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DAYS: January Discussion Thread

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IDA. I find them incredibly boring. Im more intrigued by Abigail's infatuation with him than he with Carrie. I also DA on Mike. To me, Mike was the last time Carrie was truly great. I thought they made a great couple and better than Carrie/Austin post PM's original run

Now that is not true and as a Austin/Carrie fan you should know that. What about all the bedroom scenes we've gotten? Everytime they fight, there tends to be follow up with them maknig up and that stuff is romantic. A/C are just dull these days. The writing doesnt help but the characters themselves just dont have the magic they did 20 years ago. I dont care for Bo/Hope either but the chemistry between PR and KA still shines and they can transcend awful writing (and lord knows they havent had interesting story in a while). The same cant be said for CC/PM and the A/C redux. I guess at least they havent reached Jack/Jenn levels where Im screaming for the writers to let the dead horse die

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And also "Hiding in the shadowwwwwwssss" laugh.pnglaugh.png Those songs were HILARIOUS!

And I loved those scenes too...very natural & well-played by all the actors. That Will/Justin scene was fantastic too.

I have serious HATE for both of their characters but I just love them when together wub.png the office scenes were HOT. Damn DAYS picked some raunchy shots of CC/Carrie. LOL ;-)

Sorry but no.

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So you'd rather spit on the show's history by breaking up popular couples? No thanks! I want to see the couples I love together, happy and in well-written, exciting stories. We were deprived of Carrie/Austin happiness for five years, and now the new writers are failing to give us happy moments.

The idea of Carrie and Rafe hooking up is indeed sick. It's a slap in the face to Carrie and Austin fans. Carrie and Austin are a supercouple. They don't deserve to be broken up.

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No, THAT is not true. These writers are giving all the sexy/romantic moments to Carrie and Rafe instead of Carrie and her HUSBAND. Even though Christie and Patrick haven't worked together in 16 years, they still have that sweet chemistry that makes me smile and giddy whenever I see them onscreen together.

Not sure why people hate supercouples---Days is the supercouple soap! Rooting against supercouples is a losing battle.

Sorry but yes.

No they didn't. That was the story that turned Carrie into a slutty adulterer and basically made her unrootable. Christie is lucky in that she has had great chemistry with both Austins, which is why there is still a hardcore fanbase for Aurrie. Muldoon, Peck, doesn't matter---Carrie and Austin are fabulous no matter who's playing Austin.

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