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GH: Felix controversy

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Good thing since he said daytime was beneath him when him and that drug addict Scot Evans got passed over for Emmy nominations in 2009. I have no respect for Brett Claywell after the evil things he said about daytime because of the fact that the bitch didn't get an Emmy nomination during his overwhelming 18 months on the show.

And to think KATHERINE KELLY LANG has been on BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL for 26 years and she has never been nominated for one Emmy award. Yet she has never acted up in the press like that [!@#$%^&*] head Brett Claywell form One Life to Live. I am a gay male and I completely distanced myself from his "Kish" character -- I don't even know what that means

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I don't recall an interview. I recall an angry tweet that caused the typical mishegas that the soap Twitterverse excels at. But I admit that an interview with Scott Evans isn't something I would've rushed to read so maybe he did say something. IIRC, the Emmys noms came right around the time of The Great OLTL Whitewashing so tempers were running a bit high all the way around.

ETA: I found it. When the nominations came out Evans Claywell tweeted:

Granted it's not the pinnacle of graciousness but not exactly heresy in my book. I can see how it might offend however.

This is a perfect example of what I meant when I said that I fear for the actor in this controversy because no matter what happens, Carlivati will get a pass.

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The comments were from Claywell, right after he was not only fired, but trashed in the soap press and, with Evans, directly blamed for ratings freefall.

That's so sweet. Hugh Herbert was pissed off to not be included in my other post, but now he knows it's for a good cause.

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Sorry. Right tweet, wrong actor. Fixed.

I have to admit to not being able to tell them apart or more importantly, not caring enough to try. Although that's how I am with most of the 20-something guys in soaps these days. I can't tell Scott Evans from Billy Miller from Scott Clifton from Chandler Massey. They're all just a blur of bland.

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And when all four decide to team up as a boy band, that's exactly what they should name their first album, too.

Frankly, they could have been on from the first episode and I would've made like I didn't know them.

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I just mean that there seems to be this default generic type for 20-somethings in soaps now where they are all completely and utterly interchangeable. Nothing notable or different. Just waxed chests, vacant stares and mediocre highlights. I think that's part of the reason people cling to the vets so hard. The days when a Tristan Rogers or Ian Buchanan would be considered leading man material are over.

Of course, that's part of the reason Felix is going to be focused upon like an ant under a magnifying glass. I just hope there are people BTS who have his back. Whatever the controversy over Felix within "the gay community", I don't want to see another actor thrown under the bus and maligned while Ron looks in the mirror and tells himself how wonderful he is.

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