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8/8/89 Digest. John Kelly Genovese review.

ALL MY CHILDREN Does What the Others Do - Only Better

Acting A-

Storytelling A-

Romance B

Innovation A

ALL MY CHILDREN brings to mind a quote from big band critic George Simon about the Tommy Dorsey orchestra. He stated that "other [dance bands] may have sounded more creative, swung harder and more consistently or developed more distinct styles, but of all the hundreds of well-known bands, Tommy Dorsey's could do more things better than any other could." ALL MY CHILDREN is the Tommy Dorsey of soap operas.

Certainly ALL MY CHILDREN's winning formula has been giving "something for everyone." It keeps the entire cast in sight throughout the year, with few "front burner/back burner" distinctions. AMC can always be counted on to provide at least one star-crossed young couple planning to escalate their romance when they go to Pine Valley University - a coveted institution they choose over Yale, Stanford or Oxford for the sake of true love. There are usually a few hot triangles based more on truly confused feelings rather than on standard soap trickery. There is also frequently a crime story, which is usually less violent than the DAYS OF OUR LIVES bloodbaths and less convoluted than AS THE WORLD TURNS's labyrinthine mystery epics. Of course, AMC has character humor - but nothing so broad as to obscure overall dramatic intent. (if DAYS's Calliope had lived in Pine Valley, she would've been somewhat soft-pedalled and assimilated into "normal" society by now.) If this description implies that AMC assumes a comfortable middle ground, it is not meant to. This show has taken plenty of chances - chances based on reality, not fanciful sci-fi flashtrash.

The AIDS story involving Cindy (Ellen Wheeler) may not have addressed homosexual issues, but its central aspect was no less controversial - the threat posed to AIDS victims by panicked townspeople who react in the manner of right-wing terrorists. More importantly, this story was a compelling and emotional trial that forced a large group of characters to interact - the stuff of a good soap. Until recently, AMC had been deficient in creating that ripple effect - the natural, gradual involvement of otherwise unrelated characters in a story line. With that element in place, a good show has become downright rich.

Wealthy, neurotic Palmer Cortlandt (James MItchell) has never been this well employed as a catalyst. He is the force behind Marissa (Nancy Addison) in her plot to bust up Natalie and Jeremy Hunter (Kate Collins and Jean LeClerc). He is a major threat to David Rampal (Trent Bushey) in his budding romance with Melanie (Paige Turco), the niece Palmer loves a bit too much (a la daughter Nina). He salivates at the repercussions of niece Dixie's (Cady McClain) marriage to and pregnancy by Adam Chandler (David Canary) - the bane of Palmer's existence. And he nearly had heart failure when he learned of ex-son-in-law Cliff's (Peter Bergman) engagement to black Angie Hubbard (Debbi Morgan).

Other delicious characters are coming full circle as well. The ambivalent Ross Chandler (Robert Gentry) may replace his uncle Adam as a force to keep Brooke and Tom (Julia Barr and Richard Shoberg) apart. Fun-loving Tad Martin (MIchael E. Knight) has turned detective (who would've tought?) and become Dixie's unlikely knight in shining armor. And Dixie's connection with Tad has brought parents Joe and Ruth closer to the Chandler/Cortlandt escapades, the meat of the story.

After a touch-and-go period - no doubt hindered by the writers' strike - AMC is rediscovering its historically popular emphasis on couples. Tad and Dixie, along with David and Lanie, are heating up Pine Valley's summer. Ironically, the one hot young pair the show had a few months ago - Julie (Lauren Holly) and Nico (Maurice Benard) - may be destined to grow even more tepid. Their good girl/bad boy combination was endearing, but Benard really comes to life in his hilarious marital arrangement with Cecily (Rosa Nevin), the most sympathetic spitfire schemer since AS THE WORLD TURNS's Lisa. NIco and Cecily appear to be slated for a short stay in the spotlight, but perhaps the producers should rethink this. They're a dynamic pair, who could add excitement to the show.

A great-looking couple, Susan Lucci and Larkin Malloy (Erica and Travis) are popular with fans. Their characters share a great history - not to mention a child, Bianca. Unfortunately, Travis' tryst with his saucy ex, Barbara (Susan Pratt), indicates that that attraction may never be a closed case. Meanwhile, Erica is being entertained by brother Jackson, who appears to have more of a conscience, more dependability. The character is also beginning to take on more of actor Walt Willey's marvelous sense of humor. Aren't these the qualities Erica really needs at this stage of her life, after two decades of revolving-door marriages and affairs? Indeed, Erica and Jackson have the potential to become Pine Valley's most enduring and least boring couple. But what would happen if they marry? Would it last?

Seemingly, no one under the age of fifty remains happily married for more than two minutes on ALL MY CHILDREN. For a show with as many riveting stories and fascinating characters as this one, this is a sad commentary. Mark and Ellen (Mark LaMura and Kathleen Noone) looked promising, then they left the show. Donna and Benny Sago (Candace Earley and Vasili Bogazianos) embodied earthy, working-class stability, then Benny went back to class stability, then Benny went back to gambling and dumped Donna for a gambling good-luck charm. Jeremy and Natalie had a beautiful wedding one day, encountered Marissa's machinations the next, without skipping a beat.

Of course, a story can't stagnate, but certainly it can settle once in a while. It would be possible - not to mention responsible storytelling - to present a younger couple who is almost as solid as Joe and Ruth (Ray MacDonnell and Mary Fickett), and as funny as Phoebe and Langley Wallingford (Ruth Warrick and Louis Edmonds). This is the only area where AMC is sorely lacking.

