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Good old Duke! My favorite character on GH.

(And I wouldn't rule out him appearing - he starred on their follow-up sitcom, On the Air, and it sounds like everyone's status is pretty fluid at the moment.)

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That's Jennifer Lynch at the end, BTW, with the wild hair.

Sherilyn's kid(?) is adorable.

I can't believe Wendy Robie still has the eyepatch. And James Marshall and Gary Hershberger are both hotter today than they were 25 years ago.

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Showtime is desperate to make this happen. They have publicly put themselves on the line in every way and they would be beyond humiliated if they let it slip through their fingers. They're humiliated already, really.

This isn't like other campaigns or other shows, this is something very different and much bigger. It will be either one thing or not at all, IMO.

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Ray Wise chimes in.

Kyle MacLachlan has also "liked" the cast's video on Facebook (which has since exploded across the Net), but he likely can't do more as he may be one of the only castmembers currently under contract. His people have given "no comment" to any question from the press about his continuing with the project were it to go on without Lynch. I don't think he would do it, but I also don't think Showtime would, and they have given no indication of doing so. I assume he stands in solidarity with Lynch.

Everyone from James Roday to Clive Barker to Lars von Trier have also chimed in.

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Whoa! Sherilyn Fenn (who avoids most social media) has broken her silence and is doing a Q&A on the cast's new #savetwinpeaks Facebook page.

Among her answers so far:

  • The only castmember currently locked into a contract is Kyle MacLachlan, which indicates why he's had to be silent on this issue.
  • David Lynch is not done-done, but is exhausted with trying to negotiate and "wants to do it right"
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I see that! She is the best. And she looks SO good! Some other highlights:

Simone Stefanini Twin Peaks without Audrey is like Twin Peaks without David Lynch. Still I hate her love story with Billy Zane in the 2nd season.

Official Twin Peaks Cast run site Well to be honest, I hated it too. It was a wrong move..

Tuesday Victoria Gale Audrey's famous party trick, but do you have a party trick, if so what is it? Xx

Official Twin Peaks Cast run site I am not nearly as cool as Audrey Horne...no tricks here.....well I can roll a joint really fast....lol

Henning H Bergsvåg Did Audrey die in that explosion in the finale epsiode? How did she get out of there?

Official Twin Peaks Cast run site Don't know HOW she got out, cinema magic. But DKL assured me I was not gonna be dead.....he only kills poor Sheryl, again and again...9 lives

Matthew Rothblatt I just finished watching the series, for the first time 25 years later....I really love the show and, over the course of 3-4 weeks of binging it on Netflix, I have come to love all the characters...I sure hope Audry returns and somehow, 25 years later, and gets together with Agent Cooper!

Official Twin Peaks Cast run site me too

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Some more information courtesy of Sherilyn:

David McNeil Hi Sherilyn, I might as well ask the big one - are Showtime and Mr Lynch still at the table? Any movement taking place either way? A man can but try...... Oh, and thank you so much for being involved in this with us fans. Means a lot.
Official Twin Peaks Cast run site How can they not be.....

Kaitlin Forgash Has Showtime contacted the majority of the original cast about appearing in the new season? Have the cast been informed about any shooting schedule? How are those cast members who have banded together to support DL planning to respond if they receive communication from Showtime about moving forward w/out DL? Thanks!

Official Twin Peaks Cast run site Kyle is the only signed actor. Right now all of our focus is doing it with David. With the originals...and them some spicy new babies.
Ross Dudle Any idea where Mark Frost stands in all of this?
Official Twin Peaks Cast run site Wanting it to all come together I believe as much as all of us...

Joseph Hennessy Is it too much if I ask a question about the current situation? Are talks still happening between Lynch and Showtime? Would you do it without Lynch if it even comes to that? Does Showtime/CBS own the property, preventing it from moving to another network?

Official Twin Peaks Cast run site yes CBS/Showtime own the property. I feel the statement we are making here is clear. But we pray for solution, and to do something special, again......with integrity and loyalty...stay positive...

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It seems as though (according to Fenn) no one was officially locked down except Kyle, so I'm guessing these budgetary conflicts have been going on longer than we thought. I believe Lynch had intended to bring back Horse and most of the others in some form or another.

Sherilyn Fenn is still answering questions, though, and confirmed her character was largely created only after Lynch met her; Audrey was either a much smaller role initially or not there at all (the same holds for Mädchen Amick and Shelly, which was a very different part before she was cast). She was also asked about the potential Audrey spinoff which later became Mulholland Drive:

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The One-Armed Man has an important delivery for the Sheriff's Department.

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Meanwhile, Shelly and Dale say hello to the Allied Forces in the Gulf War while Bobby sulks in the background.

Finally, Harry has money on the Seahawks for an evening football broadcast.

These are also all on the Blu-Ray set, which is where I found them. It's worth mentioning that it sounds a lot like David Lynch shooting both the Gulf War spot and the "Wizard of Oz" one earlier in the thread, advertising the return to their old timeslot. Lynch calls Kyle MacLachlan "Kale".

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