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I don't watch this show, but I just keep wondering if these people really thought getting exposure via this "reality" show was a good idea. FF seems to come off looking worse than she has already. I mean, is there anything positive that has been reported about her? Ever?

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In a world where being drunk, slutty and orange on Jersey Shore gains fame and fortune, I hardly doubt being exposed as a catty bitch will harm Double F's "career." Unfortunately. We've turned the corner in culture where being absolutely despicable brings celebrity -- not ruins it.

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Uggh this show.

for the love of God Kelly Monaco, please stop whining about weddings and your ex boyfriend. It's funny they showed her quickly at the Skateland Premiere which is the same premiere she accompanied her (then?) BOYFRIEND Heath Freeman.

Farah's still a biotch and her little gay buddies are still insufferable but I do agree with her that KS has some major issues going on.

Nadia is still flawless, as is Brandon,

The Gerings really need to be recast if there's a second season because they are duller than mudd.

The fakeness of it all really annoys me.

I miss Fary.

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I remember hearing a rumor that Kirsten and Farah were both good friends with Alexis Thorpe. Farah ended up dating Alexis' ex-boyfriend which caused the inital falling out sometime after Kirsten left DAYS in 2004. A few years later I had read they reconciled for awhile when they had to go to court for something to do with their former landlord from when they were roommates.

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But what happened with them and Alexis? Seems like they both hate her

Also I think the editing is what made us think the "What If" was being attributed to 2008. I think there was like five minutes of conversation cut out between "We haven't talked since 2008" and "JP had to make out with Kirsten." Like they weren't talking and Farah didn't take the opportunity to see or talk to her in 2010 with the filming of the "What If." Then again I'm not sure after seeing the Jenna/Galen blurred TV being touted as Ali/Galen.

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This is the most fake show ever. Fara Fath says they stopped talking because KS kissed JPL in 2008 for a crossover, the crossover happened in 2010. And you just knew the Gering kids are bribed with candy off camera to scream their heads off. The whole conversation about marriage with BB and JPL sounded completely staged considering nothing the show has shown even indicates they know each other. JPL just flew out to california last episode, now he is BB's best friend discussing marriage? Kelly Monaco and her fake relationship drama is completely ridiculous. And if we are to believe this show she just broke up with her toxic 18 yr boyfriend and still is not over it (even though in real life she is) and here comes blabbermouth Nancy Lee Grahn "soooo, when are you getting married?". There is no way she would ask that question knowing how crushed Kelly Monaco is over the ending of this 18 year relationship she is still crying about.

Brandon Beemer is just a perfect catch. Even if he is not perfect in real life, he is perfect on the show, and therefore NB came across as a bit if a nag with her complaints about the iPad (that set him back $700 I imagine) and her nagging about no clothes as if they don't have the money to go to the Gap.

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This isn't anything really but I'm just highly annoyed with how they have B&B put as "The Bold and Beautiful" whenever they put a lower third of Brandon Beemer's name. I just hate that so much, put another "the" in there please!!

Did not like Farah's bitchy, basic gay friend dissing on the Valley dry.png STFU!!

I get Nadia wanted a more sentimental gift but her ungratefulness over that iPad still made me angry a little bit LOL damn!!

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I think Kirsten is still friends with Alexis because she tweeted when she had her baby.

I think the editing got all screwy with this kissing thing. Farah said they hadn't talked since 2008 than started talking about the What if crossover thing. Though I was trying to figure out the timeline for Brandon/Nadia dating. They said 5 years which would of been 2006, I thought they started dating after Nadia returned to DAYS in 2007. I may be entirely wrong about that though.

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