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Ah.  God.  Those years and those stories have become one big blur.


It was so ridiculous to believe that a baseball player/underwear model was also involved in a far-right/white supremacist organization.  Might as well have been an international spy.  And from what I remember, Chris Beetem was actually PISSED about the change in his character.

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Because, although he had played major league baseball, Tate Harmon was, in fact, blind as a [!@#$%^&*] bat.



I thought so, too, but I've since read somewhere that can't-see-for-[!@#$%^&*] Tate actually didn't know.


I don't recall Rex "outing" Tate, but I do recall they recreated Tom Cruise's infamous jumping-the-couch moment on "Oprah" when Tate talked about how much he loved Adriana.



The last two running simultaneously WAS bad.  But, you know, I don't think it would've been bad if OLTL had gradually become another EON.  


Not that this means anything, but Wikipedia says Tate used Adriana as a cover.  So, I have no idea.  I've read she was a cover, and I've read she wasn't.  Guess that's what I get for just following the show on-and-off through SOD and other magazine summaries.

Edited by Khan
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Maybe he had hoped that Tate would become so popular that they'd change their plans?  Plus, he was probably still smarting from how his previous stint at ATWT had turned out.  

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I will say I woulda taken years more of Malone/Griffith crazy (and awful)-ness over the bulk of Higley--at the least I had fun trying to figure out exactly WHAT they were trying to do, and on some level appreciate the ambition (though I have to wonder if some of the Gothic-ness was cribbed from their bible for 13 Bourbon Street like reportedly some of Malone's AW was). 

Ha I forgot about the Love Crew specifics and yes Shannon!  Wow.  And then of course Mark returned because I guess they needed to reuse their token gay for the Colson story (?) and not a new one--cuz, y'know, that shows Higley knows how to write soap.

However, I will argue one of your points.  I actually thought The Killing Club wasn't... half bad (yes, I read it--to my credit I picked it up in the remainder bin on a whim).  It's credited in the small print as being written by Michael Malone based on an idea by Josh Griffith--and Malone obviously knows how to write mystery novels, so that probably explains it.  The irony is the OLTL show's story with the murders based on Marcie's story (I can't even remember who the killer on the show was) has virtually NO relation to the novel. Like even the way that the victims are murdered is different.  I assume Higley just decided to do her own mystery and in the show claim it was connected to this book viewers could buy?

Edited by EricMontreal22
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I think all the stuff from Bourbon Street, etc. is just intrinsic to Malone. He was doing past life Greek/pirate fantasy flight of fancy with Tina, Cord and Luna as early as October 1991, followed by ghost Megan's midsummer night's dream the next spring. (And I don't mind Malone's whimsy and fantasy in moderation, even in some excess, but there was the '90s stuff and then there was 2003-2004.) And yes, anything was better than Higley. But woo boy, what an unforgettable mess!


I'd actually still have welcomed Malone as a consultant at a new OLTL - just a consultant. He can't be allowed to be a HW without massive smart oversight and a strong team in place.



IIRC a Killing Club tie-in was mandated from the start when ABC commissioned the book, but Malone was gone by the time it kicked off. Higley got the job based on her one sentence pitch to Frons: "Jessica has DID". Beyond that she never wrote long story or bibles, which drove Frank Valentini nuts. She was apparently a nightmare to work with everywhere she's ever been.

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Again, dude was stupid. It was obvious Tate was the OPP MVP!

At the time I thought the story was laughable - the acronym (every last lady!), the plotline, the idea that a major celebrity athlete would be a closet white supremacist terrorist. Today, with the rise of the alt right and many pro athletes and TV stars being unmasked as sympathizing with that fringe on social media, it's actually unnervingly plausible. But the One Pure People storyline was very poorly done - and could use a do-over.

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Completely agreed about a consultant.

Higley doesn't seem like she has the forethought to plan long term stories, so that doesn't shock me.  I just assume if Malone had stuck around he might have actually put some effort into making the Killing Club story as seen on the show have *some* relation to the novel.

Out of some masochistic urge I googled the Love Project and found some fansite that has praise for the story and a few pics (though this seems to be written just as the story started)  http://frostbitten4.tripod.com/id41.html

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