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DAYS: Casting call

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DAYS is looking for a gorgeous 24 to 35-year-old African American male to play the contract role of Micah, who is described in the casting call as "charismatic confident and charming without even trying. Ladies want to date him and men want to be him. He gives off a very well rounded confident vibe but there is pain in his past that keeps him guarded."

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Black male not named Abe? What the...?!

GH and Days casting calls for black characters are pulled from the same "Black Characters for Dummies" book. They are always looking for charismatic, confident etc and never seem to find them or do anything with the very characteristics they are seeking.


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If he's going to be ushered in and out like Jett and Cameron, two characters that could've panned out to be something great if given the chance, then don't bother. I'm over African American characters being brought on as window dressing then booted.

Sad because wasn't DAYS the first show to do controversial, gripping stories with AA characters (Valerie/David IR love story)?

Invest or don't bother....

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I doubt he'll be a Carver because if he is then that's the kiss of death. He'll be booted within six months to a year.

The Carver clan has to be the most neglected family in soap history. Last time they had a story was what? 2001? Newer regimes won't touch poor Abe with a ten foot pole. Now wonder why JR left DAYS for Generations back in early 90s. His time on that show has to be the most work he's done his entire daytime career.

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