Members carolineg Posted September 26, 2021 Members Share Posted September 26, 2021 Yes, V left with a multi millionaire that Chloe introduced her too. I think his name was Simon. I agree it was probably way too soon to put Jax/V together after the whole Sonny/Brenda saga, but if MB and VM both left the show with Sonny/Brenda married I think it would have been okay eventually. Ugh....those Jax/Sam promos were a lot. And it was so soon after VM left. Obviously it worked out for KeMo, but I don't think any of that promotion helped her cause at all. I don't even think Sam/Jax were the worst, but that promotion and pimping was just asking for trouble especially since I don't think Jax as a character came off very well after the whole Brenda/Skye non wedding debacle. But KeMo/Sam's success is a case where the show tried really hard and it was a failure and they worked around it to make Sam viable. I mean, I personally think Sam is the worst but she's been on the show for almost 2 decades and has fans, so whatever. Print ads seem to be a curse, but all those couples looked very pretty together lol. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members amybrickwallace Posted September 26, 2021 Members Share Posted September 26, 2021 Jax and Sam didn't even last all that long as a couple. I forget who she was with next - Jason or Sonny. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Vee Posted September 26, 2021 Members Share Posted September 26, 2021 (edited) Guza had no investment in Jax when he returned. Ingo returning was a network move that happened while Guza was away and something they clearly had no idea what to do with, especially once Guza was back in the big chair. IIRC that was the period when they randomly told the magazines the oft-single Jax was casually frequenting hookers for leisure post-Brenda's exit in '03. He had nothing to do for a long while, and they only foisted him off on Courtney because Guza also hated Courtney, forced on him by Brian Frons, and had finally found the opening to downgrade her character with the arrival of Kelly Monaco. Same thing happened with Nikolas later on; Guza had tired of TC/Nikolas quickly, and made him the heavy and heel in multiple stories. Nik and Courtney was a pairing of heels designed to wreck and marginalize them both, nothing more (whether or not TC and ALW were involved IRL as rumored didn't matter, because it still served Guza's ends and disinterest in both of them). Guza tired of former faves (Nikolas, Alexis, etc) often and could be really vindictive. Jax had had his moment in the sun for BG in the late '90s, but it was past. As for Sam, I don't think Jax/Sam was ever something the show took seriously. The network maybe, looking for an available hunk to pair KM with, but GH hadn't been invested in Jax at all for several years up til that point. He was always going to be a stopover one way or another. I do think they actually could've worked well together if they'd kept to the original concept of Sam the treasure hunting adventurer, in lighter fare - harkening back to GH's '80s roots - but they didn't. Edited September 26, 2021 by Vee 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members carolineg Posted September 26, 2021 Members Share Posted September 26, 2021 Sonny. She started having an affair with him and got knocked up with baby Lila who could have possibly been Jax's but wasn't. She hooked up with Jason later. It was clearly a Brenda plot literally that was foisted on Sam. She gets knocked up by Sonny and falls for Jason which is where the show was headed with the Brenda stuff until VM abruptly left. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Vee Posted September 26, 2021 Members Share Posted September 26, 2021 Print ads have always been huge for soaps, though. The key is doing print ads for couples and stories that already work and already have the audience, or for introducing a new story or lead (as was often done in the '80s). Not oversaturating it for prefabricated couples no one wants. It was so blatant I couldn't believe it, and then I spent the next decade-plus having Sam stans insist to me she was never a Brenda stand-in. Please. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members carolineg Posted September 26, 2021 Members Share Posted September 26, 2021 I think the Jax character took a major hit post-Brenda's return. I remember him frequenting hookers off screen and that seemed so unlike Jax. Anyhow, he basically brutally dumped Skye for nothing. I can't believe Jax would ever, ever, leave Brenda at the altar like that. It was so awful and then he offered her money. Ugly stuff that Jax wouldn't ever do. I know it's dramatic and all but Jax would have broken up with Brenda and her hair extensions, ugly tattoo, and hideous dress in private. Courtney and Jax literally felt like the most random pairing EVER. I don't really have an opinion on them one way or another, but I felt it came out of nowhere. But it led him to Carly lol. So there is some investment in IR/Jax because they wouldn't have paired him with LW. Or maybe they just couldn't find anyone tall enough for her and Jax was it lol. The lack of investment in TC/Nik in later years might be due to his personal problems and his lack of interest in even trying to act than Guza losing interest. It was so clearly Brenda's story it's not even funny. They didn't even change it really. There just wasn't much investment between Sonny or Jax being the dad in the way it would have been with Brenda. I still wish VM stayed for that. I think it would have been a good story and I think the kid probably would have lived and maybe saved us from the 10 other children Sonny had in the future and I thought Jason/Brenda were kind of hot the first time around. I was willing to watch it. