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Actually DialIdol predicted Kat and Elliott as possible B3 with Paris or Kellie going home. They are 85% accurate for the season.

Let's just hope they are correct again this week so the one trick pony Chris will finally be booted. Go Elliott!

Here's the final #s

1-2 Taylor Hicks 29.75

1-2 Elliott Yamin 29.18

3-4 Katharine McPhee 25.62

3-4 Chris Daughtry 25.24

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Really? You think Chris is the best? different strokes I guess lol

IMHO he sings in the same key on every song, no vocal range at all, and he's cocky. Tonight, he took A little Less Conversation and turned it into a sexual camera [!@#$%^&*] song. But, he would be the perfect lead singer for a rock band. :lol:

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I like everyone but Taylor. Kat and Chris have been my faves though but if I had a choice I would let Kat go. Chris going would be a travesty-it would be like the crappy season that was season 3. If I remember after Latoya got voted off the ratings the finale of AI were the lowest for a finale they have had. If Chris gets knocked out I think there will be a similar result.

If dialidol is right, I can't understand how people would find Taylor that good. His little drunken bar dances need to go-I am sick to death of him getting by in this competition on his dancing and "soul patrol" crap. I let it go until now because he is a great performer but its all about the vocals and this guy has not and will not cut it and that is the truth.

GRR if Chris goes tomarrow I am going on a tirade :angry: .

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No way Taylor or Elliot will win this.

Katherine and Chris are more marketable.

I think Chris will win beacuse 'rock is in' again and the Idol producers will want a different kind of winner this season and to make up for Bo Bice losing to Carrie. This year the rocker will win.

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Chris was good last night but actually a little boring. I think Elliot or Katharine will still go, regardless of DialIdol's numbers. Elliot owned that show last night, so he does NOT deserve to go. I'll be so sad to see him eliminated.

I want Katharine to stay too though. She was okay last night. Not fantastic. Taylor did well, I actually really like him now, but he's like Chris, boring in his performances now. Those two look like they are asleep. Katharine and Elliot genuinely look excited and have a good time each week, I can't say that for the other two.

I frankly do not see Chris going, as much as it would thrill the hell out of me. He's a good singer but does NOT need American Idol. He'll have hundreds of offers, so... Elliot or Taylor would benefit the most from winning, IMO.

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It will be so ugly if Chris is voted off tonight!

Some good soap opera like drama that's for sure.

Chris getting voted out tonight would be comparable to a Frankie Frame or Maureen Bauer or Gabrielle Medina write off.

Everyone would just [!@#$%^&*] themselves. The [!@#$%^&*] heard round the world. lol

I think he was the worst singer of the night and he should be kicked off because of it.

Everyone I talk to about American Idol always says Chris will be the winner. For months now I that's all I have heard. I really like him too. I do. But I think he looks and sounds like all the other sheep out there to me.

He is forgettable to me. He would be good in a band. Like a Soundgarden or a Cake...but I see nothing original with the guy. I've seen it all before. I've heard it all before. I swear Chris has sang the same song like 11 times in a row this season.

I really enjoyed Taylor and all his Taylorisims this year.

It shocks me that I say that...but I did. Great voice. Scary to watch at times. Love the guy

I also found Katherine to be very good and unique at times. Very sexy and smart. Love her too.

But I said way back when to all my friends that the final 6 would be Chris,Kat,Taylor,Paris,Elliot and Mandisa (Damn that pickle girl)....

And the winner would be Elliott.

Everyone was like all "eww" and whinny about it. But I have stuck to my choice for months now.

My boy Elliott has grown and blossomed into an excellent performer. He has really been working hard and kept his game going strong. I love his style of singing. His voice moves me...not in a Paula "You Moved Me" kind of way...but I feel his music. Elliot's CD will be the first American Idol related CD I have ever bought.

I like Kelly and Fantasia but I have no desire to buy their music.

What happened to all the Rufus Wainwrights? The Bob Dylans? I'm not saying Elliott is in that league but more like that those guys are not the normal type of artist. I want something unique in my winner this year. I don't want another blandness marketable walking and talking plastic sheep action figure. All together now. Bhaaa. Bhaaa. (Like RENT's Jump Over the Moon) Enough is enough!

I remember thinking to myself "that Amish looking guy has something there" back at the start of all this. I still think that...except the Amish part. He looks pretty good now. He looks good with the goatee and a good hair cut. Never use a salad bowl to cut your hair. lol

What makes him really hot is that the guy is humble and seems very genuine and down to earth.

He is what an American Idol winner should be. If he doesn't bring home the win I will still see him as the winner. He is a great find I think.

Didn't that nerd kid Clay Akin lose...but still seem like he won? If that piece of [!@#$%^&*] can 'win' (yes Claymates, that piece of poop) then Elliot should be able to have a long and successfull career road ahead of himself.

Go Elliott!

omg! I just thought of E.T. and how he says Elliott.

I'm gonna have to now chant and annoy the hell out of some of my friends with that E.T. voice if Chris gets his walking papers tonight. And I'll make sure to bring a roll a toilet paper for it all.

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I picked Chris from the auditions and I actually have always picked the correct winner early on and stuck by them. Elliott has always been my second favorite even though I never thought America would vote him this far. But as the season has gone on, Elliott has gotten better and Chris has gotten worse in a way. He has picked up some of Ace's staring into the camera and his choices have been a bit off. I thought last night both his songs could/should have been better. It's almost like he's tired of Idol.

I'm still rooting for a Chris/Elliott final and hope it's Kat that leaves tonight.

But if it comes down to that, I may be rooting for Elliott in my heart because I think he would benefit the most from winning it all.

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I feel the same way. I know it may sound childish and I know we have to vote but there is something wrong with the system of Katherine doesn't get the boot tonight, she was the worst of all of them. If Chris, whom I think should win this thing, goes home then IDOL just blows and it would prove that season five had to have been the nail in the coffin because the show is not producing what it set out to. If Katherine wins this thing then it would be worst. Katherine is good but she is not the best and the last thing the show needs is another Kelly Clarkson.

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There are talented people who get passed over every day in the world for less talented. But singing talent is very subjective, at least with these four. I know people who love all four so who is right and who is wrong? America has to decide. No matter who your favorite is, if they don't connect with America as much as someone else, they won't win, regardless of talent.

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Agreed on all accounts. Taylor is good when he isn't acting like a drunken fool. Too bad he is 9 out of 10 times. He stinks. This is coming from someone who used to love him.

I was hoping that. Chris is probably the only person whose CD I'd ever buy from any Idol season. But dialidol.com is almost never wrong.

And there is *ALWAYS* a huge upset in the final four week!

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I would love to see the vote totals from every week for the top votegetters. It would probably give us a lot of insight on trends and how popular someone like Taylor really is. I kept hearing about Pickler being incredibly popular but then two bad weeks and she was out.

Has anyone else played Taylor Pac-man yet?


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This is interesting...


This was written yesterday so I don't know what this means. Either AI knows Elliot will go out no matter what since he was far behind the others in votes the last few weeks or something or someone is being an idiot and just guessing. I know Kat and Chris always do well in text message votes so I wouldn't knock one of those two out yet. If there is any justice Taylor will go and that would be a shock too and would make me very happy.

If Chris goes tonight you will be seeing me venting here tonight :angry: .

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