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It wasn't Linden House that burned down. In 1998/1999 or so, Erica sold Linden and bought an ornate Victorian mansion in the center of town. It was supposedly a house she'd passed walking home from school as a child, and she thought it was lovely and that it was the sort of house she wanted to have someday when she was rich and famous, so when it came up for sale, she bought it. This was after Mike Roy came back, and she had to choose between them - she chose Jack but slept with Mike one last time, and when Jack realized that, he dumped her. Then Jack's sister returned from the dead and claimed that she'd been raped by Ryan Lavery, and Erica and Jack were butting heads because she wanted him back but was insistent that Kit was lying about Ryan raping her because Ryan wouldn't do that. Ryan's brother, Braden, was the guilty one.

Erica moved into the Victorian, and she lived there during her relationship with David Hayward, the start of her relationship with Chris Stamp, and during Bianca's coming out. Leo also lived there with her. It was that house that Trey burned down.

I *think* so, but I'm not sure. I haven't seen that particular scene online.

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<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/n66vSsgUFMw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Brooke and Adam's 2002 affair starting. I think there were so many great things about these scenes.

I especially love Brooke telling Adam exactly what his problem is and his reaction.

Adam: You're mean when you drink.

Brooke: You're mean when you're sober.

I don't think AMC circa 2000-2004 was necessarily better than AMC of the 1990s, but God, the show really went downhill after 2004 or so.

Um... it was an absurdly ornate set. The living room was kind of yellow, I think, and for a while there was a life-sized portrait of Erica in a white evening gown above the fireplace. Erica's bedroom was a kind of pinkish/purplish color.

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His accent annoyed me, and just the whole stereotype of him. I don't think Erica ever needed the story of the "common" man who would take her down a few pegs. Then making him a secret agent, which was dull, as any spy capers have been on soaps since the Cold War ended.

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Yeah, the Phantom of the Soap Opera s/l was years after Mona's death.

The remodeled Linden debuted the day Erica came back from a business trip and discovered Mona, who had been house-sitting, had passed away in her sleep. I don't believe Erica ever sold the house. I remember her last scene there, she turned before heading out the door and cheerfully said, "Bye bye Linden!", as in "Bye for now" as she had closed down the house before to move in with her husband of the moment.

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I thought the Bianca story was good, but nothing else worked for me, although I didn't watch on a daily basis. I mostly just remember a lot of Greenlee tantrums and that boring Alex story. Was this when they had Adam get a pie in the face?

I did like the reunion between Stuart and Marian.

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It's interesting, watching the late May 1993 episode. For some reason I thought that Kendall was on the outs with Erica from the time Erica learned Kendall was her daughter. I never knew there was a point where she was sort of trying to accept Kendall. I also never knew she was estranged from Mona at this time. I like the scene where Erica tells Dimitri that she rarely sees Bianca and every time she sees her again, they're strangers.

The whole story with Tad/Brooke doesn't do a lot for me, as it's so obvious they are just stalling until he can reunite with Dixie, but I did enjoy her scenes with Phoebe. It's kind of sad though seeing Phoebe lose a lot of her fire as she mostly becomes a supporting character. At least Ruth Warrick still brought her own personality and the bond between Brooke and Phoebe holds up well.

How was the "whiteface" story with Taylor received at the time? Ingrid Rogers did a good job with the voice. The makeup looks like when Jennifer Landon played Cleo on ATWT. Not the best. I kept thinking the white supremacist looked like Michael Weatherly...

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