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PP: AMC & OLTL to air twice weekly

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I think PP didn't realize that the alternate filming schedule, and their goal to have 40-50 episodes filmed in each 5 week interval would be difficult, and make it near impossible to maintain a 4 episode/week schedule. I'm sure each show would be so focused on getting episodes done in time for the next airing that they would overlook quality.

I think it's smart that they are spending July editing episodes together and resuming production in August. After a day of thinking about it, I think it's more a production standpoint then anything else. At least until PP states otherwise.

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They brought us our shows. they did good on that aspect and now they pull the rug out from under people and blame the fans while they did it which BTW is a very Fronsian/ABC move and we're not allowed to be pissed.

Seriously WTF. This reminds me of when they got this back up in the works, people got jumped on cause they dared to say anything bad about soap saviors PP

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Really? A year of prep, contracts, lawsuits, deals with the unions, financing by a private equity firm that specializes in media and communications, all to just throw up their hands after three weeks. Does that sound realistic?

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I am not blaming anybody. This is just how I see things right now with the info I am getting :)

I could be wrong but it looks to me that they are slowly giving up on the shows. It looks to me that they expected something else and they were quickly let down for their own reasons.

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No one has to be grateful for anything. PP's not doing this out of the goodness.. It's about lining their pockets!

I don't wish PP had left the shows dead because I don't benefit or lose. However, leaving them dead might have been for the best! In due time, fans are going to have to mourn all over again!

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No offense but you havenever from what Ive seen had an open mind about this. I feel your just looking at the press releases & looking to find negatives & dwelling on that. That your allowed to do but IMO thinking negative is just a waste of time. But do what U do.

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Any production wheter it be film theater or TV is always about the bottom line. Money. This is not just exclusive to PP & they shouldnt be vilified for wanting these soaps to turn a profit

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Not really. I love soaps, I adore Agnes Nixon and her work and I have no reason at all to hate the new projects. I am allowed however to discuss what I am watching, how people react to this and the vibe I get from PP. Is this really such a crime?

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No its ok. I think even though some are upset the reduction will be a good thing. Will allow PP to figure out the mode that works best for them, which in turn will be beneficial to the shows longevity.

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