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GH50: August 2013 Discussion

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It is sad but I had the same reaction. Yeah, that'd be about right. I really REALLY (x10000+) hope not. So it probably will.

No real comments on the last couple of episodes.

I was disappointed in how much of a mess AJ is suddenly becoming and I cringed heavily during his scenes with Sonny today.


I really like Michael and Liz in AJ's corner, though. I hope they don't ruin those relationships.

Guess they're making up for Mac and Felicia's airtime, eh. Well, Mac I guess. Was Felicia on today? I kinda half paid attention, won't lie. LOL. I noticed Mac/Alexis having an awkward talk as they try to pass Sam off as this 20-something heroine with a sick baby. Sigh. Did you see her hair? Was that a braid?

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I haven't watched yet, but she was born in 1995, or at least would have been had S&T still been in town back then (Tiff was pregnant when they left for Boston--a miracle, given she had miscarried the year before, after she found out Sean had had an affair with Jessica Holmes, and she attempted suicide by ODing on pills). I'm not sure how much she's been SORASED though, if that's the case.

But I did see on TWOP that she was named Anna, which before now had been dismissed by some fans as being a wish held by Anna fans (I certainly didn't mind it! wink.pnglaugh.png ).

But Anna was presumed dead at the time, so it makes sense to me.

I can't wait until Lori Jo posts these scenes on YouTube. SO excited for Sean! wub.png

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