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I dont think its military service bc he's seemed disinterested for quite some time. I remember noticing that back in 2014. I wish him the best of luck and hope they left on good terms


Im really devastated about 2NE1 and have no idea what they will do when it comes to their old music. At least with the larger groups, theres enough people to compensate but the group's lines were perfectly suited for 4 girls. Dara cant really sing so they cant give the lines to her. Bom has a very specific role. CL is the closest to Minzy's range but if they give her all those lines, people will really accuse her of being the Beyonce of the group

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He just released a single collaboration with Davii. His song is beautiful. He really needs to release a solo album. Never heard of Davii but his vocals sound just like Yoseob







He needs to release that song.



I didnt even realize they were coming out with a new album, but they dropped their 5th Japanese one, Galaxy of 2PM









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Hey Cheap! Shinee recently celebrated their 8th anniversary together.


Jonghyun also released a solo album this week called She Is. I liked a couple of songs on there including Orbit and Cocktail.


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EXO comeback in early June, and I A BEYOND READY FOR IT.


Big Bang might comeback also at the same time!


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Thank god for Jonghyun bc KPOP was getting boring. I LOVE Cocktail.  I also really enjoy White T-Shirt and Dress-Up





I hate that he colored his hair pink for this comeback. Not feeling it


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Speaking of solo albums, Im just now getting into Taemin's and its so good. Definitely and improvement. Sexuality and Guess Who are my faves. They sound like the same song but I dont care bc its really good


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As for Shinee, they recently released an album from their tour last year. You should check out Excuse Me Miss. I love this rendition and Jonghyun's bridge towards the end. The rendition of Sherlock is also my fave. This album pulls in alot of their earlier songs they havent touched in a while and I like it. I need them to release the DVD of it already so I can see Minho strip




They also put out that song in Japan. LOL at the Cats







Beast stepping out as a 5 member group. They will reportedly have a comeback this summer

Hyuensung's first verse in Yey was given to Dongwoon which makes me happy bc he is underused in their songs. The second verse went to Kikwang which I was less pleased with bc he cant sing. It should have went to Dujun


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Also worth noting: SHINee are coming to the US this summer! I believe they are headlining KCON in LA.


I like Dress Up as well -- haven't listened to White Shirt yet. I also agree on Jonghyun's pink hair. It looks like candy floss but doesn't suit him at all.


I haven't listened to Taemin's latest album but I will now! I did like his performance video for Drip Drop though. He is one of the best kpop dancers I have ever seen.



lol omg I CANNOT at the cats! :lol:


Glad to see Beast keeping i touch with their fans as a 5-person ensemble. LOL @ your comment about Kikwang. Well, they had to give the visual something to do, lol.

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Ive been hooked on Taemin's album the past week or two and I love it! I wish I had given it a shot before but it came out when I was out of the country so I missed it. My new favorite is Until Today. This is possibly the best KPop song of 2016


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People are mad at him! There have barely been music coming out of the company and iKon just got a new single and MV. Even BIGBANG fans are threatening to boycott. I dont know what the hell is going on over there. WINNER still has 3 more EPs to release off of EXIT and that seems to be nowhere in sight. To make matters worse, he did an interview and said he hasnt decided yet if they will replace Minzy in 2NE1. Considering he said that, I doubt they will even get a comeback this summer as originally stated



They also dropped their third album with 2 videos for 2 songs. I havent viewed but those concept photos from last week were a hot mess

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@Cheap21 EXO have dropped, girl! I am screaming and crying at the same time!!


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Lucky Ones sounds like a bop SHINee would do, I think you will really like that one. But for me, the real winner is Monster. I loved the song right away and couldn't get the beat out of my head as soon as I heard it. I also love the mv because it is so choreo-based and imo the choreography rocks so hard. It is up there with Overdose for me. Everything about the performance in that mv gives me chills (in a good way). These are my two favourite bits from the mv:



KaiLay dance partnership FTW!




P.S.: Sorry for spazzing but today has been my Exo Day lol.

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Taemin's solo album is quite possibly one of my favorite K-Pop albums of this year.  I had it on constant repeat when it first came out.  IMO, every single song on that album is a standout.  I really, really, REALLY love Soldier.

YG has started releasing announcement images of their new girl group (as yet unnamed) which is supposed to debut in July.  They haven't even said how many girls are in the group, but Jennie & Lisa are the two girls announced so far

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@Matt: IMO, YG would do better on establishing the solid acts it already has tbh. The company sends Big Bang to tour for some easy $$$ and everybody else is locked in the YG dungeon until they are needed for filler purposes. Like where TF is Winner? It's like they've been put on indefinite hiatus! YG's favorite new baby iKON is nowhere to be seen despite a cb coming up (apparently). And if you are female, forget about it. Lee Hi got a solo album (two years after debuting!) but the promotions were pretty weak. 2NE1 were promised a cb, then Minzy left, then they were promised a cb as a 3-piece ensemble and NOTHING. CL has doing literally zero sh*t in the US for the past two years, despite getting some promotion in US Vogue a few months ago. That was the moment to release a single but, no, YG and Scooter Braun hemmed and hawed and we got some BS about CL wanting to "perfect" her tracks.


