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OLTL Discussion for the week of August 15th

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Y'all are too funny, tryin'a figure out the details. Irene is a crazy bitch, interchangin' her twins like they are a reversible peacoat. She obviously fucked with Tina's mind too. Or maybe Victor Jr. was a hella ugly baby, and Tina thought he was a pitbull. I don't know, and I don't really care. I'm lovin this story.

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I don't think the twin idea is a copout. I just think the explanation is way out there and there are a lot of holes in it but I would guess the overall audience is probably eating it up.

Its probably the most compelling story on a soap since the baby switch on Days a few years back. Sadly its a story they could have played out I think for a long time but its been rushed likely due to the original cancallation and TSJ's departure.

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More of the official story

At Llanfair Irene continues to tell Viki, Todd 1.0 and Todd 2.0 how she transformed her son Victor into her other son Todd, including scarring his face. However, when it came time for Victor to assume Todd's life (and do the agency's bidding), Irene realizes his life was in danger. Mitch was still after Todd. So she came up with the plan to alter Victor, Jr.'s face to resemble Walker Laurence. Todd 2.0 struggles to comprehend what Irene is saying as Irene turns to him with a smile. He is her beloved son, Victor. She then coldly glances at Todd 1.0. And he is the real Todd. (Gee, not hard to see who her favorite is!) Todd 2.0 can't believe it. He appeals to Viki; this is a lie! He knows who he is! Irene reminds Victor that he has been brainwashed by the best. Upset Todd 2.0 demands John arrest Irene. Viki tells Todd 2.0 how sorry she is as Todd 2.0 -- devastated -- says that Victor is not his name. Irene gloats that her plan worked better than she had hoped. Victor convinced everyone he was Walker and when Starr picked up that he was "Todd," he was ready to assume Todd's life. Desperate Todd 2.0 keeps telling Viki it's a lie as Viki tenderly touches his shoulder. Irene praises Todd 2.0 saying he became Todd and helped the agency with all kinds of nasty jobs. Then she does her best Scooby Doo imitation, saying this plan would have worked if John hadn't meddled!

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It was probably the most compelling. Now it's a big fat joke.

This so reminds me of how everyone was praising OLTL for Kish and then RC starts to tie it to the mayoral campaign and another round of Viki vs Dorian which the audience eats up and THEN...

As Cheap21 posted, EPIC fail.

Maybe I'm wrong and the taste of soap fans is really as poor as ABC thinks, but I suspect the ratings start to FALL back down again after this mess sinks in. That's what happened after RC screwed up his serious gay story/mayor story with his campy Dorian fakes being a lesbian crap.

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Some CIA operative!

Unless...she only said RH was Todd b/c she's still intent on Victor, Jr. getting his share of Victor's inheritance. ;-)

I find it fascinating, though, that Irene is so willing to disown Todd based on past behavior, but apparently unwilling to take into account the fact that Peter Manning abused him throughout his childhood. Shouldn't she feel sorry that she allowed Peter to do that to her child? Doesn't she wonder, "If only *I* had raised him in the first place....!"?

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I know nothing lasts forever in soaps but if Bo and Hope fans can have their cake and eat it too, why can't I? tongue.png You're absolutely right, RC is proving that he is no TnT fan. It couldn't be more clear to me than it is now. I started to believe some of those rumors which was the only reason I had any hope for this mess. But it is now clear that it will be Todd & Blaire in the end. I just now pray they don't destroy Tea in the process.

I'm glad FL & TSJ know this is absurd. Where did you see that? I've been wondering what FL thought of this mess. I did read that TSJ told it like it is at his event and love his honesty. Even more props to them now for doing an amazing job with these scenes.

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