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Tyler Perry's 'If Loving You Is Wrong'


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that bitch is just as racist as her husband! Automatically assuming Randall raped Alex and then wanting her to get rid of the baby bc he's black? And this old bitch had no problem with her husband raping her daughter? UGH! Hateful, evil people


TP is ridiculous with his writing. I cant beleive Pete is still alive and making phone calls after that shoot out. Really?


Did I miss something. Did Marcie and Brad discuss moving in last season?


Dang, how many damn signs does Randall have? I hated his mother at first but Ive changed my mind. She aight


I wonder what Lucian's secret is. I actually dont care as I find his storyline to be boring.

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Kelly be so dumb. Brad asks her if she's see Alex and she responds with "where is she?" Bitch, he JUST asked you about her whereabouts so clearly he doesnt know!

Claudette is thirsty as f--k.  Like damn, she know Lucian has a woman. Its not known yet that they broke up but even if it were, it just happened that day. Slow your roll ho. Wasnt she just trying to get with Pete the day before and now she is trying to get with his superior?

The whole racist parents and raping was Tyler Perry's way of redeeming Alex so we feel sorry for her. Call me heartless then bc I still dont like the bitch. I only felt sorry for that poor baby who was put into this situation by her whorish ass. Cry me a river with her awful childhood. She's responsible for the choices she makes today as an adult

The Julius and Randall scene was so random and a waste of time. TP needs to work on his pacing bc Randall just met with the father like an hour or 2 again. Stretching episodes, or heck whole seasons into 1-2 days really messes things up. He needs to speed things up. This aint a spinoff of 24.

Joey comes across so slow. Is he retarded?

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Kelly is just the worst. Quick Sidenote: I'm also curious why we don't see anyone else's kids but Alex & Brad's. We no longer see Kelly's son; Ese's daughter or even Natalie's three little ones.

Claudette is a mess, she was after Lushion when she first arrived, then he put the swerve and she started liking Pete and now he's possibly a goner and she's after :Lu once more. Natalie had me crying, she came from NOWHERE!

I hope not. I feel bad for her but that doesn't excuse her being adulterous, and I don't think that anyone watching absolves her from her sins. I just feel bad for the 6 year old - 18 or 21 year old Alex.

Hahahahaha it was but I'm like Heyyyyy more people interacting together, cool.

Yooooo, said that from jump with his furst scene. He fine as hell, but I seriously think he is slow.

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OMG, Kelly's son slayed me when he was about to tell them naive white kids that their daddy isnt the daddy. LOL Justus knows whats up


Eddie is fine with his evil sexy ass. I get turned on when he starts disrespecting people. What is wrong with me?


Alex was manipulated into getting pregnant? GTFO TP with this nonsense. STOP trying to redeem her whorish ass by placing this all on Randall. I dont like him but she's wrong to keep him from that child bc he is the father. Yet if she wanted child support, she'd be suing his ass. UGH, I hate women like that

Edited by Cheap21
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Yeah that scene was hilarious. Even Kellyw as laughing. I'm glad even her [Alex's] son knew what was up. He ain't no dummy.

That he is. I'm always screaming at the TV how sexy he is but such a damn douche! I really don't want him to die when we still have the likes of Randal, Quan and Julius still on the show. I just wish he wasn't so damn dirty!

LOL! I'm curious how they're going to do this because usually, in most states not sure if Georgia is one of the,, when you have a child born to a union no matter if the mother stepped out that child is considered the husband's.

I'm going to miss Randal's mother but yeah that came from nowhere about the manipulation of getting her pregnant. Like neither of them obviously cared about protection so what did they think was going to happen?   I am here for her going in on Randal next week though. I was in tears when he said Kelly was trying to trap someone, but seriously where is that man child that she was linked up to before? I just noticed that we haven't seen him in AWHILE!

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Is Claudette that guy half sister?


That lady that work at the burger joint is stupid.  A cop gave you something, to give to your boyfriend cop. And you just put it where anybody can get it. I got feeling that tape going to be beat up when Luican finally gets. I hope it doesn't go that way.

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Open the door


Open the door


Open the door

Brad go away

Open the door


Open the door


Literally the first 10 minutes of the show


Alex and Brad's brats talk way too much


Yeah Im convinced that Lucian and Claudia are undercover which makes this so sloppy. Like why didnt the feds or whomever is in charge train her properly and fix her background? And why would she need to ask Lucian for his # when she should already have it?


Quan is the son of a mob kingpin and Julius' brother. WTF?!? I cant with this twist. The mother look like she could cut someone. I think Faun will be this random sister. Its so obvious. Mother named her kids the same thing but changed the first letter. Joey is messing with his enemy's sister


For someone who wanted to shield her kids, what the heck was Alex thinking with all that scream and slapping?

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Faun got a man that she thinks is her father. I wouldnt be surprised if the side piece is married to the father or was with him at some point but let him think he was her daughter's father, so no one knew she was messing with a cartel kingpin


As for age, we dont know how much older. For all we know, it could be a year, practically making them about the same age. I think Quan is supposed to be the same age as Joey and Fuan is as well.

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