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Love and Hip Hop Thread


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Here's ya girl Jos singing or rapping (I'm not 100% sure what it is she is planning) Bailar.


Try again, boo. She may be able to make it, don't really know - but I do love me some good reggaeton music. She had a hot beat on the show I think this week or last but I see those dancing lessons still haven't paid off Stevie.

Edited by London
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LOL! I decided to watch the whole video while on the treadmill today at the gym. That mess was ratchet as hell. Why are her girls sipping drinks in the toilet stall? Why does a chicken randomly come up and poop on the floor? Im guessing this is one of those ideas that sounds funny on paper bc it was a mess onscreen



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K Michelle needs to be cautious with her hair styles/weaves. She looks so much older in the eppies, but when talking to the camera with the reddish hair, she looks much younger. Still love her!

I'm finally caught up, and I'm becoming a fan of Erica. She seems the realist and half intelligent.

Scrappy needs to stop acting like he's the only person with asthma and it's fatal. He had already dumped Erica when he had the attack. What does she owe him?!

Hate Stevie more, and I didn't think that was possible.

Still don't believe Joseline was born a woman, but I lover her/him/it.

Still feel Karlie is a worthless no talent troublmaking POS!

Mimi is still pathetic and uninteresting to me. Stevie J should have been nicely tucked away in her past. Why she bore that slug's child is completely beyond me.

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You're killing me! I was dying when my Best had sent me an Instagram image of ChiChi & Jos mash-up and then when I watched it the resemblance is uncanny.

I like Mimi - I think she's dumb as f**k but she cracks me up. She and Jos are cut from the same pathetic cloth when it comes to Master Shredder. It really is a shame but I think he likes Jos so much since he can basically speak and do anything he wants to her and she'll still forgive him. Same with MiMi but at least she comes with it from time to time. She needs to just leave hima nd be done with it once and for all. She has a beautiful daughter and she just needs to focus on that little one and find someone new.

Jos is one of the worst but she's only funny for entertainment purposes. Sometimes she says some funny stuff, I love laughing at her period when she opens her mouth. Her weave is ALWAYS killing me -- especially last week during that photoshoot. But nevertheless purely for entertainment do I even remotely peep her when she's on the telly.

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