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DAYS: Will & Sonny Spoiler Thread

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Though I thought Noah/JS was a waste of screen time, Luke/VH had a great screen presence. He seemed very at ease and just lit up the screen (especially opposite ESS). Though I think both FS and CM are talented acting wise, I don't think either have dynamic screen presences.

I really hope Days doesn't fall into the same trap that ATWT'S did with Luke/Noah, i.e, if the sexual chemistry truly isn't there between FS/CM, they still stick with the pairing.

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I wonder what makes Will go all nuts to the point of brandishing/touching that gun. I'm glad they are maintaing the Will/EJ interaction. I still very much prefer him in EJ 's orbit. It keeps him (Will) interesting, unlike poor Sonny whose become the walking PSA/After School Special Camp Counselor, owner of a coffee shop that gets more screen time than its owner.

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Perhaps hourglasses?

That's going to be one long day in Salem. EJ & Will are talking sans outerwear, but the top picture of Will (along with pics of EJ and Kate) shows he's in a raincoat. I guess this takes place during the rumored rainstorm.

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all these storylines are boring at their core though, because the writers/producers are too afraid to take any creative risks with their SL's, so I'm pretty much only here for the m/m eye candy. And Noah was a good-looking guy, who didn't look a mess w/ his top off. ;-P

but, I must say, I'm liking how Will is being handled like a character and not just a 'gay character'. They seem to be positioning him as a genuine 'baddie' (while 'lightening EJ up' for a Sami/EJ pairing, IMO) character, which I love and hope comes to fruition and isn't just another dead end. Will's mommy issues aside, he's prob. the most interestingly non-stereo-typically written gay character I've ever seen on an American soap. Nice.

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Other than Will having tantrums I don't see him as that bad. If he is, Chandler fails at playing it. He reminds me of Luke on ATWT, so I'm not sure if it breaks any stereotype. I get the feeling the show is actually not at all interested in his being gay and just has that in for more cheap drama.

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I had so much hope for Will when he started his whole bitchy routine...but instead of being fabulously bitchy like his mother was in her prime he just comes off as a whiny brat. I just don't care anymore about Will or the walking PSA, Sonny. They are so BORING. And it's not just the charatcers, the actors are boring to. Bland. Basic. Vanilla.

Hell give me a stereotype, it's not like they aren't real people too, I'd take a Marc St. James or a Justin Suarez over the two duds on Days. And then there is Andrew Van DeKamp, the best gay there ever was, he is everything Will has failed to be.

I give up with gays on soaps, they just can't seem to get it right.

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Of the storylines I've seen featuring gay characters on the (US) soaps, I found OLTL's Kyle to be the most interesting, with ATWT's Reid Oliver a very close second.

I have to agree with this. CM does seem to lack the skills needed to show the subtext and nuances of the complexities of Will's life outside of his teen drama. Will stated that he enjoys the power and freedom that comes from working for EJ, but unfortunately, other than the dialogue, you would never know he derived those benefits from being on EJ's/The DiMera's payroll. Occasionally smiling or grinning when having a conversation with and/or receiving instructions from EJ does not denote power or freedom.

Like you, I had so much hope for Will. Not in the bitchy category, but in truly being a gray almost black character, but I now know the show really won't take him there, so I'll just enjoy him when he's in EJ's orbit, hopefully that'll be quite often.

Sadly, I have to agree that both FS & CM are your "basic," "bland," "vanilla" actors. And while I - now - have no interest in FS's Sonny, CM's Will will continue to hold my interest as long as the character is allowed to actually interact non-judgmentally with some of the show's gray/bad characters sans his countenance of pain, crying jags, and tantrums.

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The biggest problem with the whole story of Will under the thrall of the Dimeras is that they really don't do anything that bad. If Stefano had Will fix a mayoral election or blurt out that EJ and Sami had sex together, then that's very small potatoes for a man who once wanted to destroy the world, brainwashed and tortured many people, gaslighted Marlena into demonic possession, et al. If they went nuts and had Will involved in something like the Rafe 2 fiasco where EJ and Stefano were having Sami raped over and over by some man she thought was her boyfriend - that would be nasty (although given how many hate Sami my guess is a lot of fans would cheer this on). But that doesn't seem to be happening. I'm not even really sure what dark element EJ has brought to Will's life. I think he got Will to use Sydney as a weapon against Sami. That's about it.

I don't care so much about edgy or groundbreaking gay characters as much as I just want to see someone I could have an interest in in a story I care about. Sonny has always been a PSA, but if you'd given him a story with the Kiriakis family, and more airtime for Judi Evans and Wally Kurth, then I probably would have cared. Unfortunately Will's story was so plot over character from the start that I just never could care.

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