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Amanda is most likely lying and self-destructing. To accuse someone of sexual harassment is serious and the DR heard whether or not it was said. I hope her ass gets penalized if she is lying.

And Candice is still going to gun for Amanda if she wins HOH. She might be a few screws loose from this nomination but she ain't crazy. Howard leaving will make Candice not only a woman scorned but ready to play again. I don't see her wallowing.

And Candice's blowup I think is strategy to get people to think she'll go after Spencer. I'm betting Howard will make them make up by Thursday . . . that's if the Amanda/Howard incident doesn't send her totally over the edge.

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Assuming that Howard didn't say those things, if Amanda spins it as the "sexually-depraved coloured man threatening her", it would really sink her below anything Aaryn or GM said in this game. What I don't understand is why Candice has wasted so much time in forming relationships with everyone in place when she gains power.

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Amanda is in a very good position - getting everything she wants. She has no reason to make something like that up. I'm not saying she's not lying though.

His actions were weird. He had his hand on her waist, butt and was whispering in her ear. She was iike "what? what did you say?" and then she gives an awkward smile and says "thank you."

They're cutting out any convo that refers to the event. Amanda is very quiet after getting out of DR.

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I think Amanda and Helen painting Judd as the next black sheep is a BRILLIANT game move. They have successfully sullied Howard's name and now he's half way out the door. Judd is a threat who will have to be dealt with eventually and I don't think that their slander against him is bad game play at all. Judd is underestimated and a good game player. They are better off dealing with him sooner rather than later.

Saying Amanda needs Judd on the jury is just untrue IMO. She is playing the HELL out of this game, but unfortunately, as a woman she cannot beat a man due to sexism. She needs to go with somebody like Jessie or Candice who is viewed as useless, or someone like Aaryn or Elissa who is equally hated.

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I'm with you on rooting for the underdogs, but to me even though Helen and Amanda have power at the moment, in the long run they are underdogs. Players like that are not able to hold power. It's like the coven alliance in BB10-- they dominated the house pre-jury, then left back to back to back with only Keesha doomed to 4th place. So when an alliance this clusterfucky comes together I can still root for it because a powershift of the men taking control is just gonna be a reversion to standard BB to me. These crazy ass women running the house is perfectly fine for me because the natural underdogs are doing so well.

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That's what I'm saying though -- had the coven stuck together, they all would've been better off. That's why even though I usually root against the majority alliance, this season's majority alliance is very agreeable to me because the people in the majority are still the underdogs. If they stick together, we can have a Parvati this season.

Let's face it, it's harder for women to win this show. And when they do, they haven't necessarily been satisfying winners. Lisa? Maggie? Jordan? Rachel? The only strategic female who has ever won this show was Jun, which was ten years ago (yes, Maggie was strategic, but she made ONE move which was getting Sarah out in week 4. Overrated). So I'm rooting for Helen and Amanda. They're not playing the boring mastermind Hayden game, but that's perfectly fine with me. That game is boring. They are being crazy and STILL being strategic which rocks.

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