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Overall the premiere was glorious. Minus K. Michelle & Shay.

I saw my girl Karlie and some new girl in the opening credits but they were nowhere in the episode?? sad.png

Shay AKA Muffy off Arthur was disturbing. You thought Scrappy would stay true to you?! WHAT?! rolleyes.gif I couldn't deal w/all her theatrics. She really was serious. She's nothing but a delusional, trifling home wrecker. Momma D should be ashamed of herself too. She was sounding and looking a blithering, unhinged mess!

K. Michelle vs. Ariane was the dumbest fight ever! LOL. WTH? I loved when they started laughing during their argument. I'm glad they made up because that was really weak & out of left field anyway.

K. Michelle is just so irritating to me. Her attitude sucks & I hope her album fails. Sorry!!

Benzino was looking...tanned.

Joseline just gave me eternal life. I can't nitpick or take her antics too seriously. She's way too much fun & is just so oddly likable.

Stevie was disgusting as usual but I got some enjoyment and cackles out of him still. LOL @ his faces. Anyone notice how the camera always lingers on him for a few seconds after he finishes speaking in his confessionals? It really cracks me the hell up.

Mimi went IN. That ending was intense! But I have to say I couldn't believe she moved in w/him like that. Really, you stayed so you could protect your daughter from Joseline? rolleyes.gif Why not just take her home w/you?

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Watchign the opening and when Traci came, I was like "Traci? Who the f--k is she?" lol

When I saw Stevie was in the bed, I was SHOCKED! Mimi went "its not what you guys are thinking" and I was like yes bitch, go on and explain. I wish we had seen Jos go off the night before

Benzino and Karlie are broken up....why is he still here? WTF was Karlie?

Momma Dee is an evil ass bitch! Didn't she accept Erica and was happy for her at the reunion? Why is she meeting Bucky behind Scrappy's back and pushing her to break up her engagement? With all this prince talk she comes across like some evil queen from a Disney film. I could have felt bad for Bucky if she went away but why is she still here? She's doing nothing but hurting herself and has no one to blame but herself.

K. Michelle. Did she say she needs to be a mix between Fergie and Jesus? LMAO at Arrianne laughing at her. She couldn't even get her words out during that. That whole exchange came across so fake. K was talking all this ish and then she kisses and makes up with her? Happened way too fast




It starts.....hairstyle count = 3


Mingnon's hair? Upgrade!

What happened to that beast that was supposed to be added to the cast? Thank god he-she wasn't in the opening. Ugh there it goes in the previews

Wow at Jos just strolling in the house and calling Mimi the maid. She has no shame...lol. Why she keep calling her a maid? I didn't even realize she was saying Molly. I thought Marley was coming out her mouth. LOL. Mimi back to calling her a bitch


Jos is the Puerto Rican Princess....better recognize!

don't be sorry! I hope she flops as well! If all else fails she can always take her ever changing hair over to Dark and Lovely


Edited by Cheap21
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Wow! Great beginner! The most wonderful ratchet show on TV!

Joseline! Keep bringing it! Love you, sir!

Stevie! Disgusting POS!

Scrappy! Disgusting DUMB POS!

Erica! Pathetic idiot for thinking Scrap is a prize. Sad!

Mimi! Yeah, she went hard, but she does this every 3rd eppy. Got my watch set for the next one. She moved in to keep and eye on the kid from Joseline? REEEEEEdiculous! Can't stand her anymore!

No Karli! Yay!

No Rasheeda! Yay!

Mama D! Now, I get it. She's from the same litter as that animal she was holding or, at the very least, sired from the same canine. It all makes sense to me now! POS!

Edited by ChitHappens
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So, I've watched two episodes (i.e.: the third and fourth episodes of the first season) and, though I reserve the right to change my mind after watching the rest...

1. Stevie J is the Sonny Corinthos of that show - a big fish in a small pond. Dude loves to bark and carry a big stick (whether it's trying to sweet-talk Mimi into taking him back or threatening to send Joseline back to the strip club), but he knows damn well that he wouldn't be able to get away with this fuckery happening in his own backyard - not in 2012.

2. I'm trying to figure out if Joseline was born and raised in NYC and is now trying to force an ATL accent or if she spent her early life in NYC and moved down to ATL at some point with the latter accent rubbing off on her. Homegirl speaks with a mushmouth Boricua Southern accent that utterly fascinates and confounds me.

3. Never thought that I'd ever see Buckey from FOL again, so it was weird to see her out of her original dating-competition-show element. Not sure if she's positioning herself to be another Joseline, but I'll tune in to see.

4. Although Scrappy is trifling as sh!t for not clueing Erica in on what's what (while allowing Momma Dee to run his ass), I will say that his face does look better than mean-mugging Stevie's.

5. I wish that Joseline'd been honest in saying that she'd chosen to have an abortion instead of whining about Stevie "forcing her to have one". I highly doubt that he's the only former NYC up-and-comer in that town, so to act as if it was a do-or-die/make-or-break choice falls flat to me.

6. I keep hearing about K. Michelle being referred to as the Off-Keyshia Cole of ATL and well, I can't say that I agree for the simple fact that this chick can actually carry a tune. I've never heard a single song of hers and am not sure if she is/was somebody in ATL, but her showcase showed me that she actually has more talent than that bootleg MJB.

I do have two questions, though...

1. Why doesn't Momma Dee like Erica and what does Buckey have to offer him that Erica doesn't?

2. Why is K. Michelle considered "crazy"?

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I loved how Mimi's weak ass first words in her talking head was "I know what y'all are thinking but THIS ain't THAT". Lmao! Her reasons for living with Stebie are bullsh-t! What happened to the house she threw him out of last season? Who sells/leaves a house without first securing another place to live (especially when you have a young child to take care of)? I could understand her point about her not wanting Joseline around her daughter but again, if she had her own place she wouldnt have to worry about that as much.

When Erica was getting the ring appraised I was expecting the guy to come back and say it was fake. That would have been less surprising than having the damn thing be worth $20,000. Damnnnn. And how do u spend $2000 on clothes EVERY month? Wasn't he skimping out on child support payments?

Something is wrong with Mama Dee. Talking about how she felt betrayed by Scrappy proposing to Erica. And then talking about how finnnne Shah is. Lady needs to fall back and stay out of her son's love life. Learn some boundaries.

Not enough of Joseline. I can't help but laugh when Joseline needles Mimi. They both are a hot mess, but at least Joseline doesn't take herself so seriously.

Umm that K. Michelle/Arianne argument was really weird, but regardless K's hair was on point this episode. :wub:

Edited by Eric83
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And then we have...

FREE SCRAPPY! ... in that order.

Ready for this Foolery? Let's Go!






This dramatic mofo... I'm surprised she didn't have Buckeey waiting in the wings to come console her as they plot how to split up Scrap & Erica.

And I leave you with K Michelle's mvid

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I Just Wanna (Official MVid)

Edited by London
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OMG I just realized that this is Ramona from The Real Housewives of New York City!!!! WOW!

I'm watching the trip to Morocco and in some ways its even crazier than Scary Island.....absolutely hilarious. I cannot believe I didn't recognize her. Just a total break down after her fight with Jill Zarin...this gif is juts priceless!

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