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PP: AMC & OLTL to air twice weekly

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Well two days a week worked very well for Peyton Place

I think this schedule will help keep the suspense of the shows & leave fans with the feeling they cant wait til the next episode

LindaTNo1, on 17 May 2013 - 08:49, said:snapback.png

Im sure the contract Darnell has with PP, will not allow him to appear on a competing daytime drama.

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You are right about my mistake. Sorry guys, but I have warned you that english is not my native language. Sorry for any mistakes ;)

You should google Europe. You will find some very interesting photos and some fascinating info :)

Joan Collins love is never a bad thing.

You know I know about the edited comments and I still think it's kind of pathetic. You probably think so too, otherwise you would have admitted it.

There is an amount of time one can spend with an angry-wife-from-Cheaters-who-has-lost-her-weave-in-a-fight wannabe. Back to the PP drama.

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Oh lord do we want to start this? Has anyone not heard that Darnell is a multiple Emmy winner and a hero to the African American community? tongue.png Discovered by Agnes Nixon, blessed by MoNique...

Actually last night when everyone was in panic mode, I longed for Race Relations 101 to begin again. It brings me back to the simpler happier times of last week.

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I don't see it, but supposedly this is from the AMC FB page. the contradictions keep on coming. this makes it sound like a production issue

"if only you knew first hand how hard people have had to work to even bring you ONE episode you would not call two episodes a "waste of time"... out of respect for the 350 people who are working their butts off to bring you these shows, give it a chance

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Except I'm pretty sure "Peyton Place" had a more lavish production schedule that allowed them to produce episodes with better quality. Now, AMC and OLTL might do well at just two eps per week; however, they're still working on that crazy sked, and that's what concerns me the most.

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I don't see it there but apparantly whomever runs the AMC FB page wrote it. It's condescending BS and it reeks of ABC if it came from PP

Hulu, which has guaranteed a minimum amount of ad revenue to Prospect Park, has backed the new schedule, Mr. Frank and Mr. Kwatinetz said in their statement. Hulu was going to make only the most recent episodes available free, while providing the whole library to paying subscribers of its Hulu Plus service. But “because Hulu agrees with our findings, for the meantime they will keep all of our episodes on Hulu.com for free to give viewers the opportunity to find us and catch up,” the two men said.


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Well, do you BLAME PP for thinking that way? My God, there are people out there who are STILL logging onto Hula.net and wondering WTF is going on!

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