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B&B Promo - Lies and Secrets...Revealed!

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Sweeps starts Thursday, so bring it on B&B. With the rumor that HT is coming back for a few episodes, it would be perfect if NuWidge hooked up with her during his absence. I'm curious to see chemistry between TK/HT (Taylor, not Katie - LOL). Honestly, I hope this "wakes" Brooke up - seeing her fawning over Widge after he abandoned her and then being judged by Ridge, is kind of lame.

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this whole Hope/Wyatt thing is so dumb. LOL The stuff Wyatt has 'done' isn't even that bad. I honestly can't imagine a girl dumping a guy she really, really likes based on such trivial nonsense. But then, this is Hope we are talking about.


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Yeah, this is an artificial "obstacle" to get Hope back into Liam's orbit. Compared to all the crappy things Liam and Bill did to her, this "stunt" was nothing. On the plus side, I hope Dollar Bill applauds Wyatt for taking initiative - it's definitely something Bill would approve of.... :)

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From your keyboard to Brad Bell's keyboard!



Bill thinks he has the goods on Ridge after he uncovers some photos of Ridge at a gay pride parade. Bill runs to Brooke to tell her that her ex is gay.

Don Diamont is quoted saying that he "thinks he's digging up dirt on Ridge, he's like let's throw it against the wall and see if it sticks. Stranger things have happened, he is a fashion designer after all, right".

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WTF?!? This is over the top. It reminds me of the Rick cross dressing story when Amber was trying to make Caroline think that of Rick. I doubt Ridge is gay but Bill trying to make it seem like he is, is so stupid

ETA: I see that was just fake. Thank god...lol. Im feeling extra gullible right now...lol

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