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GH: September 2012 Discussion Thread

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Pushing 30? More like, he was shoving it out the door because the fire that was middle age was raging behind their asses.

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates would be impressed.

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you know I could buy Joe as slightly older than Sonny and Kate, maybe being 21/22 when she was raped but then he said today that they were all in highschool so that places them all at 17/18

As bad as this is, nothing beats RC's fudging up the Buchanan kids. For nearly 10 years, Rex was Natalie's younger brother but thanks to a retcon, he became over 30 and Nat and Jessica's older brother. Or Danielle, who was concieved a year after Jack but became his older sister by 4 years

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Back in the late 60s/early 70s soaps seemed obsessed with LSD (I suppose back then it was actually kinda relevent)--even into the late 70s with Heather's original attack. But c'mon--we know more about it now. There is ZERO way she'd be hogging a hospital bed because she's still a danger to herself due to the overdose.

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I suspect they will retcon that she already had DID when she was raped, so he was sleeping with Connie and Kate came out and called it rape--which is kinda like Jessica and Ford on OLTL. Either way, it's story ground that makes me VERY uncomfortable--to deal with something as a horrible rape, have a character deal and talk about it, and then tell people that it wasn't *really* rape... Sigh.

I've gotten in trouble for saying it before, but she's a very good stage actress. That doesn't mean it will translate to screen (even if some theatre actors have made great soap actors), especially in the current world of awful writing, and zero rehearsing or directing (unlike doing a show with 6 weeks of rehearsal).

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You silly, silly people. RC is a HUGE soap opera fan, and like everything he does, this is him respecting the genre and even paying homage. He knows that soaps have a history of having kids over the years become a number of odd, different years from each other due to SORASing, etc. So he just jumps right in and does it from the get go, on purpose! Brilliant! It's not Ron's fault that you guys obviously don't know or love the genre as much as he does.


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