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OLTL: The Prospect Park Era (old production thread)

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1000% agree on Alex- a well crafted pop-in visit but yeah I still think she's headed to GH to meet up with Ava Jerome.

Oh my god, I forgot Andrea. Oh I would be so happy and she seemed to have major love for the show & Tina when I saw her at the View send-off (never have I seen someone so eager to pose for photos with some demanding fans). I really believe she would have stayed forever if not for the stalker incident. But I don't know- I think she's be more likely for a visit than real story although that's purely speculative. But I don't think its outside the realm of possible. Oh now I'm getting hopeful and the Gina Tognoni announcement will just make me sad.

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YEah for whatever reason, I forgot all about Andrea EVans too, until I was typing that... Would like to see her back, and with more grounded writing than Ron gave her.

Susan would be ok under new writers too, though they would have to bend over backwards to explain a lot of her last era--I'm not sure where she'd fit (and would Patrick be killed off again?)

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I heard about Andrea at least a month ago. I don't remember where.

I think the Marty issue needs to be cleared up someday, if only for a short visit. I agree I don't know she'd fit long-term. Ron sort of half-assedly tried to 'fix it' at the end of OLTL and in the early appearances from Starr and Cole on GH by saying "Patrick made her sane again," without bothering to address her madness or the murder of her doctor, or the overall character destruction.

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Honestly, I might be okay with that too. Which flies in the face of all of my usual continuity and history stickler-ness. And I agree with Eric, TK seems happy with PP- why wouldn't she come make some money during AMC's off weeks?

The thing with Marty's descent into crazy was that it SO could have made sense. Marty had had a crappy ten years- without even getting into the original rape, on the run from the Men of 21, "dead" husband, son in prison, miscarriage, presumed dead & kidnapped & lied to by Victor-Todd- they could have played that it all of this caused this person who we saw become a strong woman to finally unravel and it could have been amazing. She could have been the first one to see RH Todd and had no one believe her. It just wasn't done right at all- she went cartoon crazy over John McBain. Yes, I'm still bitter.

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Marty was never in Witness Protection - both times she left the show she and Patrick fled the country and went underground to escape reprisal, first from the Men of 21 and IRA renegades, then from Irene's evil agency and Llanview law enforcement. The way Malone and Dena Higley reintroduced her - as a civilian living a public life in the States - was ridiculous, and ultimately Ron corrected it.

As far as we know, Marty is still a fugitive today.

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Right. ANd this is what made me so annoyed. We saw her HANDLE all of that--a strong woman. Maybe we could have seen her deal with it more, but regardless. And then John throws her over the edge? And not just slightly but into full on Ron psycho-bitch mode? I'm sorry, there is no way that brief relationship would be the lynchpin to set everything off (and even if it was, they didn't acknowledge that she did have a history of stuff that could drive her crazy.) Add to that yet another incompetent shrink character--which is something of an issue with current soaps and Ron's ingeneral.

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