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Y&R Next Week Promo

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Mark my words. (They did a soft-tease at least twice during MM run. It was obvious that it was going to go there someday. How could it not? A Phyllis/Adam union - think of all the fallout and how many characters would be impacted? Phyllis was not de-aged for Aunt Jack - there are other plans for her and I'm alright with Adam or someone younger. (And I was a huge Phyllis/Jack fan when MS returned to the fold. After Phick, no way did I want MS to be with old men. NOW with GT - that would be a horrific crime against nature!

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i was pretty sure TPTB was gonna pair Phyl + Adam straight away, be watching how both the SL's are going... I'm not so sure? Like, I'm pretty sure Phyl is gonna be a messy as hell for the time being, and is probably gonna try and seduce Austin away from Summer once she finds out about their moronic union.

i think GT's Phyl is gonna be as messy as possible to start off.

and Chelsea + Billy is obviously being built up for Adam's return, so they're gonna play that for a while.

imo, she's coming on to play psycho. she's probably gonna sleep with Micheal, and then be obsessed w/ him.

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Gina is actually doing very well in the role and I've been very surprised by the warm welcome Y&R fans seem to be giving her. I've heard very little criticism over her work so far. She's holding her own with this material (which is terrible for all on this show). She's really impressed me so far with her take on the role and I can tell she's putting in the work.

She seems far more interested in playing the character than Stafford did in her last few years on the show.

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I'm not saying you're wrong because the writers have done some idiotic things and continue to do so....I just hope its not true and I think it would be out of character for both characters......but that seems to be par for the course at Y&R these days.

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