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B&B Promo - Hope's Vagina

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Had BB not done this to death, I would agree. How many times does the audience have to watch this same story with the same non interesting wishy washy point of contention? First it was Liam in the middle of 2 women who deserved better. Now, it's Hope in the middle of 2 men and the only people who deserve better are the viewers. If when that idiot marries the other idiot, how soon before she's pining for Liam because he actually did show up? It's a vicious circle, an uninteresting circle. This hamster wheel should be burned with all 3 rats trapped inside!

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As I said in the B&B thread the other day, it is illogical that this young, rich, attractive 20-somethings will be desperate to get married. I wish they would flip the story and have them acting like LA singles, going out, getting wasted, hooking up, etc. With all the different club scenes in LA, B&B could get some great location shoots (which would be well-done) and generate some far more interesting stories. Leave the marriage talk to the 30/40+ group, but let these characters act like their age. It would be far more interesting

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I get you there. But it is a soap opera. Audiences won't root for loose sluts getting their kicks 'n jollies all over LA.

The romanticism and setting IS beautiful. The long pauses and all that. Absolutely. But the storyline just isn't there and doesn't make sense. This isn't Liam's last-ditch attempt to win back Hope. If anything, Hope needs to be trying hard to win HIM back. Just way too weak a story setup.

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I absolutely agree. You just can't relate to them, even if you're 20-something. Besides, if these characters are talking marriage already what are they going to do when they hit 30s, or 40s, hoping the show will still be on the air by then?

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Also, I'm not opposed to working in love stories or a serious relationship, but good grief, this endless talk of marriage is crazy. That is my big issue with it. Wyatt would've been the perfect catalyst to completely remove that 'marriage' thought out of her orbit as soon as he found out he was $B's kid - he's young, rich, etc. Wyatt could've continued with the adventures and helped Hope grow as a woman with the intermediate "big" goal being living together. Hope's real identities to date are: being a good daughter while her mother slept around; Hope for the future; and a wanna-be bride. It's a disservice to the character and to KM, who is perfectly capable of doing more. I just think it's a real shame because B&B has had four successful characters (I include Steffy because she was a big part of it) in the age-set for the first time since the show stated. My last thought - seriously would these LA kids NOT go to the hottest clubs in Paris and Monte Carlo and coming up Amsterdam? C'mon

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Too funny Chit, I was just using the phrase wishy washy about Dope this afternoon. What a fickle b*tch! She wasted no time switching her loyalty. Oh well...I fast forwarded the Wype scenes[i consider Wyatt an *ss wipe, so Wype fits them for me. Next time, keep running Liam!]

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