gloria Dunne  Mary Denham   Dec 1979   friend, former partner of Ruth Hadley NY antique shopkeeper.Warns Lisa about getting involved with Bennett

Charles Brubaker    ??????     1/80    attorney.associate of Grant who he asked to assist Joyce Colman when she returned alive from San Francisco

Jasmine ?????  Feb 1980  Belly dancer at Nick's restaurant The Plakka.

Ben Baylor ???? 1981 Cliff's friend who works on neighboring yacht. Interested in Betsy,

Dr. ______ Tucker      Albert Stratton    1981 working on surrogate program when Annie was a surrogate for Steve and Carol.

Frank Gardner???? 1982  Editor of Oakdale Times who gives Lisa job as gossip columnist Dolly Valentine

Monica ??? Aug 79 Dates Ian causing Dana to be jealous

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Dr. Jack Davis        Martin Sheen         1965-70     1968 --  treated Bob after he was blinded;  
Chris Reagan      Ingrid Helmke      1968  friend of Susan Burke's; previously worked at an orphanage; hired by David to assist Ellen with Baby Dawn on Susan's recommendation.
Monica Newman      Vickie Patik    August 1979     Dates Ian causing Dana to be jealous





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JANUARY 7, 1980-APRIL 4, 1980     SYNDICATED             5 DAY A WEEK SERIAL...65 EPISODES



William Billy...Billy Barty                            

Vivian Blankett...Loyita Chapel...                 

Professor Boggs...Jon Lormer                  

Professor Tony Cranepool...Stephen Parr             

Susan Goldperson...Marcia Meyers

Samantha Higgins...    ?????

Dean Harold Knitzer...Allen Case           

Lydia ____Knitzer...Joan Hotchkis   

Turner LeQuattro...Daryl Roach                 

Cynthia Lombocker...Wendy Schaal

Senator Lombocker...William Wintersole        \

Gertrude ___MacQuillen...     Lenore Nemetz

                                  ...Victoria Carroll    

Mr. Partridge...Ian Abercrombie 

Chrissie Roberts...Alison Balson.....     

Dolores ___ Roberts... Udana Powers        

Professor Eddie Roberts....Renny Temple           

______Smith...Jason Stuart

Chiquita Zamora...Maria O'Brien   

Dr. Zindall...       Annie O'Donnell     


Herb       Archie Hahn    

Johnny    Nathaniel Christian       

Marsha      Caren Kaye


Earl Boen

Martin E. Brooks                    

John Crawford               

Patrick Dollaghan     

David Dozer     

Al Fann         

Catherine Hearne

Gloria LeRoy

Vidonne Sayer Linn

Gary Morgan      

Allen Oppenheimer       

Kaye Stevens              

Robert S. Woods                        

Keone Young                               




Edited by slick jones
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Irene Henry Ashford      Cheryl Francis Harrington    7/13/2023    Appeared to Curtis while he was in surgery.


Dr. Barnsall    ????     7/11/23;    Unseen  7/13 & 14)  Neurosurgeon, Curtis' surgery. Operated, brought Curtis to the ICU 

Gladys Corbin     7/12/2023    won at poker, against Selina's wishes....  discussed the meds  Monty gave Sasha; 7/13 & 14/2023  trying on furs, Sasha in jail; tries to throw Cody out; continued to conspire against Sasha's mental health

Cheyenne       ?????     7/12/2023   Jackson's secretary.

Frank         7/11/2023       took Nina to GH to see Curtis


Stella Henry      7/11/2023    discussed Epiphany's death and how it affected Marshall, was proud of him for going to a psychiatrist, and learned that Curtis was shot.  7/13 & 14/2023 talking about Curtis,; praying for his recovery

Hannibal     Barry Williams    1983

Henry       ????    7/12/2023   MetroCourt Pool Server/Bartender    questioned by Chase

Dr. Andy Lacey   7/10/2023    Curtis' gunshot wound  7/11/2023 --  Calls for a neurosurgeon

Mr. Li          7/12/2023     served drinks for Gladys' celebration; lumped up Cody; found white ink in Cody's shoe; 7/13/2023   roughs up Cody

Dr. Damon Montague     7/12/2023    celebrated Gladys winning at cards     discussed the meds  Monty gave Sasha

Jackson Montgomery    Walt Willey    7/12/2023 Pine Valley Attorney    met with Lucy while Felicia searched his files; arranged dinner with Lucy


Nurse Lisa Myers        7/10/2023      Hub Nurse in background

Dr. Ezekiel Robinson     7/10/2023  dove under table with Jordan during shooting, escorted Jordan to hospital to support Portia after Curtis was shot.

Nurse Deanna Sirtis    7/10/2023 Curtis's nurse after the shooting, makes Portia leave his room;  7/11/2023   taking Curtis to surgery

Selina Wu      7/12/2023   angered that Cody cheated to help Gladys pay her off without  stealing Sasha's money; 7/13/2023   smacks Cody, gets a share of Cody's winnings.  

Cop   ?????     7/10/2023    taking statements after the shooting

Cop   ?????     7/10 , 11 &  12/2023    taking statements after the shooting

Cop   ?????     7/10/2023 

Cop   ?????     7/10/2023 

EMT    Matthew Jain    7/10/2023     Curtis after shooting

EMT    ????    7/10/2023     Curtis after shooting

Nurse     ????    7/11/2023     with Deanna, Andy and Curtis

Nurse     ?????    in Operating Room     7/13/2023

Nurse      ?????  7/14/2023     in the ICU with Curtis and Trina

Parenting Class Leader    ?????     7/10/2023    Spencer and Esme

Parenting Class Members     ?????    7/10/2023    Spencer and Esme

Parenting Class Members     ?????    7/10/2023    Spencer and Esme

Parenting Class Members     ?????    7/10/2023    Spencer and Esme

Parenting Class Members     ?????    7/10/2023    Spencer and Esme

Parenting Class Members     ?????    7/10/2023    Spencer and Esme

Parenting Class Members     ?????    7/10/2023    Spencer and Esme

Parenting Class Members     ?????    7/10/2023    Spencer and Esme

Parenting Class Members     ?????    7/10/2023    Spencer and Esme

Shooter      Never Seen    7/7 & 10/2023    At the MetroCourt Pool

SWAT Officer     ????    7/10/2023    cleared the MetroCourt crime scene





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As The World Turns

Bill Abbott....Patrick O'Neal  1962 friend of Claire's brother, came to Oakdale to open an office of his construction company and began a relationship with Claire Cassen. After being caught together in a car accident, the affair was exposed and Bill realized he didn't want to break up a marriage,so left town.

Bruce Elliot      James Pritchett    1962  brother to Linda, shoe salesman, had affair with Lisa. They wnt public and planned to marry but Bruce became bored with Lisa and broke it off.

James 'Jim'  Norman     James Broderick   1962  lawyer who became engaged to Ellen Cole not knowing she had a child. When Betty Stewart died, Ellen hoped she might gain custody of her son so she confessed all to Jim, secretly hoping that as a married woman her chances would be greater. Jim realized Ellen was using him and broke the engagement.

Nick Conway   Doug Travis April - October   1978  ex husband of Valerie. returns to reconcile, Signs away his rights to her farm to prove his honesty, remarries Valerie in July 78. Secretly involved with Tina Cornell and contemplating murdering Valerie. Dies in an accident at the farm hayloft.

Dr. Steve Farrell   ...   Philip Peters   Sept - Nov  1978   ex fiance Barbara  who follows her to Oakdale and proposes again. Has a mysterious past and leaves town on the eve of their wedding.

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