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Tyler Perry's 'Haves and Have Nots' on OWN


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OMG, DEAD at Bootleg Sally going in on Candace, um I mean 9. She went in on her good. Loved the line about Jim's penis not being able to keep up and barely able to get it past 4 inches...lol

Hanna was so over the top asking the judge to pray with her and then David started cracking, sobbing like a baby

That teacher was such a sleaze. I really hope they have him arrested for rape although I know that wont happen

Wow, I cant believe that the boys found Candace's prostitution profile 2 episodes ago and nothing has been done with it since. I completely forgot till I saw the previews for next week.

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When Celine accused Hanna and Kathryn of being lesbians, I was rolling. She is so out there, it's funny.

Hanna praying with David was a very dramatic scene, but not to far off from what some very religious, black mothers might do if their child was in serious trouble and they were scared out of their mind. The scene made me cry.

Kathryn speech at the beginning was brilliant and it's clear that she's probably the only person who can really match Candace, because Candace was speechless.

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Hey, WTF happened to Wyatt?

First time I was really impressed with the Katherine Actress - when she went IN on #9! That last line & the way she delivered it was spellbinding! I'm quite enjoying her lately and loving the friendship w/Hanna. It's going to be so devastating when Katherine finds out the truth.

Pete Parros is monotone as hell & beyond dreadful most of the time in this punk ass role. Still not liking the woman playing his wife either!

That thirsty Celine is annoying as f-ck and I can't stand how every scene with her is played like a joke. She is a cartoon that needs to be erased. This arc with her having a sexual past with Jim is laughable especially since he has absolutely NO interest in her anymore!

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I think all that's gone on with Wyatt is that we found out he was abused as a child.

I did love Katherine going off on Candace---finally someone shut her down and shut her up. Though I had to laugh...if there's 9 that she knows about---there's probably twice that more that she doesn't.

I loved the David/Hanna scene. I LOVE Peter Parros, and that was the first real opportunity he's had to sink his teeth into a scene.

Uh, did Prof. imply that Candace is a pimp? Madam?

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Jeffrey and Wyatt? Jeffrey still follows Wyatt around A LOT! There's innuendo that Wyatt might have endured childhood abuse though there's HARDLY any confirmation of that in any way. Next week, Wyatt's old flame arrives on the scene and Jeffrey appears majorly jealous. I like this actually because I've been saying that there needed to be a "third wheel" added to the Jeffrey/Wyatt dynamic to get things rolling. Now the fun begins............................

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If each scene weren't 40 damn minutes, we could've had more of Darcy and Benny. What a loser TP is! I knew that bitch couldn't be trusted to deliver a good show (hell, I would have settled for half decent)!

That over the top garbage from Hannah was ridiculous. Praying to David for what seemed like an hour! TP, get the !@#$%^&*] over yourself!!!!!

Amanda, poor thing. Too bad the "actress" is the same live or half dead.

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Exactly, this is Perry. If that gets mentioned then that's what it is--there's no subtle secret or twist here. I suppose it at least gives Wyatt a valid excuse for all his addictions (though he seems the least addicted character to me on TV--aside from moaning on and on about hiring an escort.)

Edited by EricMontreal22
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If the writing is not that deep then I don't expect to see any real semblance of it. We're supposed to see Wyatt as some troubled recovering addict, but if it weren't for the audience already knowing that addiction is in his character's background, we would never know that Wyatt is an alcoholic/drug addict. He doesn't give much of a clue one way or the other.

Edited by Vanguardian
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Horrific "actor" plus a stupid ass writer/director/creator/night security guard with a God complex and you get to many "WTF"!

Why-att shows absolutely no struggles with present or past addictions. This dude can't even play an over privileged guy who sucks. He just sucks. The guy who plays Benny is not the greatest, but he gives something.

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