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AMC & OLTL July 1-15 Previews

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For me the weakest part of AMC is the Lea/Zach/Jesse/Uri stuff. I loved the written concept for the Lea character but PG isn't doing it for me at all. I'm ambivalent about the Zach/Jesse friendship, so the set-up aspect isn't engaging to me.

So too much of that story in these spoilers for my liking.

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PG is improving for me. And I like their chemistry. We'll see.

I also don't care if I'm the only one into Dixie and Anders. Sure, I would've liked Griffin, but this guy is intriguing and intellectua.

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I haven't really been feeling Lea ever since we found out she was a cop. I thought she was great as a stripper. Other than that her interactions with Zach have been kind of clunky which hasn't been helped by the fact that Zach spends most of them being a sexist dick.

I like the fact that the show hasn't tried to write Jesse and Zach as best friends. They're acting more like two neighbors putting together a barbecue grill.

As for the spoiler asking if Zach will forgive Jesse? Of course he will.

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I'm not into the whole Cassandra/Jesse/Uri etc. story at all.

At this point, I'm not loving AMC, but I'm most interested in: Miranda finding out the truth about her biological father, Bianca having a life and a purpose beyond having coffee with Miranda, finding out what Jane's backstory is, finding out who Celia's guardian is and why that person is so secretive, finding out why Brooke and Adam have been engaged for more than five years and still haven't tied the knot. Most people would have gone with a quiet, simple ceremony, especially with Adam getting up in years, I could see him wanting to cement the relationship with Brooke for various tax/legal/etc. reasons. I'd also like to know what really happened with Alex and Dimitri. It had to have been bad if Dimitri has basically cut himself off from the rest of the world for a long time.

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