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FX: American Horror Story


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It just occurred to me that we still do not know who threw the acid in Cordelia's face. I am beginning to think that it might have been someone who wanted to her develop this second sight that she now has.

I am looking forward to seeing Stevie on Coven. It will be fun!

Another thing, Marie has been successfully destroying that Coven for years, killng off witches, because of Fiona's neglect just as that the Frances Conroy character said. When Zoe becomes the new Supreme, Marie will be in serious trouble.

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That was quite the twist, and I loved it! Angela Bassett owned this eppy! I must've watched that scene with her and Jughead 15 times! It was THAT good!

Misty Day cracks me up. She is very giving and loves life, but screwing with Stevie Nicks is a game changer! I love it!

Wish Frankenboy was gone!

Yeah Ann! Marie will be in trouble unless she can conjure up something against Zoe. She just needs to know what she's dealing with.

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Wow! I was in tears laughing at that, and Angela's delivery could not have been better!

I am super curious as to who threw the acid. Marie has no reason to want to heighten the senses of a witch, and neither does Fiona. I think it was someone from the council who needs a better watch of that house and Fiona.

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I still find this season a fun, campy ride. I think. But it feels more and more like a throwback to season one where they just threw (in a typical Murphy-land way) everything at the screen and much of it added up to nothing -- whereas, by some miracle, I felt last year really did all tie together. AVClub's review of the last episode pretty much sums it up for me. http://www.avclub.com/articles/the-axeman-cometh,105469/

" American Horror Story, like all religious experiences, is best observed by simply letting go of the rational and embracing the tumble into what it means to stick “ir” onto that word. And I’ve been going with the show on that level this season, but something about this episode just added one element too many onto the pile, and some part of me revolted. I love the story of the Axeman, and I love the way that his actual letter to the people of New Orleans about how they need to play jazz to be spared his wrath sounds completely like it was penned specifically for this show (though whether sounding almost exactly like a madman serial killer from 1919 is a compliment to the writing staff is a question best left unexplored). But actually having him wandering around the house and then apparently fulfilling Fiona’s desire for one last great romance before she dies just felt like overkill, and not in the good way the show sometimes embraces it. Plus, there was a secret Ouija board in which he was imprisoned and Cordelia tapping around with a cane and somebody on the staff really wishing they had been responsible for Wait Until Dark, and then all of that intersected in a way that just felt more chaotic than genuinely conflict-filled."

And Lange, who is as ever a joy to watch and I can't begrudge wanting to play this role, is really now just being written a a jazz riff on her character last season.
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The 1919 dialogue was atrocious. When they've done flashbacks before -- in each season -- the dialogue has felt self conscious (it does in present day stuff too) but that makes sense to me on this show, and it doesn't bring me out of the scene. The 1919 stuff was awful. It's starting to feel formulaic too, for a show that thrives on not repeating itself each year -- every season has a past serial killer episode (Killer Santa, the Nurse Killer) who comes back, and this was, to me the most ridiculous of them all.

I disagree with some on Zoe -- while I agree that I still find her actions naive, I have no idea why she suddenly is so confident in what she knows and in her powers. I guess because she killed a few zombies with a chainsaw? I know I should know better, but it seemed a large leap to make over half an episode. But I admit, I was surprised and liked the fact that Josh Hamilton's character turned out to be a witch hunter and not just yet another psycho.

Was anyone else thinking that FrankenBoyfriend was directed to act like Rocky after Frankenfurter created him? All that was missing were gold hotpants, not that I object to Evan Peters' ass. However, if they do a song sequence this year, I really hope they choose anyone but Taissa Farmiga to sing Touch a Touch a Touch Me.

It's forced and I don't get how a spell to send him--as a ghost--out of the Mansion means he can wander in physical form around New Orleans.

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Wow, I am surprised that Queenie turned over LaLaurie to Marie. But honestly, the things that LaLaurie did are indefensible.

Zoe in a dead menage a trois with Madison and Kyle is gross and funny all at once.

Only Fiona can find true love with an ax murderer.

I forgot to mention Zoe killing Spaulding was a shock. I did not think that she had that in her.

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Delphine killing the baby was mild compared to the other things. She left out a lot! Piling feces in a slave's mouth and sewing it shut? Cutting out their body parts, cutting off their manhood. And that was the stuff we saw. All this and yet I found myself feeling sorry for her yesterday :( Next week aint looking too good for her. But I can't wait to see what Miss Marie is cooking up! Angela is eating this sh!t and loving every minute of it. I am enjoying her immensely!

The Coven is in complete chaos, just ripe or Marie's picking! Jughead sitting there with all those weapons? Everything is coming to a head, and I am on pins and needles!

Lol Ann, and Fiona and The Axeman!

Zoe is handling business and appears to be the only one protecting The Coven. Not sure how she got here, but someone needed to step it up.

Hate hate hate Frankenboy. He went from a stunted creature who could not speak to a sex machine? Um yeah, I'm gonna need a flashback to explain this!

How many eppies are left?

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Six more episodes. LaLaurie is a racist sadist. Two episodes she was repulsed by Queenie. Now she wants to be Queenie's best friend. RME. It is too contrived for words. Truthfully, I did not feel a lot of sympathy for her rather concern for Queenie. I think that Marie will turn on her eventually. There seems to be no place for Queenie in this supernatural world.

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