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Tyler Perry's 'If Loving You Is Wrong'


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IKR? Alex's kids and Esperanza's kids are cousins. Even if Eddie never claimed her, this wouldnt come up considering the women are friends? Stupid



LOL...Brad doesnt wasnt want his whore of a wife. Im on his side bc he's focusing on being a good father to the two kids he has. Alex is suffering from some major post partum but I dont feel bad for her. She should have left her legs closed.


I love the new Kelly! The way she handled Justus' whiny ass was perfect. I didnt like that old lady that approached her. Nosy bitch. I hate people that try to make small talk with me like htat. Like you dont think I might be busy with my own sh-t? I do not care to talk to you


Randall and his bitch mama. That old heffa is shady


I just figured out where I know Ben, that rookie cop from. Thats Jordan from Real World. They shot his hand off on the show to explain why he has a deformed hand in real life


Kelly was wrong trying to force that baby on Alex at the end. She just gave birth. She needs time to cope with everything. She clearly isnt in the right state of mind and could easily be one of those mothers that could kill her baby bc she doesnt want to deal with her reality. I wouldnt trust Alex around that baby alone


Next week looks interesting with the prequel stuff

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Preach it Cheap!

Yeah Alex get's no sympathy form me, like at all. She needs to just get over it and love her child, she knew the risk with screwing someone raw. SO why are we acting like we missed Health Class 101.  Was it wrong that I was in tears when Brad told the Doc that they both know that only two of the three kids are biologically his. I think he might come around eventually because the child is innocent in all of this... I could be wrong but he may warm up to the baby.

I do think for the most part (again, I could be wrong) that  Marcie could be pregnant. I'm wondering how that'll play out. I love that she is so intent on destroying Randall. I just love Heather and her portrayal now.

LMAO Cheap, reminds me of R. Kelly It's Roooooosie, the nossssssy neighborrrrr!

Oh wow, I didn't even see a deformity until now that you mention it. But I do look away a lot during the show so it is easy for me to miss quite a bit.

True, but I think she was desperate because she didn't want her to die but she did manage to get her to take her meds. I always laugh at Natalie, I love that she doesn't sugarcoat words or the situation. Ese tries to baby her but Kelly is forthright but with a calming/soothing nature about it.


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Oooooo. Thanks for providing a picture. I', glad you figured it out because you were not letting up that you saw his face somewhere.

He's pretty funny as Ben, he is absolutely horrible as an inside spy and I kept thinking he was going to get caught.

Oooooo. Thanks for providing a picture. I', glad you figured it out because you were not letting up that you saw his face somewhere.

He's pretty funny as Ben, he is absolutely horrible as an inside spy and I kept thinking he was going to get caught.

Oooooo. Thanks for providing a picture. I', glad you figured it out because you were not letting up that you saw his face somewhere.

He's pretty funny as Ben, he is absolutely horrible as an inside spy and I kept thinking he was going to get caught.

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FINALLY! Brad and Marcie hook up! It was worth the wait granted no me gusta to a boozed up Marcie.

Get Randal's mom TF out of here. But I have a feeling once she starts in on Marcie she's just going to lean in like she promised she would episodes ago.


Hahahahahahahahaha Randal's face! At least Marcie got some... she had a long drought.

Where's Cheap?

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YES to Brad and Marcie. When they started I was hoping they would do it in front of the window of that bitch mother and thankfully she saw it all. I wonder how long it will take her to run and tattle to Randall. Speaking of which it is STILL the first night she arrived? Time on this show goes so slow. I know one should respect their elders but Im with Marcie. I wouldnt want that old bitch in my house either. And of course she'd be pushing for Randall to be with a white woman. She probably wants grandbabies, light like her. She's so deluded. I bet Randall's father cheated on her. Like father, like son


Randall is crazy. Cant beleive he had the nerve to show up to Alex. I hate how all these chicks are making excuses for and protecting her ho ass. I wish Marcie had some friends bc Natalie and Esperanza are not here for her. Kelly straddles the fence too much


