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HOLIDAY MIRACLE: Prospect Park Back On Track To Revive AMC and OLTL

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He can be the nicest guy in the world and it won't matter if this crew keeps flinging [!@#$%^&*] around like bootleg Entourage or trying to flip tables in the hopes of intimidating the little soap people (or the Writers' Guild) to accept their demands. They think it's 1995 and they're Dr. Dre. I want to see logistics and an honest effort.

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Again, I don't follow comic books as much as I should, so I'm curious as to whether you have any specific writers in mind. From what everyone here is saying, in fact, I think I wouldn't mind seeing Chris Claremont join the staff of one of these shows (maybe GH?).

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As you've said, though, the quality among the many, different web-based soaps varies, which is why the media and others don't care. It's really going to take another Irna Phillips to go in there and exploit the new medium while telling fresh and compelling stories.

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Have you seen any episodes from the two years before LG? That speaks volumes...

I haven't seen that interview for ages, and I know many felt the changes made were too quick--and I guess Vicki didn't like being with Sloane maybe? (Her DID story was done right after LG left, so she didn't have all that much to do). I love ES, but don't always agree with all her opinions (though mostly, I do). Rauch, to his credit, put Vicki front and center, so that may have played a part. Ratings certainly improved (though they remained more middle rated) and the show re-gained a lot of respect.

Well yes, absolutely. But I don't see that happening, or people putting any major money behind something, unfortunately, without the name recognition.

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Ok so in the newest Daytime Confidential Podcast Jamey says that ABC was planning to do something again with OLTL & AMC but PP's 2nd try put kabosh on that.

Well ABC its your own Damn fault. Should have never canned them in the first place and when you did, you should not have lisenced them out. Its time to make your bed ABC.

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I really am out of the loop with comics right now--so can't really say. I mainly read, if it's not Japanese, then indie titles or Vertigo ones (DC's more "mature" author driven titles). Of course one famous Vertigo title, Y The Last Man, which was largely very good, has had its writer Brian K Vaughan scripted a number of the better Lost episodes (and I'm not a big Lost fan). Out comic writer Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa has written well for Big Love, and not so well for Glee (not sure I can blame him there) as well as penning the new Carrie remake. But again, I'm not sure either would be good for a soap.

Claremont would certainly get the angsty relationship stuff right, and at his peak did a good job of balancing and juggling stories, character, and using history (some plot points that come up wouldn't be fully used till 5+ years later). Funny, one of Claremont's biggest fights with Marvel was them insisting on bringing Jean Grey back from the dead " Claremont expressed dissatisfaction with the retcon, stating in 2012: "We’d just gone to all the effort of saying, 'Jean is dead, get over it,' and they said, 'Haha, we fibbed.' So why should anyone trust us again? But that’s the difference between being the writer and being the boss."Which I'm sure many soap writers can relate to...

Ooh how I loved Bananarama's campy videos filled with half naked men when I was young...

Carry on!

Yeah to be honest, while I AM concerned about PP, this doesn't give me much sympathy for ABC. And really ABC planning to do "something" could mean *anything* (way to be vague Jamey and not commit to any actual answer) --I still doubt we'd see them resurrected as a daily afternoon soap. If ABC was worried about having some sort of a web presence, it would have been interesting to see them trying to do it online--but PP, if they are in it only for the money, may actually allow its writers and Agnes more control and less interference.

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True, GUIDING LIGHT transitioned from radio to television. However, it still was in production when it did so, and it still was healthy, but from a creative standpoint, and from that of followers' interest. That isn't the same as reviving two soaps that have been off the air for close to two years, and were canceled in the first place due to declining ratings.

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I look at web soaps like I see independent films. There are plenty of them and while most of them suck some of them have offered moments of great creativity and every now and then one of them hits a chord. Fu@k the people who don't care. This isn't about them.

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