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OLTL: Discussion for the week of September 26

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Yesterday was the most interesting Starr has been since I started watching in 2008 :lol:

I'm tired of this Irene bitch. :rolleyes: seriously, it feels like Mitch Laurence (09-10) all over again. Ready for her to be killed so RC can eek out one last murder mystery on ABC OLTL.

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I know I don't pretended that the shows were much better back then. Trust me, if the internet was alive back then, there would be the same old complaints. On that note OLTL has been great to me up until JFP took over. I hated her era and tuned out for a while. Even DH's writing even if a tiny bit was better than JFP. If I can just forget about that horrible teen fiasco last year and tune out the Fords, the show is actually pretty decent under FV and RC.

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My comment about the golden days of soaps was more in response to the "inconsistency" criticism. I think they were always inconsistent. Possibly at a higher level. But still, they weren't fabulous each and every day. Yesterday's episode was as good as anything I've seen in a long time. And It definitely makes me want to tune in today.

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No soap or show is always great, but good characterization can save the day. With OLTL it's tough to have any idea how to react to people like Jessica, Brody, Clint, Ford, Rex, Victor (when he was alive). It doesn't help when some stories are rewritten on the fly. I don't know what the motivation for Natalie and Brody should be now, because I remember the setup of their story being Natalie, assuming John didn't want her and having sex with Brody. A few months later, the writing was changed to Natalie knowing John wanted her, and still sleeping with Brody. I remember Brody deciding to accept and love Ryder as his own. Now they're saying that Brody rejected Ryder because Ryder wasn't his biological child. This makes such hash of the characters.

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This is where all comes down to interpretation. I don't see where Brody rejected Ryder. Jessica rejected Brody, what is he supposed to do? John rejected Natalie, what is she supposed to do? I'm not seeing where their motivations have changed. It's right there.

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Around the time that John and Natalie broke up, scenes with Kelly and John or Kelly and Natalie said that John and Natalie were together and happy when Brody and Natalie slept together. This meant that Natalie went from being someone who only slept with Brody because she thought John didn't want her to someone who cheated on a man who loved her and wanted her. It takes away the initial conflict in the storyline, because if Natalie did have that low of an opinion of John then there's no real reason why he'd want to be back with her.

Clint said that Brody rejected Ryder because of biology. Nothing in the writing seemed to suggest this at the time yet this is now what the show is saying. That changes the initial story, where Brody was a flawed but decent man, and makes him look like more of a jerk.

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The show is not saying that. That's Clint's assumption. How could he possibly know anything different? To go further, the show can't be saying that since Liam is John's and Brody clearly loves that child. He loves Ryder too, but Jessica and Ford took the kid away from him.

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I think there are other reasons for him to believe Brody wouldn't want Jessica - namely that she basically abandoned him for months and according to her, consensually had sex with another man. That Clint threw that up to Brody makes me wonder if the show is trying to sell this as accurate.

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