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AMC: The Prospect Park Era (old production thread)

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I take my love emoticon back, Sir.

Grrr I take back my sorta apology :P

I know you're joking but was Alfred there then?

Megan was told to tell outrageous stories--and it's dangerous when you tell that lady to do that...

H Corley I believe mentioned how they were heading in a very different direction with Jim when McTavish took over. And Roscoe Born has had to play some crap over the years and even he quit lol

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I always thought that Brooke and Tom's friendship outranked their romance because Brooke was too mousy when she was with him. Brooke, as a stand alone character, came into her own right around the same time as her romance with Adam. While I'm not sure opposites work in real relationships, Brooke and Adam's battles always made each a stronger character on their own.

I want Brooke to be a relevant character this go around, and I don't even want shades of her wringing her hands over her children's issues from 2003 - 2005.

My hope is that the writers will find ways to keep the characters of Adam and Brooke conflicted, but yet still deeply in love.

I want my damn wedding!

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That's why I was asking whether my memory had served me correctly. I thought Alfred, as Pine Valley Bank president, had somehow produced a safe deposit box that Jim supposedly had purchased at the bank; and that that box contained photos of everyone's kids, including Amanda, which Janet shrieked for all the damn world to hear in the middle of court proceedings. Again, though, do I have that right?

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Yes, this is the scenario. Dixie later commented to Tad that the jurors might not have realized it, but Amanda was older in the picture than the previous April (trial ended in September). Tad never verbally confirmed what had transpired with Alfred, but it was a nice way to tie Tad's history with Alfred into the story.

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If anything, I think Jesse and Angie are being positioned as the next generation Joe and Ruth.

IIRC, Adam mellowing and trying to focus on what really mattered to him was primarily because of Stuart's death. With Stuart alive... well, Adam could easily have gone back to his old scheming ways in the 5 years that supposedly elapsed between the finale and the reboot. In fact, I could see that being a big source of tension between Adam and Brooke - he schemes to get whatever he wants, and she wants the mellow Adam back.

IMHO, Adam, David and Erica are all a lot alike in that they've matured and changed a little over the years - Erica has grown up the most IMHO but then again she was also 15 when we first saw her - but they haven't been fundamentally changed as characters. They are who they are, and while they're passionate about protecting their family, pursuing professional success, etc., they haven't been dumbed down or remade as totally different people (cough, KWAK, cough).

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Well, Adam was actually dumbed down quite a bit when he was with KWAK, but that is for another discussion.

JB noted in the interview that she gave that Adam and Brooke are still very much in love, now of course most of their relationship since their reunion has been off screen and time warped, and JR waking will most likely affect them as well - but Brooke is also a Mama Bear where her children are concerned - i.e. shooting Jim in the back at the mere mention of Jamie and porn, so it is entirely possible that Brooke could have bent a little in the time span as well.

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Bitch, please. Bianca would probably suggest hosting something like that at Jane's Addiction and Miranda would be like, "Um, no. You're Erica Kane's daughter. We don't do fundraisers in coffee shops. We buy overpriced coffee there. It's called a 'ball' mother, and I need an excuse for a new evening gown."

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