It doesn't lack in the casting department. Julia Barr as Brooke is as commanding a heroine as one can find. Richard Shoberg never allows Tom's good-guy steadiness to become weak. Alan Dysert (slimy Sean Cudahy) and Michael E. Knight play the mischievous rogues, and ought to be given more opportunities to be at odds with one another. The ever-popular Susan Lucci has never been more beautiful, vulnerable and mature, and her dialogue (which in the past has resembled caricature) is now on par with her talent. David Canary is frightening as Adam and totally winning as twin-brother Stuart. Ellen Wheeler (Karen, formerly Cindy) continues to approach Canary's dual-role range, as she had previously on ANOTHER WORLD (she played twins Vicky and Marley), and would be a super match for Robert Gentry's marvelously murky and intense Ross. Eileen Herlie (Myrtle Fargate) and Elizabeth Lawrence (Myra Sloan) carry off their supporting roles with GOLDEN GIRLS gusto. James Mitchell is, simply, a star. One cannot look away from the TV when the bellowing, manipulative Palmer is on.

As far as youth is concerned, no other soap (save AS THE WORLD TURNS) can claim as many gifted young performers. They not only look nice, but they can act - a rarity. Maurice Benard is a natural; no posing or Marlon Brando mannerisms here. Lauren Holly has grown beautifully from a teen to a promising young heroine. Trent Bushey and Paige Turco make David and Melanie this show's sweetest young couple since Greg and Jenny of several years ago.

But the real upstarts appear to be Rosa Nevin and Cady McClain. Nevin is 110 percent energy, her line delivery never predictable. She's feisty, daring and a ceaseless pleasure to behold. McClain can more than hold her own in scenes with David Canary - not an easy task. She's unswerving as the God-fearing, repentant Dixie, while at the same time, you want to put your arms around her and assure her everything is all right; she has that special vulnerability.

ALL MY CHILDREN is, essentially, a well-produced package with a top-notch cast and stories to please every segment of its audience. Once it has settled on all of its key couples and struck a better balance in this area, it literally will have everything going for it for the first time in ten years. By all indications, that day is soon to arrive.

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I can see why, to a point, as most of the characters Palmer loved most were going or gone, and this gave him a new story (falling in love with someone unexpected) and some conflict as he hated Tad and Opal was Tad's mother.

I do think they were married too long, and it led to stories which didn't serve the character (as Mitchell well knew), like the Chicken Shack.

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Thanks for that link.

Here's two of April 1995, close to SMG's end run as Kendall. Was McTavish gone by this time?

What was that shootout in Noah's apartment? It looks very dramatic. This must have been a "thing" on ABC soaps at this time, as the Spencer home was gunned down not too long before this.

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Edited by CarlD2
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McTavishs' name still appears first in the first episode you posted. The second one doesn't have credits, though wiki says McTavish was replaced with Nixon sometime in April (don't know how reliable it is though).

Edited: I looked up some closing credits around this time on youtube. The April 27, 1995 episode still lists McTavish but by the May 5, 1995 episode she is gone from the credits and Hal Corley is listed.



Edited by ghfan89
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I remembered that some felt McTavish was there in name only for the end of her 97-99 tenure, so I wondered if it was the same here.

The scene where Laurel gets a telegram from Jack saying gee, it's OK, here's your divorce, have a good life, seems tacked on. I wonder if there was initially going to be more of a battle, and it was dropped.

What did you think of Corvina?

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I'm bored enough to look too closely at the credits on the April 24 episode and I see that Cecily has much longer hair. When did she cut it? Her hair by this time (and which she kept for most of her second run) aged her about ten years.

Did you prefer this jazzier theme to the more solemn one in the April 4 episode?

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There could've been rewriting at this point, I have no idea, it sounds like it. Wasn't a fan of Corvina. I lost interest in the Marricks after their initial story with Helga/Hugo was over.

She had shoulder length hair (as seen below about a minute until the clip) when she first came back but kept getting it cut. By that summer she had the really short hair, which I agree didn't do her any favors.

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I like the solemn one but I can see why they changed it to something more energetic.

Edited by ghfan89
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Do you know if McTavish started the story with Arlene's return?

I was surprised by the choice to actually make flashbacks of Hayley and Arlene, around the time Harry died. I wasn't quite sure what was going on, if Harry was ill and Arlene neglected him, or if Arlene accidentally killed him, or what. The story was beyond Kelly Ripa (I kind of laughed at the scene where she stumbled out of the room with her mouth open), but otherwise, it was very meaty material, very well-acted and tough, a good use of history. I much prefer Hayley before Mateo showed up.

I guess this was when they were going to do the bomb story that was rewritten at the last minute due to Oklahoma City. What was that with Janet and Tad? Was she in love with him at one time?

I was never a fan of the needy side of Brooke, but her scenes with Adam in this episode were really good, some of their best. I'm not sure why AMC chose to avoid another reconciliation at this point, especially since Adam went on to spend almost two years without any real story.

I can kind of see why they replaced this Taylor, but I still hate the recast.

Also hate Del judging Kendall into being a "nice" person. They did that with Jake and Liza a few years later.

I think it was a mistake to make Cecily a good person. There's a real smugness to her which would have been more balanced if she were scheming or bitchy. You can see that in this episode. The only time I actually liked her in her last run was in one of the summer episodes when Laura hitched a ride with her and she was trying to get Laura help.

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