Ugh to Kelly playing games with Travis. She needs to leave that boy on the side of the road


When Natalie said she was buying a house, I was thinking with what money working at a bootleg Burger King and like 4 kids? Then she mentioned Lucious so I guess its plausible. You knoww they are moving her so she can be right in the middle of the drama which is a good thing for me

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I knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! It was great and I love that she was screaming. I'm like take that!  LMAO.... maybe she just hasn't taken off her clothes? I was in tears at Marcie telling her that she wouldn't wake up if she slept on the same floor as her. She was really scared.

He really is and I need a resolution from that -- like just end it. I really don't know what more they can do with that. He's a stalker, she got pregnant, had the baby... now what?

Yes, Kelly straddles that fence between Marcie and Alex way too much. Natalie was good when they came back because she wasn't sugarcoating anything... Ese is the worst because she just wants to sweep everything under the rug. Kelly tries to coddle her but she does get down to the nitty gritty -- I guess in her own way.

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I know -- and I really need for that to come back up at some point. They were about ready to throw the Bible and everything but the kitchen sink at her for her "Sins" but when it all was revealed that it was Alex... let's all hold hands and sing Kumbaya. Too through. 


I just don't care about her nor her flashbacks or Randal. He's only interesting when he's trying to deny Marcie what should rightfully be hers, a divorce.

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Why the hell was Kelly whispering to 911?


How the show gonna end on the mother seeing Marcie and Brad and then open up and they are nowhere in sight? It needs to get back to that stuff bc the scene with Lucian and Esperanza and then the rookie cops were boring


Maia Campbell lookalike was so thirsty for Joey. Was she a recast for the burger joint's daughter?


Good lord that random old lady that popped up dying and her son finding out was one of the worst acted scene on this show. WHY should we care about that woman? Perry is making her more important than she actually was


Lucian has his own rookie now? Wasnt he a rookie himself? BTW, what is that actor's name? He's kinda cute.


LOL at Kelly walking in on the sex sounds in the backyard


LMAO at Paisley being dissapointed that she doesnt have a sister

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LMAO! It wasn't like he could hear her.

I know -- I was waiting for that the WHOLE time and they reveal it in the final minutes of the show? Ugh to TP. I was hoping it would at least come out during the second half of the show. Everything was boring this episode, I thought this was an episode much like the flashback one... there was no point to it.

So happy I am not the ONLY one. I kept looking at her like, Is this the same girl from earlier episodes? Because she damn sure didn't look like it. I know her hair was more in an afro type style but I couldn't shake that it wasn't the same person. But I know people look different a lot of the times with different hairstyles. I need to figure this out!

Hahahahahahahaha right! Rosie the nosy neighbor done spurned a whole new storyline for Kelly -- like she legit talked to that woman, albeit very briefly, all of three times over the span of like two episodes! I also thought they were being way too dramatic with Pete barfing after he left the house, a body is not going to decompose and smell after a day -- unless he just can't deal with dead bodies. 


Kelly is in the know of EVERYTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTHING! I dunno why -- I mean really.... why?

Was Alex on speakerphone? I couldn't understand why the son was talking into the phone like I do when I have someone on speakerphone. 

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Wait a minute! Brad's phone lit up like this?! When Alex called! Why Lord... why?!

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I'm in tears!

I knew she looked familiar but I just could NOT place her name for the life of me... City High's Claudette Ortiz is now on the show. he was a mess and I wonder why they kept cutting from her to Lushion.... is there foreshadowing there as well?

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Chris Pipkin-Mercer


Thank you. #THIRSTY


LOL...I didnt even notice the phone. Too funny


Thats Claudette? I didnt recognize her. She looked so much older on this show, like in her 40s. She's only supposed to be a couple of years older than me. Yeah she and Lucian definitely used to mess with each other, at least I got that impression

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