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AMC Tribute Thread


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I uploaded some AMC which includes the following (and more):

Thanksgiving & Christmas of '87
Angie tells Cindy she has AIDS
Nina tells Cliff she married Matt while he was "dead"
Some of Natalie's rape trial
Erica gives birth to Bianca
Julie and Ross land an airplane hijacked by Creed
Natalie kills Silver and Palmer finds the body
Stuart/Cindy's wedding

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Edited by ghfan89
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Love the beauty shot at the end.

This makes me sad for what Brooke and Adam became later on. She's so genuinely happy to see him and they actually talk about feelings and emotions. He's actually trying to change as a person.

Great to see Louise Shaffer and Charles Keating.

The part where Travis closes the dead bodyguard's eyes is a little chilling.

Love Erica spending her scenes trying to help zonked out Silver, then getting out of there while she still can. (poor Susan struggling to get that grating on). Is it me or is Susan's hair longer than usual here?

Silver seems so wan. I wonder if she was any better when she wasn't being hypnotized.

Was that guy with Jeremy supposed to be someone they were bringing in?

Lisa Eichhorn is terrific as Elizabeth. She makes me feel so much for the character and her struggle. I wish they'd kept her around.

So Angie and Jesse were separated? Why?

I guess this is before Cindy found out she had HIV. Ellen Wheeler was always so good at sweet, simple emotion and performance.

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Those are some of the best scenes between Brooke and Adam... what Lorraine Broderick wanted to get back to when they reunited... which I think she did. PPs hinted at the emotions that existed, but more unspoken given DC's limitation on set.

Is this the earliest material you have?

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I'm not sure about the guy with Jeremy, but I think Jesse and Angie separated over Jesse killing Angie's father. Thanks for watching and commenting on the episode. Fun read.

Well that material starts around Thanksgiving (end of November). I posted one of the two I have from October, and I also have another one in November as well as one from April. But, pretty much, yes. Are you looking for anything in particular?

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Thank you. Another beauty shot. This one sums up the importance of those types of shots - they add to the story in a quiet way (Natalie checking everything in her apartment, clearly worried about being attacked).

I think they missed a trick by writing out Silver so soon after this (was that always the plan or was that the strike?). She's terrifying in those scenes before and during her talk with Natalie. She's able to play the scared victim yet show us the malice underneath.

So Ross also left some brokenhearted woman behind in Pigeon Hollow (a la Palmer)? Were they talking about Elizabeth, Julie's mother? I think they said "Hope."

The guy who wants revenge against the Chandlers is a little too obvious in his evil-ness, but he's genuinely frightening.

Even with all the scummy things he did I can see why Ross was popular. Bob Gentry is very strong in the role.

I love the Donna/Natalie friendship. It just works, somehow.

Was the woman flirting with Travis some type of Barbara prototype? Oh wait, Barbara was already on the show. I guess she reminds me of Barbara, somehow. I wonder where they were going with her. The whole "red meat" conversation with Jack was amusing. I thought she was going to jump his bones.

The woman playing Ross' therapist looks so familiar to me. Is that Donna Murphy? Either way I'm pretty sure she had a bit role on AW not long after this.

Thank you again. This is actually better than I'd expected. I guess the worst of the strike started in summer.

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I think Silver would have been a good off/on villian. Or maybe even be a contrast character the same way Staurt was to Adam. She could have been "Mature" Erica that tried to keep "Bratty" Erica in check.

Can you give me some idea on what happened during the writers strike? I only know they halted the Stuart/Cindy story.

Edited by allmc2008
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People who were watching will know more.

As far as I can remember, the main stories were Silver's death and the coverup, and then Jesse being shot to death (which supposedly Agnes Nixon was not happy about - I guess Darnell wanted to leave but that wasn't what she had planned for his exit).

There are some clips at Chip Albers' channel which seem to be around the time of the strike, where his character (who later, post-strike, ran down Laura Cudahy while drunk driving) is flirting with Cecily, who uses him to try to help her out. They're sometimes joined by Hillary, whom I hadn't even realized was still on the show at that point. (I guess she left soon after) One clip had a hot fantasy of him with Cecily.

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