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Y&R: MAB OUT! Hamner OUT! JFP IN! Griffith IN! Sheffer UNKNOWN!

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Nelson also said Sony doesn't like Rikaart, Grazeidi (sp?), Hendrickson, etc but are keeping them bc they are young. Screw them! Bring in new younger characters. Where is Nate Hastings? Recast that awful Summer, do more with Noah. IDGAF about rapist Kevin and his adventures with Chloe!

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That's a lousy idea. Rikkart and Hendrickson are dead weight and neither of them even play as young. They are both asexual and cold. I do like MG but they have not given him a real story in years and years and years.

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That's ridiculous. There is nothing left to tell with Chloe and Kevin. I haven't enjoyed Daniel since the beginning of the end of he and Amber. If they were to make Chloe a bitch again, I might enjoy her. Kevin needs to go regardless though. He's tired out. Rikaart is a great actor, but Kevin is done. Hopefully their just keeping them until they build up the next set of young characters.

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Hendickson is a fine actress when she's given the material. She's no Tricia Cast... but she's competent. She needs sexual chemistry BAD, but she does have good screen presence. And while I agree that there is nothing left to tell with her and Kevin, there is PLENTY left to tell with her and her mother. Kate Linder hasn't had much front burner story, and some really DEEP, expository stories about the mother/daughter relationship, Chloe's issues of feeling pushed aside/not good enough which lead to her changing her name. All which would lead to some eventual emotional healing, and her legally reclaiming her name of Kate Valentine.

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I honestly forgot she was even related to Esther, I miss their scenes together now that I think about it. When was the last time they were even on together? If they were to put Chloe with someone she had chemistry with and give her a compelling storyline, I would love to see her stay around.

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I felt like that was just a cheap rewrite to make people feel sorry for Chloe. The scenes where she verbally abused Esther really bothered me, and EH was so cold and hard that it derailed the whole point. After this they suddenly had them as close and dropped the whole thing.

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Chloe went to a fancy boarding school and came back trailer trash. Then again Billy went away too and he's trailer trash as well. I remember Chloe was talknig about taking off her arrings and beating Chelsea down before even meeting her. And Billy actually was living in a trailer for awhile.

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The problem with Y&R is that there is a lot of dead weight...all the teens/younger scene could leave and no one would miss them. The only one I would keep is Noah. The rest can go...Chloe, Kevin, Daniel, Lily, Cane, Abby and the ABC bunch too.

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I just don't think Rikaart has chemistry with ANY women, period. This is a case where he may be a good actor in other areas, he just can't play straight and have it come off as believeable like Leblanc does (except when he brings out his jazz hands) some gay actors can play straight, some can't... it's just a matter of the degree of talent there. Knowing what we now know... we see that Terry Lester was a FAR better actor than given credit for.

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I know its not going to happen but they need to clean house with the younger cast. I would if I were EP of Y&R. I havent seen enough of Fen or Kyle to keep them or not.

Please...Leblanc came off so gay as Kirk McColl in his hayday and now as Michael he sitll comes off gay....he and Lauren are just blah together. I didnt know Rikkard was gay....I had no clue about Lester till the news came out about him after his death but he played straight very well as Jack and Royce.

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