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Guys i've bough Adobe premier and started making automatic captions for the german episodes. That the wonderful @rsclassicfanforever uploded. Then I put them in automatic translation tool and get English subtitles for the episodes. Its not the best but its like 70-80 percent of it is translated. Are you interested for me to upload these srt files? I can just add them so I dont lose them.. but if nobody wants them... thereis no point.  I am doing them since episode 2065 and onwords

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I'm sorry, I can't upload the current episodes anymore.

I just uploaded November 1 to November 15. But the tool I was using to download CBS episodes doesn't work anymore (starting the November 16 episode). The last episode I could download and upload to the vault has the number #8895 (2022-11-15). But #8896 (and the following ones) were impossible to download for me. Really sorry about that. I hope some other angel will be more lucky than me and uplaod these episodes. There is always this Dailymotion channel ( bit.ly/3Vw7Dhv ) but the quality and the sound are awful.


On another note, I had no idea there was a German version of recent episodes (#7800... in the vault). I always thought the last episode dubbed in German was the number #5992. That's when Tele5 stopped showing them in March 2016. I'd never seen anything in German after #5992... until today. Thank you to whoever uploaded them.

And 10000 thank you for the 1994-1995 episodes, the quality is so much better than on Youtube.

Edited by Jennybold1974
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Thank you so much for your tremendous work with uploading these episodes, pity it is the end but they manage to introduce so many blockades all around the web, CBS, videoland, etc. They act fast, I must admit that

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Thank you so much, you are a life savior. One question though. Is episode #36 of the Season 36 the episode #8896  ?


Edit: Okay, now I see. #36 is #8895

1 file for 2 hours , sweet lord,  this is gonna take awhile now ... But there are other ways. Good site, thank you

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#5992 was the last episode to be broadcast on ZDF in June 2011. Tele5 then repeated a bunch of episodes until 2016. This year, pay-tv channel Warner TV Serie bought the rights for new episodes, but they skipped nearly 2000 episodes, starting with #7800. Currently, they are around episode #7950. Also, a new dubbing studio took over, so none of the characters has their old dubbing voice from the RTL/ZDF days (IMO, the new dub is horrible because it sounds very sterile and wooden).

Edited by Huntress
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Ive started to add English subtitles in the Full episodes folder. Episodes provided by @rsclassicfanforever.

I will be adding 10-20 episodes a day... because it takes about 2 hours to make them. I hope you enjoy. Its a way to watch the entire German episodes collection before videoland.

I just added the first 20 - starting with episode 2065 and what follow. We have up to 3400 in german and I will try to transcribe and translate everything. 

I decided to do this that way because I managed to start uploading just the audio in youtube to get the automatic transcription but its very low quality transcription... its like 60-70 percent and I didnt like it. And the other sites that transcribe are so much expensive... they want like 2-3 euro for episode and it's absurd. So Adobe premiere is doing the job perfectly. Weve been watching with the subtitles for 1 day and it's great. Of course its not made by a human and some parts are odd and wrong... but it gets it right most of the time and you understant pretty much everything.

thank you for the site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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you are more then welcome friends! As far as we can download recent episodes from there we can save up space on the Vault for them

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And a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from me! God bless you all and give you health!

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Thank you to you, and whoever uploaded the rest of 2022

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I had the same issue with Y&R also as of November 15 (using yt-dlp). FYI, Pluto TV uploads the new Y&R and B&B episodes a week later and my program doesn't have a problem with those. I actually was always just waiting for your B&B upload cause it was so much easier.  


Thank you! To you, and to @rsclassicfanforever of course. These are really much better than YouTube's! YouTube is just a gibberish of words. These actually have punctuation and look much more professional. Did the program do all this, or did you clean them up yourself? They do look like a human being worked on them. YouTube just translates the words but they don't seem to mark where a sentence begins and ends, so it can be difficult to know who is talking. I'm very curious about this, if you have a tutorial or anything that you used. Did you buy the program or do you pay a monthly subscription?

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Hi there. It was my father that bought it and set it up since I am not good with computers... But working with the program is easy. After I import the file I just pick Text and make an automatic transcription and then save it as a srt file. I then upload all the files in a site that translates them automatically in english. I think it cost about 20 euro a month. I have to ask my father since he added the subscription. Its very easy and here is an article to explain more.

https://www.diyvideostudio.com/how-to-transcribe-audio-in-adobe-premiere-pro/#:~:text=To transcribe the audio in,button to start the process.

If you decide to start doing this too.. maybe we can decide which one of us which episodes transcribes. We can do each a different year.

Its really very good and I tried like 20 paid sites before that and they wanted so much money.... in the end I read in google that I can do it in Premier and asked my father. 

I havent translated from german to english or edited the episodes... if someone has time maybe he could do it. I am ok with the automatic transcription and translation. I get 99 percent of everything and if something is not translated from time to time... my partner tell me what it is.

I will be transcribing and putting english subtitles for every episode after 2065 till 3200. If someone has more in German and uploads I will transcribe them too.



I havent done any editing. The program magically does it.

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Great info, thank you! I will look into this and if I do it, I'll let you know.  I'm always impressed with how this community comes together, is so ingenious and manages to figure everything out. One person uploads, another translates... it's just wonderful. I always have faith that if episodes aren't uploaded for a while, someone will come along and add them. Happy New Year to everyone! I consider everyone here friends. 

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