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Vee Posted September 26, 2021 Members Share Posted September 26, 2021 I honestly think someone made it clear Ted King/Lorenzo could not and would not be given frontburner story again, and that's why LW ended up with Jax. I think they were that threatened by what went down with him and TB's Carly in 2003-2004. Putting Wright and King back together seemed so obvious with her a major, popular daytime star and yet they didn't dare, even though the characters were still married when she joined the show. They're lucky Laura and Ingo had real chemistry and fans went for it. It was the first and only time Ingo had a real role on the canvas again, as the man who put her and her children first, and as I've said before I don't think it would've ever worked with any other Carly; the others were too raw for him IMO. I'll always feel Carly made a huge mistake losing Jax, who gave her a real home, and that's ironic for me because the idea of pairing Sarah or Tamara with Jax back in the day always grossed me out. But we've had this conversation. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members carolineg Posted September 27, 2021 Members Share Posted September 27, 2021 Wasn't MB who made it clear Ted King couldn't be frontburner again? I don't think either Alcazar brothers were that well developed. I kind of like the crazier Luis tbh. It does seem like the obvious route to put LW/TK back together on a new soap, but I don't remember them having much chemistry on The City. I have always really enjoyed CarJax and I know I have said I think TB/IR had chemistry when they worked at that Club together. I don't think SJB and IR had enough scenes to even evaluate chemistry, but her Carly does feel much more raw and too gritty for Jax. Jax tends to prefer damsels in distress and that is not how I would ever describe SJB's Carly. I liked Jax's role with Carly and her kids and it made so much sense for both characters. I would be 100% fine if CarJax were endgame because I think that's LW's best pairing and the show is just treading water with her and Sonny. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Vee Posted September 27, 2021 Members Share Posted September 27, 2021 I think it may have been Benard, Guza, Frons or some combination. Either way they iced him. I think Lorenzo started out very strong and then they turned him deliberately into the goat for emasculating story, like Jax or Nikolas. I always thought LW and TK had very hot chemistry on Loving/TC. I think the Sarah of today could play off of him well (and still bring the true, raw Carly into the mix, and fuse both sides together organically). Back then, no. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted September 27, 2021 Members Share Posted September 27, 2021 The time that Ally and Danny were interesting was when they were on Loving and she framed him for raping her because she blamed him for Casey's death. The story was gross, but both characters were jagged edges and compelling to watch. Once she was lumbered with Tony and Danny was thrown all around the ill-defined City canvas (didn't he spend a lot of time pimping himself out to Sydney Chase?), there wasn't much reason to care. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Vee Posted September 27, 2021 Members Share Posted September 27, 2021 Yeah, the stories on those shows were the problem. The chemistry was not in question for me. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members carolineg Posted September 27, 2021 Members Share Posted September 27, 2021 Probably all of the above on the Ted King situation, but I remember hearing MB was especially jealous of him. Ted King and Laura Wright tend to have chemistry with most people they interact with (outside of MB and SBu for her lol), so I would have been okay with it. It seems weird they have not brought back his and Skye's kid to mix with the teen scene. Did Claudia and Jax interact much? I can't really remember. I know Jax was part of all the shenanigans but I can't particularly remember him and Claudia. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members amybrickwallace Posted September 27, 2021 Members Share Posted September 27, 2021 Thank you. I'm still grossed out that Sonny got both her and her mother pregnant. Shame on the writers for subjecting us to that. Please register in order to view this content 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Vee Posted September 27, 2021 Members Share Posted September 27, 2021 I think they did but I can't recall a second of it. Sarah also has gotten a bit more glam since then as well (though I have no doubt she can still bring the fury). And yes, Mo's jealousy re: TK was no secret. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members carolineg Posted September 27, 2021 Members Share Posted September 27, 2021 Yeah, and Kristina is basically useless to the writers anyways so it's all for nothing. I do get kinda grossed out the Dante/Sam share multiple siblings lol. I can't recall a single second either though they must have had scenes. Probably not memorable ones I guess. I will always like both TB and LW as Carly (TB is my fave), but it's a shame Sarah couldn't continue to play her through the years. I would love to see her take on Carly today. The character of Carly has just moved so far away from what it was intended to be. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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