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OLTL: Discussion for the week of June 13

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LOL! It's just the way they are written. All of them come across as being heartless!! I would never want to encounter a doctor like any of them, always assuming the worst and acting all agitated with someone who is clearly grieving and looking for a sign that things will be ok. Even if things aren't ok you shouldn't be mean about it, show some sensitivity!! Matthew's doctor has no patience and looked like she wanted to kill Nora or something whenever she would get angry over Matthew's condition.

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I forget, does Natalie remember that Brody is not Liam's kid? What does she remember at this point?

And I know she's a lawyer, but WTF to Tea today. She KNOWS Jack's guilty as sin. I mean, I could see trying to get him a lower sentence, I personally wouldn't condone him going to jail, but "innocent until proven guilty" doesn't translate into "let's pretend we're innocent until we can manipulate the law to agree with us."

I don't mind that Rama is having feelings for Cris after being forced into a loveless (sexually, anyway) marriage with Vimal. It makes sense, I like the culture aspect of it, and I'm glad she is at least telling herself she can't kiss him again. What ISN'T working for me is that she's putting all the blame on Cris, not coming forward with the truth (about multiple things), manipulating everyone around her, and Cris is being thrown under the bus for the pairing. It's like the show doesn't know how to not take it TOO far. I'm with Rama...to a point, a point that the show has crossed.

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I was going to do a thread on this but decided no one would want to read it anyway, but...when did the soaps become so crass about organ donation? It's been getting worse and worse and worse over the last 10 years. It's a shame because OLTL had different types of organ donation stories, some better than others, until this occasion when they apparently felt the need to do a "choose your own adventure" version of BJ's heart storyline.

I just hope no one out there watching soaps in the last decade has changed their mind about organ donation because of these stories.

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No Natalie doesnt remember what she heard on the tape.

I dont see what Tea did was wrong. You are right, she IS a lawyer. Its her job to defend and protect her clients and the ultimate representation of that is to get them off, not go for a lower sentence. Theres a reason why she is one of the best defense lawyers in daytime. What was she supposed to do, act like he's guilty? She didnt know exactly what was up, so she needed to act a certain way until she could gather up all the facts. She didnt act much different yesterday than she does with most other cases

What I dont get about Rama is that she's a stupid bitch. She should have just told Vimal that she had a miscarriage or that she jumped the gun when she told him she was pregnant back when he was in jail. Her continuing to lie never made any sense. She knows how to lie, blackmail and work the system to manipulate other people's lives, but is clueless about how to handle her own

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Jessica has no grounds to be mad. Upset..maybe but mad? No. How the heck can she expect Brody and Natalie to keep track of her status quo? The way she's yelling and getting mad, makes me think she's about to let Tess back to do her dirty work :rolleyes:

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