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OLTL: The Prospect Park Era (old production thread)

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I saw the comments here about people wanting Roxy back. I don't see it happening (although, while I'm not clamoring or demanding and I don't even think of her that much when I watch the show, I'd like to see her - just have her pop in to talk to Natalie sometimes, or get drunk at Shelter).

I get why people are wary of what this may mean, especially if we hurtle back toward racist, sexist, ageist writing.

I think this is my inner P&G fan speaking. P&G at its best was incredibly progressive and diverse while also being extremely conservative, likely far more than PP would ever be. I think there's a balance. I hope they find it.

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Sure a new show could've attracted advertisers and financial support--if it starred Kevin Spacey or Meryl Streep and was directed by David Fincher and written by Aaron Sorkin or Shonda Rhimes wink.png

PP didn't have that kind of budget though.

I agree that AJ seemed forced and overboard in his consistent use of expletives.

I also find PP announcement of a cease and desist on curse word equally overboard. Pulling back or stopping cursing from certain characters is fine. Making an announcement about it in regards to an online show that you once promoted as more 'edgy' as if you're now Walmart, is lame. They also defined themselves in a way that is potentially limiting and self censoring while giving some the impression that they are caving in to a few vocal rants.

On a positive side,

Netflix's House of Cards didn't have much cursing (if at all) but it was edgy and sexy. It also had superior writing, acting and direction. Should be a piece of cake for PP to achieve if that's what they're after, right?tongue.png

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I think it's possible, but I think they have a gauntlet to clear. But now who knows. However, any really visible basic cable network other than, say, FX was not going to run with the cursing, and I knew that long ago.

I still wish they'd keep the profanity-laden eps on Hulu and clean up the ones for broadcast.

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