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Tyler Perry's 'Haves and Have Nots' on OWN


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Crystal Fox is Hanna. Maybe you're thinking of Candace, who's played by Tika Sumpter.

Here's the thing re: Wyatt and Jeffery. I could have understood both Jeffrey's "kind, smart, loyal" assessment and Wyatt's sudden jump down Candace's throat if there'd been any hint, suggestion, or slightest inkling that there had been a friendship before Wyatt's rehab. All we've seen is Jeffrey being Wyatt's jailer/maid/whipping boy. In spite the fact their parents are friends, I can't recall one line of dialogue suggesting Jeffrey, Wyatt and Amanda had any kind of relationship during their childhood.

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But that's a function of the writing. I sure would have preferred that (on daytime, you'd have seen someone try to fix them up before, a couple of instances where she'd have avoided him, etc...) but that takes nuance, and that ain't Perry's forte, to say the least.

There was some line thrown out about Benny and Candace having two different fathers before, but I could have sworn they implied Benny's father had died. I was a little surprised Hanna's (the devout churchgoer) has apparently never been married.

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Maybe Hannah told Benny that his father was dead since he abandoned them for another woman. She probably thought that was better than to have him know his father was just a deadbeat that wanted him aborted

I don't know why she even entertained the idea of having dinner with him. I can understand her saving face in front of Benny, but she should have kicked hi out the minute Benny left if she really has this much hostility towards him. Edited by Cheap21
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I didn't read Jeffery's assessment of Wyatt's character as even being accurate. To me, it came off as "OMG I have a huge crush on you, and even though you're an !@#$%^&*], in my idealized schoolgirl fantasy you are really a kind, loving soul who just needs someone to understand you!!" Wyatt reacted well to that because, even though those words were fueled by Jeffery's crush, they were still positive words being used to describe him, which isn't something we're seeing a lot of from his parents. He went douchey after that because he had to remind himself, "Sh!t, he's only being cool with me because he wants my schlong." Which leads me to believe that these two will probably never actually be a couple because Wyatt is straight, but he'll use whatever shallow feelings Jeffery has for him to his advantage when he needs to.

You awful people have me defending Emmit's writing, and I'll never forgive you for it. Evah.

Edited by All My Shadows
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I agree with this 100%. I liked the beginning of the scene, for the general atmosphere of Benny wanting to set his mother up on a date and her reluctantly going along with it, but once DA DRAMA!!! began with the reveal, it was wayyyyyyy too much happening at once. It really was a poor way to introduce Benny's birth father, and I sincerely hope he isn't Candace's too.

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And I could have bought that Wyatt wasn't really "defending" Jeffrey to Candace as much as busting her ass because he suspects/knows she's fuking his dad...but the acting is so completely without subtext, I can't get any feeling one way or another. It's like watching a blank slate try and act.

I mean, it's kind of startling to realize (after a lifetime of watching green daytime newbies) you have to reevaluate your definition of "bad acting". I feel I may need to apologize to a whole generation of ATWT teen actors.

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Candace telling that sob story and then running in the bathroom laughing cracked me up, she is a trip.

The revelation of Benny's father was a little quick, but I'm thinking that the writers want to give Hanna some more story and get more into her background.

I think Wyatt was trying to figure how Jeffrey really feels about him in order to manipulate him later, it's obvious that Wyatt wants out of rehab. Plus, he has already threatened Jeffrey with that video (which Jeffrey doesn't know about), so I think he may end up blackmailing Jeffrey at some point.

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Wyatt WILL give in (and you can define "give in" any way you want). Jeffrey said he's smart but he really isn't. If he thinks he can use Jeffrey's crush to manipulate him in ways to achieve whatever he wants, I suspect he's going to be surprised. And the "joke" will be on Wyatt. All it will take is a third party being thrown in with them, and watch what we'll see.

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Ha I meant the end of the scene ;) But how long back did he almost blackmail him? What's changed since then? Wyatt's attitude hasn't from what I've seen--except he's gotten even whinier--he was better walking around naked and setting people up--now he just whines about wanting to watch porn and look up escorts.

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Agreed, it's the writing's fault. Considering how slow this show moves, the sudden jumps in temperament are bizarre--like Celine SUDDENLY hating on Hannah. If we had seen her slowly get more jealous, etc, it would make sense.

I think Hannah is one of those Perry women who paid for her sins by becoming devout.

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I thought he was married when they had the affair--he said something about how his wife refused to let him see his son. How massive is their church that Hannah NEVER heard that his wife died? She never saw that his wife stopped going to church?

Agreed about the dinner. It looked like she even got all prettied up, lit candles, etc, etc...

I know these actors are happyto have a job, and many of them have zero experience it seems--but I'd love to hear what the more established actors think of the writing.... Or how to play it.

Edited by EricMontreal22
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See that subtext makes complete sense to me, and works more or less. But I honestly didn't read that into it--the acting is too shallow (particularly Wyatt--that tone of voice he uses for nearly all his lines, oy) and the writing is as well. WIth a show like this (or any show) you really shouldn't have to work that hard as a viewer lol.

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