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OLTL Discussion for the week of August 15th

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Seriously, we're all supposed to take the word of a woman who's (allegedly) played dead for over three decades? This is not the first time either Llanview or we have had the proverbial rug pulled out from under. For all we know, Irene might not even be Irene! This [!@#$%^&*] can be re-retconned like *that.*

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At some point, this show better give us a Viki/"Irene" confrontation. You don't bring someone's best friend back from the dead (for the first time) and not have her at least go to the jail and demand an explanation for all the [!@#$%^&*] she and Victor, Sr. have done to her over the years.

Yeah, that's right, I air-quoted "Irene," b/c this latest mess and everything else that's happened on OLTL and on AMC, I take nothing on soaps at face-value anymore. Nothing.

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I thought the most offensive move in OLTL history was recasting a minority female, and one who was written suffering racism all her life, with a white RACIST.

Anyhoo, it's very clear RC is intent on DESTROYING TnT and Téa to prop up Blair.

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Of course, Téa will be humiliated and destroyed. This is OLTL where no minorities get a HEA.

Look at DF's exit. I do not see why the heck they couldn't bring back Tika for 1-2 weeks to give both characters a nice little HEA story. I enjoyed Cris and Layla and know many others who did too. Better yet, have Kish be part of bringing them back together and give fans a little update on how their lives are going raising Sierra Rose. This would cost very little and serve as a tribute to Nixon and Gottlieb's visions of diversity.

I really loved Cord and I get Tina fits into this story and they were very popular so I am cool with them coming back. But why exactly are M&M back and not say the Gannons?

A friend attended the event and Flor called the story "absurd." She too told it like it is. She's no mindless cheerleader, thank goodness.

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Why does RC have to destroy one couple just to prop another? It's clear TSJ and FL work well together, and it's clear (sort of) RH and KDP work well together, too (sort of). Can't Blair just reunite w/ Todd, and Tea tell Victor she loves him and not his name?

Say what you will about the similar "Two Romans" plot on DAYS, but at least everyone was satisfied for a while when John chose to remain with Isabella, while Marlena reunited with Roman.

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I don't think RC truly hates either couple. For years we heard 'oh, RC hates and despises Todd and Blair, look at St. Tea.' But people forget that he wrote a pretty good Todd and Blair in 2007 and part of 2008, and he's clearly going to write them with RH now. He got what he wanted - a Todd and Tea variant opposite Todd and Blair - and had TSJ not opted out, he would've kept Victor on the show opposite Tea. What do you think the last three years were? RC lulling Todd and Tea fans into a false sense of security, ready to spring a trap door? Give me a break. He practically coronated the couple in Angel Square. And yet he knew they wanted RH back, he had some form of this story in his back pocket, and he probably knew how it would shake out.

You have to look at this realistically. Either you believe Ron Carlivati 'suffered in silence' writing a couple he "hated" (Todd and Tea, Mark II/Victor and Tea) for three years, or you can believe he genuinely loved them, but still looked at a bigger picture which would involve the return of Roger Howarth and paying off both fanbases. He's a deeply flawed writer but I think the truth about most head writers on soaps is that even when they do have serious biases or preferences - and I think RC certainly had a yen for Todd and Tea over the last couple years and their stories, like Rex's or John's, were often bad and skewed a la Carly and Jason and Sonny's on GH - most head writers are still always looking at the bottom line when it comes to long-term story. Any idiot could see that the best outcome from this SL audience-wise was for each woman to get a Todd. That is exactly what RC is doing. The only reason it's ending so soon is because TSJ opted out and by the time he made himself available the budget was gone and the scripts were done. There is, I suspect, often an emotional distance for most modern soap HWs that people forget. Sometimes that makes it easier for them to write strictly for plot and not character in order to get from Point X to Point Y and Z, and sometimes it makes it easier for them to look at a big picture without thinking "noooo, my couples!" Look at Jared and Natalie. He adored them. But he smoked them without a second thought when the word came down from ABC and has gone full-tilt with John and Natalie since. Same with Brody and Jessica, same with Viki and Charlie.

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