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HBO's Looking


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I'm kind of glad it's cancelled. I don't think I would have been able to stomach the Richie and Patrick reunion of nextarrow-10x10.png season if it had been renewed, which may still happen. But at least there will be less of a torture factor to get there.

That's one of the reasons I don't understand why people were so fixated on Patrick being with Richie, when it was obvious that Patrick just wasn't very into him. I just found it sad that Richie's fans wanted that for him. At least with Kevin there was a balancearrow-10x10.png of mutual feelings and respect. Patrick treated Richie like a fetish he wanted to check off on his sex list, and then didn't know how to tell him "I'm just not into you."

Some other thoughts regarding Patrick that I think kind of hit the head:

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I think season 2 is recognized as being the superior season by critics. There was a ton of love for the series during the last few episodes, so I think there was nearly universal critical support for the second season. Most of the criticism (i.e. Patrick is unlikable, the show is boring) stemmed from the initial first season. Most felt that a lot of the major criticisms of Looking were dealt with in the second season for better or worse outside of the Patrick issues.

Season two is my personal favorite, I felt there were more interesting re-watch material this season (2x01, 2x03, 2x08) than anything that was created the first season.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Well, for me I would say that while the writers did appear to deal with a lot of the issues they had Season 1, the problem that came out of Season 2 which was tighter for sure was that Patrick was unlikeable. When most people are liking Auggie more than the star...AUGGIE MOST HATED CHARACTER LAST SEASON...that is a problem. Of course, we still had the 'it's boring,' but whatever. And there are still people who think Episode 5 in the first season is still the high point of the whole series.

Is Season 2 my personal favorite? Hmmm...ask me after I do a rewatch. lol.

However, I have to mention that I loved the fact that Season 1 was all about Patrick and Richie who gave Pat what he needed, but not what Pat wanted. This season he got what he wanted...only to see what he wanted...wasn't what he wanted at all. He had it with the guy who gave him what he needed. Grounding. Would have been interesting to see where they went from there, but alas...

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The special HBO is going to air is going to be an epic disaster I feel like. Unless they have Patrick ending up solo (which to me would mean I wasted 1.5 years of life watching a character NOT find true love) half of the audience is going to pissed no matter who he chooses.

Even now I'm not sure what I want. I think Richie is too nice and too good for him. Yet I have a bad feeling they're gonna tie it up that way

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  • 8 months later...
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Finishing up season 2, just watched the episode with Doris' dad's death. Lauren Weedman was phenomenal in it and it was a great way to get to know more about Doris's life and family. The moments where she told Dom she wanted to invest in his restaurant and then cried in Malik's arms were heartbreaking. And Kevin professing his love for Patrick. :wub: Yay!

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