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Love and Hip Hop Thread


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Ive never seen the original but watching the Atlanta version and hooked! Any other viewers?


My fave is Mimi but girl needs to leave Stevie J bc he is no good and NOT worth the drama and heartache he is causing her embarassing and disrespecting her on TV


I cant stand that slut monkey! She really infuriates me with her homewrecking shameless self


Dang is this triangle GOOOOD though. Im hooked! Mimi needs to whip that ass!



Momma Dee is a trip! Breakout star of the series. She kinda reminds me of a sober Frankie but with some sense



LOL...this bitch


I love Scrappy's swagger. Erica is such a good woman and he needs to do what he can to keep her. I like them together


I cant stand this trick. She act too stupid and hard headed for me. Her husband has alot of patience bc I dont like how she talks to him

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I love you Cheap! You watch the same crap as me and my family.

I JUST started this (I was against it at first) but now I'm into this hardcore.

Mimi needs to leave Stevie J. I had to Google him and see WTF he was and he really hasn't done anything "hot" musically since the 90s. All he does now is remix one old hit song for some mixtape etc.

Stevie is just foul.

Ugh to that thing. Her voice cracks me up though and I just have to imitate her after she says everything! That crazy scene with her taking the test had me DONE! I'm like Ummm why can't she do this in her own place? I did like her neighbor.

I <333333333 Erica! She's so gorgeous.

Scrappy. Man I haven't heard from him in ages! His mom is bout that life. I like her.

I barely recall Rasheeda from my HS years and that K. Michelle is funny at times.(I don't even remember her).

ETA: Oooooooooooo did you peep the preview for the next ep? That's Buckeey from Flavor of Love with Scrappy.

Edited by London
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I wanted to start a thread about this but didn't know if anyone would post. :lol:

Omg I don't know where to start.

I love K Michelle and really want to see her succeed.

Scrappy and Erica are the realest ones on the show to me and I think Scrappy is so fine.

Rasheeda.... I'm kinda meh on her she seems cool enough but I'm not really interested.

Karlie is an old ass hater. She is 45 years old and I know she is only dating LA Reid's fat ass son to break into the industry. She needs to give it up. She is a very messy female and runs her mouth too much. Reminds me of Suzie.

I love Momma Dee when she was talking about Diamond and said "I should've came out of retirement and put her on the corner. Shoulda made some money off that ass since Scrappy paid for that ass." And "and in that order" lmao I love her.

Oh lord. Stevie J, Mimi and Joseline is a hot ass mess. I'm really hoping it is scripted but it so good. Mimi is a dumb ass broad letting Stevie's ugly ass play her like that. Joseline looks like a coked out Rihanna. I think Joseline is a man and the pregnancy is staged..

And Cheap PLEASE watch Love and Hip Hop NYC. Season 2 only though, season 1 was boring but them bringing in three new chicks Yandy, Kimbella and Erica really had the show going. It was really good. I was Team Yandy all season you'll see why :lol: would love to hearr your thoughts on that.

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YES. I thought I was the only one who watched this! I miss the NY cast but I'm enjoying Atlanta, too ;-).

The triangle is a guilty pleasure mess. Stevie J is a train wreck. I want to love Mimi but she's just so overly stupid. Joseline is EMBARRASING! THE DEFINITION OF A STUPID HOE. WTH with that scene of her taking the test? OMG...

I hope Mimi rips her to shreds!

I don't care for K Michelle/Rasheeda's arcs that much.

I remember Karlie from Scream Queens. Eric, LOL at your comment about her. Sometimes I find her annoying, other times not.

Erica is my fave. I'm liking the stuff w/her and Scrappy

BUCKEEY! Can't wait to see her again icon1.gif


Momma Dee! MY BITCH!

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We need to make up for lost time lol. Who were your faves on the NYC cast? I loved the new girls and Somaya couldn't stand Chrissy and Emily, and Olivia was too high and mighty for me. Girl needs to realize it is not 2005 she better take what she can get.

Yandy vs Chrissy gave me life. I also remember dying laughing at Erica vs Kimbella and when Kimbella and Somaya confronted Erica at her bday party and Erica said "why did you bring this beast with you" :lol:

And Mama Jones :wub: "I'm a psychotic bitch" or should I say physicotic lol

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My faves were Yandy & Somaya. Kimbella, Emily & Olivia didn't do much for me. Olivia got on my damn nerves! I'm sorry but her career is going NOWHERE far, LOL. Emily always rubbed me the wrong way for some reason.

TEAM YANDY ALL DAY! Chrissy was/is nothing but a mad bitch. She wakes up mad, stays mad & goes to bed mad! I couldn't stand that old witch. Her & Yandy's rivalry brought me life too though...LOL!

Mama Jones...OMG loved her! laugh.png I was sad to hear she won't be in the 3rd season, along with Jim jones & Chrissy. I won't miss Jim Jones at all. I'll miss Chrissy because we wont have her vs. Yandy anymore! sad.png

I also liked Erica vs. Kimbella. LOL when they scratched each others faces up. Erica came at Kimbella wrong but I still liked her. I liked her addition to the show, I find her hilarious...LOL she got a pretty erratic edit in the 2nd season. I hope she's in the third season & there's more of her.


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LMAO! Im glad I made this thread. Didnt relize Bucky was in next week's preview. Cant wait!

I didnt like all that sh-t K.Michelle was talking about Karlie in the last episode bc I like Karlie.

I never even heard of K. Michelle and Rasheeda before this show. Rasheeda's music sounds stupid

I'll have to look up the original series later when I have time I guess. Only saw parts of one episode with my sister with some blonde chick getting into a fight outside after she started some mess in front of some other girls sitting down just chilling.

LOL...funny you mention that. Girl posted nude pics of herself to "prove" she's all woman. People were saying she was tucking her d--k in. Would be a trip if she was revealed to be a man and Stevie got clowned out by his boys for it.





Momma Dee's a mess...lol

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I haven't watched this yet but I LOVE LOVE LOVE Rasheeda. Marry Me isn't one of her best, but the actual single Legs To The Moon is brilliant. For those who don't know, she was in a group called Peach Candy which was a duo with Kandi from Real Housewives of Atlanta. In fact, her new single also features Kandi. In addition to their Peach Candy stuff they've done probably a whole two or three albums worth of stuff together. She'd fit in SO MUCH better on the Atlanta housewives.

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Bc of you guys, Im watching the original series now and up to episode 3 of season 1.

I thought Chrissy would be my favorite but bitch is annoying me. I didnt like how she is hating on Somaya for NO reason. LMAO at Somaya saying "what is her job title? She's Jim Jone's GIRLFRIEND". Chrissy dont have a job. She does nothing but run her mouth

I see this show has its own ghetto mama. Mama Jones and her dislike of Chrissy is a trip...lol

There's something about Somaya that dont sit right with me. I dont care for her

Olivia is the only one I knew on this show. I think I'll like her just based on that,



I want VH1 to do a show called Hip Hop Moms starring Frankie, Mama Jones and Mama Dee! You know that show would be ratchet as f--k!

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