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I can't help but wonder what a Gabrielle/Max/Luna triangle would have been like--THAT would have been the REAL triangle, more than Luna/Max/Blair or Gabrielle/Max/Blair, and the fan wars might have even put the T&Bers vs. TnTers to shame.

I always think if Max & Gabrielle had ever truly gotten back together, Gabrielle probably would have asked him how he felt about her now compared to Luna, and if he would have gone back to her if Luna hadn't been killed, Because you know she would be thinking about this, and it's a legitimate question, too.

I do remember, back in 2002, when Roxy was trying to endear herself to Max, Max saying in a scene to Al that Luna was the true love of his life, but it didn't mean that he didn't love his mother--he did, but it was different.

Um...Backhanded compliment, much?

Who's to say they would have been together much longer if she hadn't been killed, anyway?

I know Luna fans/Max & Luna fans might have found that insulting if Max ever verbalized that, but again, I think it's a legitimate question.

Edited by MissLlanviewPA
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At times I feel like Stephen Schnessel (?) was the main person who "got" Gabrielle. She had some extremely complex, strong writing in 88-89 which Fiona played beautifully. After this Gabrielle seemed to start going way off track as a character - for instance, the idea of her pursuing Cord, then sabotaging Max's newspaper business, and other stunts. I guess this wasn't any more ludicrous than the time she spent with Michael Grande wearing Dial H for Hero outfits, but it seemed like around 1990 her stories became more and more about plot.

I do wonder what Gottlieb/Malone would have done with her - there was no one like her on the show at that time. It's like one part of her character went to Mia Korf's Blair and the other part went to Alex.

Edited by CarlD2
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That's the impression I get, too--I haven't seen every single clip of her from the late 80s, but even just based on the coffee table book, it DOES seem like she was too much of a villainess by late 1990 (even if you argue that thinking she lost Max in that car crash had her turning against God, and getting him back only made her more protective to the point that her moral compass was all but gone) --and she was really an anti heroine at heart. The baby switch storyline, I think, showed the true essence of what her character was. I think some of it was still there during her second stint, too, but some would say she became too nice. So, I'm not sure.

It does seem like some of her personality went to Blair, and one can even argue the more innocent side from the Argentina days went to Luna. Almost as if Max went after two women who had two sides of one particular woman--and if that one particular woman had shown up with both those women around (or at any other time), they would have been afterthoughts very quickly (which is essentially what happened when she returned in 2001--even when Max rejected her later for her part in Asa's scheme, I don't think he ever really stopped loving her up to when he left town for good--I think their friendship in 2003 says it all on his part).

Edited by MissLlanviewPA
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