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Unpopular Opinions: 2012 Edition

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Fair enough. I said some people might think I need help for that! laugh.png I'll try to find something we agree on. Deal? smile.png

I guess I'll just list another UO:

I actually think KA is quite pretty. Not the prettiest girl I've ever seen, but certainly not the ugliest, either. She seems like a sweet girl in real life, too.

I remember when EA was first on the show, and people used to say that he needed to step it up and act more like his sister (and now it's usually the opposite). All I saw was a cute kid. Then again, I was 12 when he joined the show, so consider the source.

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I think I'm just more sensitive to child actors/early 20s actors because that's the age range I'm in. KA in particular because I grew up watching her and loved her (save for the few years I didn't watch). I try to be nice about kids/young adults, especially young girls, given how many negative messages they (we, if I could include women in the audience like myself) can get in the media about their looks.

...And then I feel like a hypocrite when I realize I've made fun of younger actors like the Olsen twins, who, even though I loved them as a kid, did kinda have monkey faces back then laugh.png .

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They were universally liked up until The Baldwin Fishers started eating the show.

After John & William's deaths a lot of viewers turned on them & Likey fans constant whining about how their couple is getting the short end of the stick from Maria & Hogan NOW hasn't helped.

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Here's a possible UO:

Despite the fact that it ran out of steam later on, and Linda Gottlieb/Michael Malone were needed to bring the show back, I'd be lying through my teeth if I didn't think Paul Rauch's OLTL (based on what I've seen on YouTube) could be pretty frickin' awesome a lot of the time (right down to their awesome background music).

And there are some actors/stories that might have been recognized more if the crazier, more OTT stories hadn't been on at the same time (ANYTHING with Fiona Hutchison as Gabrielle, anyone?)

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Here's a partial UO/partial nitpick:

I hadn't thought about this until recently, but although Tyler Noyes and Hayden Panettiere were cute kids as CJ and Sarah, and convincing in looks as Tina's (KW/KT versions) kids, it might have been a good idea to stick with kids with darker features, because as Maria's grandkids, they would have been a quarter Mexican (as Cord was half-Mexican), which generally means that darker features would be dominant traits in them.

Still, another UO:

I liked Justis Bolding as Sarah. She didn't need to sing, but I liked her and thought she had a natural family dynamic when she interacted with Cord & Tina in 2008. Her relationship with Cristan was a bit of a WTF, though (but that's probably a popular opinion).

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KA is another KMc (Robin, GH). Two characters who should have been recast to more adult looking characters. I'm not asking for sexy, but a bit of appeal would not hurt. I don't think either would have been hired if they had to come in as a teen or adult. When Robin was made COS on GH, that was it for me. Any credibility GH had remaining was lost.


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You know, I never saw her as Greenlee, but I remember reading an SOD interview on her and seeing that she was both a John Mellencamp fan and an Indigo Girls fan, and that warmed me up to her immediately, if only as a person. Random, I know. laugh.png

Speaking of Greenlee:

Not sure if this is a UO or not, but I remember seeing clips of J. Eddie Peck's Jake and RB's Greenlee on AMC before OLTL would come on when I was younger, and I thought they were SO HOT! I can see why Leo & Greenlee were popular, too, but I almost wanted to start watching the show to see them. I had such a crush on JEP back then wub.png .

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Here is a Y&R one:

I really REALLY liked Adam, before he got trapped by Sharon's Venus Flytrap. Sharon is the place where viable leading men go to die, she ruins everything. And why on earth, are we supposed to believe men fall over themselves for this woman? She is basically the Soggy biscuit in human form.

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