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Trying to figure out what Karen thinks she accomplished here.  Tommy is not an upstanding citizen.  Far from it.  She has over 35 arrest, most for stealing, so is anything Karen said a surprise?  We already know she's an alcoholic who's extremely violent.  Karen looks like a fool and I'm certain she's intoxicated in that blast. 

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Karlie's crying in that first scene was so terrible. A mess

Estelita. Its episode 12. Its too late to be giving new bitches storylines. Why is Mimi giving her her number, saying she can call her in case things go down. Look at her inserting herself in Stevie and Jos' drama again. LOL at her calling Karlie a "dusty water roach"


After seeing how pretty Dime can be when she has a natural look, I cant take her look like a bargain bin Barbie

Rasheeda saying she's been trying to deal with the issues of her marriage as quietly and privately as possible but now its been blown up on tv bc of Joseline. Girl, STFU! You are on a damn reality show filimg for the cameras on tv. Like girl are you serious?

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Joseline broke the 4th wall last night calling out the producers.  Good for her!  No wonder she's all over Mona's ass on social media.  Even tho Jos has an ulterior motive, Mona is trash!  Stevie's daughter is trifling and shouldn't be this involved.  Jos/Stevie is such a disgusting toxic pairing and it pains me that she gave that POS another child [he won't support].  


Jos' appearance on the real was more like an audition.  WOTS is that she will be the new co host.  She's trash talking now because she has a back up plan.


I had hoped we wouldn't see Tommie anymore, but she's back.  Whip her ass, Dime!  


Of Rasheeda and Kurt's SL is fake.  At the 11th hour, another dude shows up to claim the baby?  Sure 

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Dime is my favorite, and I love that Tommie can fly over tables to get to her victims but when it comes to Dime, she stands still and yells.  Real bad ass, I tell yah!  




Masika must have truly been skanking with Feddy to keep avoiding the situation.  Has she forgotten why she's on this show?  


That messy queen needs to go.


Nikki is even more plastic than last season.  


Can this bodysuit craze just leave now, please?  Everybody want to wear one, but everybody shouldn't wear one!


Hazel is just too damn stupid to see how ridiculous she looks.  So anyone can host a woman empowering event now?  Even trash like Hazel?  Kind of loses its purpose.  



Edited by ChitHappens
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I see why Masika doesnt want to film or talk about Alexis Sky and IA with her. Pay her dust. I wouldnt want to give her airtime and a story off of my back. With that said, Masika is playing herself acting like Joseline without the credentials to back it up. She already iced herself out of the opening credits and now Mona is giving her a horrible edit. She should have kept her cool instead of flipping out on production


Hazel honesting a woman empowering event is ridiculous and Im sick of this now being a trend across these shows


Zell is messy as f--k. I cant stand his ass

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Apparently she and Masika got into a fight last night and I hope Masika beat her up


Alexis was doing the most for a guy she's only known about a month. She looked stupid running up on his interview

Its clear that Cisco is the problem. He is not only enablig Teiarra but he's controlling and manipulating her. He's a creep. Did she never watch NYC? Not a good look for him. I feel for her bc this is gonna mess her up

I can see why Miss Nikki Baby dont f--k with T anymore. She is being a horrible friend. BTW, does Nikki really have no story this season? At this point, Im surprised they didnt replace her opening credit shot wtih Alexis Sky or Zell, both of whom are getting alot of airtime

Nazel E is a hater. She is loving being in a power position. Who gassed her head up?

Zell vs Ray...I cant

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Moniece was messy to badmouth her gf's bf on a podcast
Thank the VH1 gods that we got no Hazel tonight. 
Brooke looks gorgeous
I dont like how they are playing Ray J's storyling like its comedic hijinks. Id be so disrespected if I were Princess

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Her wig is bothering me
UGH! Scratch what I said about Hazel
I cant stand his Uncle Fester looking ass. That Amber Diamond chick looked dumb as hell.  
"I aint never see you with your socks off!" Im glad the old Teiarra is back. 
Team Petty for the win!
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I am so over Mona trying to make Holexis Sky "fetch." This girl is straight eating up the show, and I don't blame Masika at all for not wanting to pay her any time of day. I hope after Moniece beats her down tonight, I hope that she pays her dust too. 


Lyrica is another one Mona invests in that I don't get. Her telling Moniece to go into the studio and make a hit was laughable. When was the last time Lyrica herself had a hit song? I'll wait for an answer...



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Why wasnt Moniece and Alexis' fight filmed? I wanted to see that bitch get her ass kicked

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Horrible wig
I didnt realize Nia was so big now. She done ate herself into oblivion
Hazel needs to get her ass kicked. Nikki should have never invited T and her to the event. She know they dont f--k with each other...why would she expect them to mend the fences at her event? Makes no damn sense
A mess
We renting out white babies now? Kid looked terrified
Moniece and this damn wig
Seriosly, they should have titled this episode Bad Wigs
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ROTF @Cheap21!  That Scream mask is hilarious but accurate!  


Zell makes this show so hard to watch but he certainly takes RayJ off the hook as the character I hate most!  


Lyrica was on point with Moniece.  I loved every second of it and only wished it were longer!  


Why is Nia still on the show?  She's not a main cast member, but she remains useless!  

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