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Big Brother (Live Feeds/Other Spoilers)

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His misogyny is far worst than his racism. He's vomit.

Aaryn is a straight out racist which I can't say about Kaitlin. Of the cool girls and Spencer, she was the least racist. My impression is Kaitlin probably hanged out with people of all races but was fitting into a clique. My impression of Aaryn is she spent her entire life so far looking down on people who aren't white.

When I think of guests saying disgusting things, Howard, Elissa, McCrae and even Judd aren't at the top of my list in this house. Nowhere close. Amanda is: yesterday she was talking about Howard's penis probably tasting like watermelon and cocoa, and Helen's vagina tasting of Wan Ton soup. GM and Amanda's comedy aspects

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For online viewers, it's somewhat of a scandal because it's creating a ruckus and fans have been tweeting about it. And I wouldn't consider Amanda/McRae fauxmance popular. They're actually disliked by savvy, online/feeds/after dark fans.

And I've known about contestants being connected to past contestants but not producers with the exception of Frank last season having ties to someone on the production team having ties to WWE, the same company that Frank's father, Sid Vicious, one wrestled for.

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Helen is so f'in obnoxious right now. Kaitlin is telling her I will never put you, Elissa or Andy up and that the rumors about her wanting to put Helen up recently are false, which they are. She's telling her Aaryn and Amanda are one. Helen is not listening to anything but her own voice. She lies very well for a "good person."

Oh, Kaitlin. She should have started this a few days ago.

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Helen is throwing Elissa under the bus for telling Candice about the deal with Aaryn. I don't know if she did or didn't. I do know Candice just said HELEN told her about the deal.

Elissa is going to be on the block one way or another. Dude, I just wanted to see her in one HoH before her exit. Eh, what can you do.

Aaryn told Helen that her nominees will be Helen's decisions and Helen was tossing Elissa out a lot. But prior to that Aaryn told Amanda she's putting up Elissa and Howard, I believe. Amanda's hate for Howard is Elissa's only hope.


Seems like the plan is Elissa and Candice on the block, now - as Helen continues to throw Elissa under the bus. Amanda is being more loyal. SHocking.

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Aaryn is more racist but it doesn't make kait less racist. She has said extremely racist things but aaryn gets all of the blame and poor innocent kait just tried to fit in? Even in the flip the bed argument kait was the one calling Candice halfy and show me your black side before GM did, GM picked it up from her.

Amanda totally says racist [!@#$%^&*]. It's gross. Same with McC. Judd has really only called Candice a gold digging bitch, but IMO Howard's misogyny is on a level equal to GM and Katie racism. McC just says disgusting comments. And Elissa outa an abortion and then judging the girl was vile. Obviously they are not on an equal page of disgusting, but for aaryn/GM/kait/spencer it's literally a matter of one degree worse than the other.

She said just now she plans in keeping her word and not going after Elissa.

God it would be glorious to see America vote Elissa after aaryn didn't.

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OK unpopular opinion but I [!@#$%^&*] love Amanda. This bitch has got balls acting like she is HOH every week and feeling entitled to the HOH bed/bathroom whenever she wants it. Plus she has her boytoy McCrae wrapped around her fingers. She is the brains of that operation and he sits around and does nothing. She is already demanding that Howard/Spencer go up and I am loving it. I think Aaryn will nominate Elissa, and she SHOULD, but if Amanda talks her out of it, that is the best mindfuck since Maggie talked Howie into nominating James and Sarah.

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Helen is talking to Candice. It's revealed that Jessie is the one who revealed the secret deal to Candice. Helen knew it all along. I think Helen is lying to Candice, telling her that it's her mission to keep herself, Elissa and Candice safe. Helen asks Candice who do you want me to tell them to put up "Spencer and Elissa? or Spencer and Howard?" Shockingly, Candice says Howard without much hesitation. Awww. I'm sure Helen will push for Elissa to be on the block though. Elissa is going to be on the block no matter what Aaryn does though it's up to Amanda to try to balance her Howard hate to ensure he's voted out.

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