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DAYS: January Discussion Thread

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Carrie looked so hot (no pun intended) in that pink top. Thank you, Grant Johnson, for the numerous close up shots of Carrie's boobs. :D LMAO at that Kelly Moneymaker (I'm assuming it's her) song for the Rafe/Carrie "heat" montage. The lyrics for the song was hilarious. :lol: I'm so going to type that up when I get the chance. LOL Oh, and we ANOTHER Kelly Moneymaker song at the end of the episode and the lyrics for that song was cheesy too. :lol: I really enjoyed today's show, first time in a while.

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Today was really good! I love how everyone in town knows Will is gay. The scene with Justin was really good, then we got the official confirmation with Sonny being like, "HE'S NOT READY TO COME OUT YET."

Also, this Kelly Moneymaker music is too LOL for me to handle. First we get the "can you feel the heat?" scene, then we get a montage of "I see you lurking in the shadows!" as Will is actually lurking in the shadows.

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I might start watching this show.

I just watched the episode with the guy - Brady - who want to give up working for his granddad's business to work with his dad. Days has always been my favourite American soap, I watched a couple of weeks of episodes when I was in Barbados about three or four years ago and they were playing episodes from around the time that Lucas and Sami were getting together in 1993ish. I loved Lucas. :)

I hope to see Sami again soon if I watch the show regularly, is she like a heroine of the soap now?

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Does it bother anyone else that Carrie's office is Lexie's office, which was also a room at the police station, and also an office at Carly's rehab center? And Austin's office is Marlena's office, which was also Alice's lawyer's office, and I think even that Salem U dorm room! Ugh, it's distracting!

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It's totally distracting.

That Kelly Moneymaker one-two shot today was TOO DAMN MUCH. I was hiding my face and giggling while she was wailing, "Can you feeeeel the heeeeeeat????"

Good Will/Sonny/Jai Rodriguez stuff today, though! I really enjoyed those scenes. Freddie Smith does really well with the casual, jokey stuff with friends and family.

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Please tell me that's a sick joke. You realize Carrie belongs with Austin right? Just like Bo belongs with Hope, John belongs with Marlena, Patch with Kayla, etc., etc.

I'm not sure why MarDar seems to be targeting the Aurrie fans, but they are. Carrie and Austin haven't had any happiness or any romantic moments since they returned. I can only assume we did something to piss off the headwriters. If they keep up with this Rafe nonsense, I'll have no choice but to stop watching again. I came back to Days because they finally brought back Carrie and Austin, but I'm no masochist. I won't sit around torturing myself watching them hook up with other people.

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Then don't watch. People are entitled to opinions without being harrassed. I love Christie/Carrie, and Caustin was my favorite couple of the '90's, but they have been boring together since they returned. Carrie and Rafe have major chemistry and both actors play amazingly off of each other. There is a spark there that cannot be denied. Again, that's just an opinion.

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If they want Carrie/Rafe so bad, then recast Carrie with McKenzie Westmore.

Carrie and Austin seem "boring" because they haven't gotten any good material since returning. They have had NO romantic moments...nothing! These writers are clearly on a mission to destroy Aurrie and pimp out this sickening pairing with Rafe.

There is no chemistry between Christie and Galen---the only chemistry is between Christie and Patrick. It's a shame these writers don't realize the goldmine they have in Carrie and Austin. I'm not sure why they are intent on alienating and pissing off the Aurrie fanbase, but it's working. I won't watch a soap where my favourite couple is torn apart. Just not worth it.

The other annoying thing is that this is just a redo of the horrible Carrie/Mike storyline of the 90s. If Carrie cheats on Austin AGAIN, it will destroy the integrity of her character. Who wants to root for a serial adulterer? Not pleased with this story at all. I love Aurrie, but I would rather have had them happy off-screen than miserable on-screen.

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Carrie and Austin still have that "it" factor that makes them such a great couple. They are one of the lucky supercouples where the magic was maintained with two different Austins.

Ultimately, if these writers didn't want Austin and Carrie together, Carrie would've returned solo, having broken up with Austin off-screen. Same with Jack. If they didn't want Jack and Jenn to reunite, they wouldn't have bothered bringing back Matt Ashford.

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