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If AMC's bar was its last five years, almost anything would have been better. They're different shows, always have been and each has different strong points about its online version. I do think there's a lot of excitement about an AMC that's actually good again and a certain new shine to AMC with the time jump & the new additions but I wouldn't say vastly better.

Saw Susan Lucci in the #1 Popular eps on Hulu- got excited for AMC for a second. And then I remembered. I don't miss her all the time but when eps are heavy on Bianca or Brooke, I really do.

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I feel like OLTL is maybe one really well scripted umbrella storyline away from firing on all cylinders. The characterizations are all there and there are some good scenes in isolation but OLTL lacks comprehensive, cohesive storylines-- we are simply getting nice vignettes right now.

What I see on Y&R on the CBS.com website (when I care to watch) is far worse than what I'm seeing on OLTL.

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Loved pretty much everything about both episodes except I'm not happy that they are getting back to Pete/Celia. And Dimitri is being written a little too creepy for me re: Brooke.

From the More ep, I can't believe they called everyone back to the studio from the hotel to re-shoot those David/Cara scenes for wardrobe continuity. This is the same show that let the "Lucy got a job on Portland" flub go through, has doors opening the wrong way, and gives Daniel Covin scripts!

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OLTL and AMC are doing OK so far. Both are a packaged deal so it will take both shows to succeed or fail. For AMC to succeed it will have to use caution when "going back" or relying too much on past and not live in the present. The 5 year may or may not hurt the show in the long term.

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Episode 41

Petey...man he's a fine piece of man. LOL...I cant with Opal just letting herself into Pete's apartment and making herself at home. LMAO at her referring to Colby as the pariah of PV

Colby: "I don't resent you, I pity you...." Dang, Colby got some good zingers in on Opal
Opal: "Theres only one lady here as far as I can tell...would you like me to take out the trash while I go?" LOL...these bitches. Celia who? They need to keep Pete with Colby and play off hate between these women.

WTF to Zach telling the cops to take the cuffs off Jessie. Who does he think he is? Why is Leah being treated like she's in the wrong?

Whenever I see Dr Anders, I think Griffin should be here instead

Go Angie, blasting her punk ass husband for lying to her and failing to give her hope. Loved her calling him out on all his lies. Good. Im so glad they addressed this instead of ignoring and hiding behind it like some people think they should. These are real issues and they should address and face it head on. Jessie is a LIAR and constantly does so and hurts Angie in the name of her benefit. How many times can he put her through hell and say he did it for her? Haha at that final scene of Jessie crying like a baby. Punk, you deserve that.

I hate how Zach is giving him a free pass and isn't upset at all. That was some lame drama to put he and Lea at odds.

LMAO, Yuri says he can get to anyone in their family, her first thought was ,"does he know about Lucy?" How about Natalia or Randi? I wasn't even thinking about Lucy

Me not feeling Dimitri and Brooke. I liked them in the past and want to like them now but she IS still with Adam. I don't want to see her cheating.

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I'm on Team Jesse, so sick of Angie being holier than thou. Like she wouldn't have done the same if the situation were reversed.

My Zach & Miranda scenes :wub:

OMG I love AJ & Miranda so damn much

Oh I wanted to say, BN didn't flub her line, Colby said orgasmic intentionally for Celia's benefit

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Its not just one thing. Jesse keeps lying to her over and over and over again. Doesn't she forgive him every single time? At what point does it become enough? Why should a spouse consistently accept someone who claims to love her to constantly lie and keep secrets from her? This has been going on for years and he never learns his lesson. She ends up suffering bc of his lies and he treats her like an inferior, not an equal Like she said, she's not as weak as he might think she is but he keeps thinking she's some fragile mess who cant handle the truth so he keeps her in the dark and plays God behind her back. Its not right at all. She's not being holier than thou, she's expressing her feelings, but he doesn't respect her enough to take that into account the next time he lies to her

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Jesse is not a punk. Your very severe Anti-Jesse hate borderlines irrational insanity or violent in thought. He does everything out of love for Angie and his family. That is all.


Jesse is not a punk. Your very severe Anti-Jesse hate borderlines irrational insanity or violent in thought. He does everything out of love for Angie and his family. That is all.

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Jesse is not a child. For people to be so out of touch by saying "he needs to learn his lesson" is not based in reality. He is a 50 something adult and his character has all grown up adult children. People keep things from people all the time in life.

I have been married for over 40 years now and no husband is perfect and no wife is perfect. It is called for better or for worse. The vows spoken and not trashed. Unconditional love and forgiveness goes hand in hand in a marriage and I have authority on that subject being married for 40 years (Mar 30 this year). If Angie portrays herself as a bible carrying, praying and bringing family together then she will forgive Jesse. I guess some might say she is displaying a "holier than thou" Ms. Perfect and better than everyone and above everyone, well then who is the real hypocrite here? Kind of a snobbish personality for Angie to have.

Being military, soldiers are not allowed to discuss deployments and they do keep things from their spouses and families. Jesse is the Chief of Police. Persons in law enforcement are not at liberty to discuss cases with family and spouses either so it is perfectly understandable for Jesse to keep things from his family and Angie. As an Army vet myself and as a 30 year Civilian with the Dept. of Defense/Army Branch, we take oaths similar to what Jesse took when he became COP. We cannot discuss work things of sensitivity and security reasons. To protect his family, he has to be case sensitive (especially his children). Being Army Strong and Resilient we know how to explain things to our family and they just accept it as part of the job and carry on. So Jesse is right on all cylinders here. Some things in a military/law enforcement family they do not have a need to know. All part of the life.

Jesse is not a child. For people to be so out of touch by saying "he needs to learn his lesson" is not based in reality. He is a 50 something adult and his character has all grown up adult children. People keep things from people all the time in life.

I have been married for over 40 years now and no husband is perfect and no wife is perfect. It is called for better or for worse. The vows spoken and not trashed. Unconditional love and forgiveness goes hand in hand in a marriage and I have authority on that subject being married for 40 years (Mar 30 this year). If Angie portrays herself as a bible carrying, praying and bringing family together then she will forgive Jesse. I guess some might say she is displaying a "holier than thou" Ms. Perfect and better than everyone and above everyone, well then who is the real hypocrite here? Kind of a snobbish personality for Angie to have.

Being military, soldiers are not allowed to discuss deployments and they do keep things from their spouses and families. Jesse is the Chief of Police. Persons in law enforcement are not at liberty to discuss cases with family and spouses either so it is perfectly understandable for Jesse to keep things from his family and Angie. As an Army vet myself and as a 30 year Civilian with the Dept. of Defense/Army Branch, we take oaths similar to what Jesse took when he became COP. We cannot discuss work things of sensitivity and security reasons. To protect his family, he has to be case sensitive (especially his children). Being Army Strong and Resilient we know how to explain things to our family and they just accept it as part of the job and carry on. So Jesse is right on all cylinders here. Some things in a military/law enforcement family they do not have a need to know. All part of the life.

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oh you havent heard? Im really a psycho who's planning on attacking the fictional character Jesse. Im heading off to Pine Valley later this week for anyone who wants to hitch a ride on crazy train and deal with a few characters as well.
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You can be pro- a certain character and know they are making stupid mistakes. They are not exclusive. I love Jesse/Darnell but I can be mad he's doing this to Angie AGAIN and call him on it. It's like our own loved ones. I love my kids but they have flaws and do stupid stuff.

I also don't like how they are portraying Lea as in the wrong here. She is just doing her job. Jesse was actually treated better than he would have in real life. He certainly would not be allowed private time with this wife just after being arrested..

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