This new girl group is going to get two weeks of promo and then they too will be hidden away. The way YG treats its talent (excluding Big Bang) is criminal. It is literally wasting the youth and potential of these kids. And it is not assuring its future by promoting them for when BB finally go to military service. I have no idea how YG remains the #2 ent company in SK with its mismanagement.

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I cant decide which i like more, Lucky One or Monster. Both are good tracks. Off the album though, I enjoy Cloud 9, One and Only and Heaven


I like Kai's blonde hair here and it seems as if they are finally giving him more lines.


The biggest surprise from this release is that Lay is still int he group. I thought he left earlier this year



Ill beleive it when i see it. YG has been trying to make Jennie happen for YEARS. It never materializes into anything. Im surprised she hasnt gotten fed up nad left by now

 BTW, iKon dropped a new single and video last week



Its pretty boring

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I'm such a horrible kpop fan.  I'm still trying to learn all them members of my favorite groups (EXO included).  I still have trouble telling Lay, Chen, Sohu, & Sehun apart.  I do have to say that D.O's little head bob in the live stages gives me life! And blonde Kai does thing to me. :wub:

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I love Monster both as a bop and in terms of the choreography. It gets the adrenaline going! However Lucky Ones has grown on me (it is v Shinee-like) and like you I love Cloud 9 as well. White Noise still has to grow on me. I also like Stronger just because it is kind of experimental in sound for a ballad.


Kai has impressed me in that he is getting steadily less nasal vocally. Ofc I ALWAYS love his dancing and often have to watch a mv twice because the first time around he distracts me so much lol.


Nope, Lay is still there. I'm glad. I hope he gets more face-time tho, but he is busy because he has so many individual activities in China.


As for Taemin's album, I like Drip Drop and Sexuality best.


YG is a mess. That is a dull sound for iKon!



LOL, I only learned who was who by watching EXO Showtime (a TV show they did back in end 2013). Sehun is like the tallest member of the group, Chen is small and looks a bit like a dinosaur (in a handsome way), Suho looks like a kdrama actor with his dewy skin, Lay has dimples. lol don't know if that helps.


Ahhhh the head bop! :wub:




Blonde Kai gives me life. Pink-haired Kai gives me life. Dark-haired Kai gives me life. I am an unconditional fan of his extra self! In fact, I would consider him my 'bias' in k-pop as a whole. I love a talented dancer.


Sad news in kpop world. My favourite girl group, 4minute have officially disbanded. Hyuna has resigned with Cube as a solo artist, the others will be looking at other agencies. :( I am gutted about this. I only discovered them in the last two years or so and always preferred the group over Hyuna's solo stuff (although I do like her, don't get me wrong). Anyway, here is an article about it:





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lol...its actually easier now since 3 members have left. I had a hard time getting them straight at first especially since they kept changing hair color


a big WTF to 4Minute. I thought they were solid. That link doesnt make it final so maybe there is a glimmer of hope? I also liked Hyuna but preferred her in 4M than as a solo artist. Heck I wouldnt even mind if they continued as a quartet bc Jiyoon had been making more rap lines and could easily replace her

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@Cheap21 Same, I thought they were solid too but it looks like Cube just wanted Hyuna to stay and the others to go.


The rumor is that CEO Hong of Cube who put together Beast and 4Minute among other groups (and who wanted 4minute to always have a strong girl group concept) got sick two years ago and stepped down from their duties. A management company stepped in and cut costs and basically tried to run Cube like it was a low-cost, high-profit organisation. It's basically why Beast took it upon themselves to record and produce their own stuff because the copmpany wasn't offering them any help for promotions. 


4Minute killed their Crazy comeback in 2015, but Act 3/Hate underperformed in 2016. So, because of one disappointing comeback, the management company decided 4minute was unprofitable. They decided to kill the group and only offer Hyuna a solo contract because she still makes them money, not just in terms of selling albums but also with her endorsements. The other 4 members were pushed out, basically. they have also unfollowed Hyuna on their respective Instagrams. :( :(:(


It makes me so sad because apparently if CEO Hong was still there, he would never have let 4minute disband and would probably have promoted Hate differently too (i.e. made it a summer release). I also wish Hyuna would have gone with the rest of the members and maybe 4minute could have joined another entertainment company like JYP (even though that company has a ton of girl groups already).


IMO 4minute were one of the better gg out there vocally, visually, dance-wise and I always liked their strong bond and concepts which were never cutesy or boring.

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@Cat I didnt know that about 4Minutes. Its too bad. I hope we get to see them again, especially Gayoon


OMG, in other news Beast is stepping out! They are coming back with a FULL LENGTH album. None of that short mini-album stuff. Highlight, has 12 tracks and releases July 4! Each of the boys will get a solo and Im here for that.

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BTOB just released a new Japanese EP, L.U.V last week. Here are some of the promo shots These boys photograph well







Its also #1 on the Oricon Weekly Charts. I wondered if they were doing well in Japan but they must be bc they continue to release original music there. I read that their poster for L.U.V is all over some Japanese cities. Good for them



Outside of the recent disappointing 4Minute news, its good to read some good things from my other Cube favorites


Speaking of which, someone looked at the tracks and Lay may be the only Chinese member left, yet for the most part, he got the least lines on the Chinese versions of the albums! The only exception is Stronger, which only featured 4 guys. Even Sehun fared better than he


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