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Y&R: Discussion for the Month of November

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Adam isn't a character, he's a plot point with tics. The most popular things he does have nothing to do with characterization (unbuckling a belt, generic pissing contests with other guys). They destroyed Adam with the gaslighting story so Muhney just plays what works for him, but without him the character would be worthless. It's reprehensible what they've done to these characters.

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Thank you, Carl, that's exactly what I meant (but couldn't find the right words to say).

Hey! I just realized something! Check it: Patty's new alias is "Myrna Murdock," right? Take away the "n" and change the "k" to an "h," and you know what you have? "Myra Murdoch," Palmer Cortlandt's housekeeper and mother-in-law. If I didn't know any better, I'd think someone on that writing staff was an ALL MY CHILDREN fan. wink.png

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I almost wish Josh Morrow would land a big film role or a hot primetime series. Anything to get him and his smug fratboy take on Nick Newman off this damn show.

Re: Victor & Nikki

1) Wow, that was fast!

2) Wow, that's some gut (on EB)!

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Victor: Mmmmmmmmmmmmm. My darlink. Mmmmmmmmmmmm.

Nikki: Oh oh Victor. I've missed you so much, my darling. Mmmmmmmmm.

Victor: Mmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Nikki: Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Victor: Mmm?

Nikki: Victor, take off your coat and put on your Black T-Shirt of Brooding.

Victor: For you? Anything, my darlink.

Nikki: Oh Victor. You are such a good man. I wish everybody could see what I see in you. The kindness. The generosity. The limitless capacity for forgiveness. (crosses fingers behind her back)

Victor: *growls in an obviously aroused way*

Adam (on the phone): Hello, security? I need you to remove two people from my office, STAT!

Michael and ScarecrowToria: angry.png

Adam: And while you're at it, bring up some boxes so that Victoria Newman can pack up all her things. (hangs up phone) There is absolutely no need to thank me.

ScarecrowToria: Get the hell out of my father's office, Adam.

Adam: You're the one who resigned, cokehead. Don't let the door hit you on your way out.

ScarecrowToria: Adam is such a mean bully.

Billy after too many cigarettes and whiskey sours: Heh heh. What's that old scallywag been up to now?

ScarecrowToria: Sitting in dad's office lording it over us, the TRUE Newmanzzzzzzzzz.

Billy after too many cigarettes and whiskey sours: Heh heh. You know, I hate your dad, and he did get me looked up in a prison in Myanmar on trumped-up drug smuggling charges while stopping me from seeing my sick daughter... but despite all that, he is your father and deserves your love and respect. You need to warn him about Adam being all nefarious and sh!t.

ScarecrowToria: You're such a good, decent man, how did I ever get so lucky to have you in my life? etc. etc.

Phyllis: Hey Avery McBigBoobs. We bonded over Thanksgiving. Let's be friends again so I don't have to worry about you talking sh!t about me to Nick.

Avery: We didn't bond. And thanks for reminding me about Nick. Time for a booty call.

Phyllis: Oh yeah? Well, Nick is my HUZZBIND you ho! You're just trying to get back at me! Everything is always about ME ME ME! You have zero dignity! Now if you will excuse me, tramp, I need to go fall on top of Ronan's penis.

Beekeeper Pattyrna: Hey there Señor Kittycat! I can't believe that horrible witch Laura Spencer gave you away to Diane's spawn! Aw, kitty. Come crawl over me like I crawled over Sleepin' Jack at Thanksgiving. We can re-enact that scene from Batman Returns when Christopher Walken pushes Michelle Pfeiffer out of the window, and all her cats crawl all over her and tongue her and give her amazing cat powers that turn her into Catwoman!

(Actually, i wouldn't mind if Stacy Haiduk donned that PVC suit and ran around GC as Catwoman full-time. Better than that weird lace mask she puts on to answer the door).

Jack: Billy, now that Jabot is FINALLY back in the hands of the Abbotts, we want you to join the firm. Make it a true family business.

Billy after too many cigarettes and whiskey sours: Heh heh. Can't do dat, bro. I'm thinking of reigniting the godforsaken Restless Style story!

Jack: Billy, what about your family?

Billy after too many cigarettes and whiskey sours: Heh heh. Jack, I'm really not into acknowledging that I'm an Abbott or that that Jill person is my mother. I'm wrapped up in the Newman story. You should try it sometime, it's called "frontburner."

Phyllis: Nikki's back in town. Unzip your pants. Shall I be on top this time?

Ronan: Ah mah gud. Nikkeh's in tahhn? That explens everythung! This pillow -- No Place Lak Humm -- and the red shoes? It's a clue to Diane's muh-duh-ruh! It clearly refuhs to Nikkeh!

P.S. Dr. Pee is back as Tucker's psychiatrist. rolleyes.gif

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